4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1530: Missing person

"Is that right……"

Scholars, I learned a lot from the robbers just recently.

They are now in a hidden engineering location, which is located near the virtual world.

Until recently, it was said that the project had to be merged with other engineering sites, so it needed to be revealed from the hidden state, which caused an effect similar to the 'earthquake' to the surrounding void.

However, the plan for the merger of the project seems to have been cancelled, and the project site has returned to hiding.

However, even if it only shows it, it has caused some special effects. For example, let the worms disappear, and the worms are entangled in hidden places, and now scholars are also.

They are all 'involved' in this place.

"Since this is a hidden project site, why are we not seeing a lot of buildings without any creatures, but a city of virtual people?" Scholars asked the robbers.

"They are missing." The robbers said: "The descendants of the missing."

Scholars wonder: "You mean..."

"Yes!" said the robbers: "You should also know... In the history of the development of the virtual world, all kinds of mysterious disappearances have never stopped."

"A lot of disappearances have not been investigated for a long time, even if they have been investigated for a long time. Those people are like folk evaporation... disappeared without a trace, mainly because..." The robber stopped and said: "Yes! This is mainly because... the body was not found."

The robbers said: "There are many missing incidents, which are the reasons for not finding them in time. In fact, the people have not disappeared at all, but they have died somewhere."

"However, there are a few missing incidents that are really missing." The robbers said: "Some people have come to another strange place, when it opens their eyes... It finds itself in a basement!"

“Every day I suffer from all kinds of torture and abuse. Finally, the murderer smashed its body into the sewer... This has become a case of disappearance that cannot be investigated!” The robber yelled: “There is...”

"..." The scholar said: "Are you not quite normal? Or is the movie too much?"

"I am normal." The robbers said: "I just want to eat omelettes, I really want to eat... But seriously, there is indeed a little bit. A small part of the disappearance is a real disappearance. The people found themselves coming. Another world, this place! This place!"

The screams of the robbers made the streets outside the imaginary people look into the alleys. The scholars immediately walked into the corner of the corner: "Well, I know, you want to say that the virtual people here are Some missing people have come here and then produced descendants?"

"Right right, you are very smart..." The robbers said: "There may be only a few, but they have worked hard to survive and established the city...and established their own city!"

"But in this case, how can the city be like the outside?" The scholar said: "There should be a big difference, and how did they start to survive?"

"What do you know!" said the robbers: "This is a... oh... weird place! The way the virtual people here develop is exactly the same as...the outside! I don't know what's going on!"

"..." Scholars have discovered it just now. There are some problems with the robbers. It feels like... drunk.

Occasionally normal, and occasionally there are some unusual feelings, although the robbers were originally compared... weird, but now it feels like a teacher is really not normal.

Moreover, scholars have found that the robbers are still unable to communicate remotely. Some parts may be damaged inside. The scholars have said this. The robbers say that they are normal and not damaged. Some biological anomalies may be remotely controlled. .

In short, it is weird, and scholars feel that they may have to fix it.

In fact, scholars are not very clear whether this robber is a creature in the distance, or is it thinking?

However, the robbers at least said the general situation here.

Knowing that this is a hidden place in the project, then try to go out, because scholars have found that it can't be connected outside.

In short, you have to find a way to contact, and at the same time... explore here.

Thinking, the scholar left the alley and walked to the street again.

Scholars have found a lot of people's questions, most of them ignore scholars until they use a method... that is, they are learning intelligent machines, to understand the specific situation here.

Soon, the scholars got a response, and a kind-hearted people told the scholars about the city.

The city was built a long time ago, but the specific time is not clear. It is said that no one knows how long it has been built. In short, it is now a city with about 10 million people, and there are dense outside the city... ... 'Original Forest'.

In the virgin forest, there are many animals or animals. They occasionally enter the city to cause some conditions. At this time, they need to contact the wildlife arresters to arrest them.

Most of the resources in the city come from the forest outside, from the outside to obtain raw materials and then processed in the factory in the city, followed by food and everything needed for life.

Except for some special occupations that go outside to collect resources, such as hunters, the virtual people of this world and the virtual people in the world of virtual people are almost the same.

Whether it is entertainment or knowledge, or culture, it is almost exactly the same as the virtual people outside.

The world that has been covered by the city outside is normal, but the city built in this jungle feels very strange.

But the residents did not seem to feel strange, until the scholar pointed at the sky and asked him: "You have not... try to fly to the void?"

"Void?" The virtual people looked up and suddenly said with a puzzled voice: "Yeah, we... never flew up."

After talking for a while, the scholars found that although this people have all kinds of knowledge about the void... but in fact, they have never seen the void and have never seen the starry sky.

However, they do not seem to be completely unaware of this problem.

The imaginary people told the scholars that some aircraft had been fired before. They had been flying to the heights of the darkness, but the aircraft did not have an audio message at the end, and it seemed to have disappeared. Slowly, the people had forgotten it.

After the scholar heard the news, it decided... Find an aircraft to fly up and see. (To be continued.)

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