4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1531: Fly out

This is also a somewhat different place from the original virtual world.

In this city, there is almost no aircraft in the air, only the vehicles on the ground come and go, compared to the virtual city on the cue ball, it seems more... deserted.

But there are still some places like airports here.

Scholars have now reached the entrance of a building called the airport.

This is a huge, white, domed building that is said to be parked at the top of the building.

However, scholars are currently experiencing some minor problems, that is... it does not have the currency here to fly on the aircraft.

I asked the passers-by before, and the coins used here are also virtual coins, but they are somewhat different from the outside style. For example, there is no Atlan's pattern behind the currency.

In any case, the scholars decided to take an aircraft and then fly out of the city to a farther place to see the specific situation of this 'hidden place' and find ways to leave or talk outside.

Because it can't interrupt the connection with this mechanical body now, so there is no way to contact it outside... Maybe trying to kill can be interrupted, but scholars don't want to try it, so...

"Fission omelet! One of nine pieces of nine virtual coins! Come and buy!"

"I want to eat omelet!" Suddenly, the scholar found that the robbers on his shoulders jumped and quickly ran to a hawker on the street.

"Come back! Go away!" The scholar looked at the hawker and followed a three-wheeled car. There was a metal plate on the car. There were a lot of omelettes on the metal plate. There were many robotic arms around. These omelettes are being fried constantly.

"Come for me! Give me food!" The robbers jumped around the car, and the vain hawker looked at it with amazement: "This...what are you?"

"I want to eat!" The robber screamed and jumped directly into the car, biting a piece of fried egg and swallowing it, and then it made a series of '咔咔咔咔' sounds rolled to the ground. Not moving.

"Well..." The scholar immediately ran over and picked up the robbers and looked at it. It seemed that the something that the robbers had been eaten was stuck... It seems that it did not have a feeding system.

“Is this thing yours?” The hawker next to the scholar said to the scholar: “It’s here, you have to pay me!”

"..." The scholar ignored it, but directly opened the flight system and flew to the sky with a bang, leaving the shocked hawker.

The scholar looked at the robbers in his eyes, as if it had been completely smashed, and the robbers were not normal. It was said that it was... drunk, now it’s like a nerve, but I will fix it later. Thinking, the scholar hangs the robbers at the waist and fixes them.

Scholars have now flown above the airport building, and on the vast tarmac of the building, parked a variety of aircraft, many of which are styles that scholars have seen.

Although scholars can fly, but their energy needs to be saved, so you need to find an aircraft here... just find one.

The scholar immediately flew over and the scholar fell to a small aircraft under the astounding eyes of the people on the platform.

The aircraft is generally square in shape and white in color. It is nearly 20 meters long and has the words 'Quick Transport' written on it.

Scholars know this type of aircraft. In fact, this is also the easiest aircraft to open, because it does not need to have anything like a 'key', as long as it can sit in the driver's seat to start the engine.

The scholar came to the door of the cab and slammed it on the door with his hand. After a bang, the door opened.

The scholar directly entered the cab, ignored the door that was still open, and directly opened the control screen to start the engine of the aircraft.

With the booming sounds, the entire aircraft also took off and flew towards the city.

"There is still some difference here..."

Scholars fly high to look at the city below. If it is impossible to rob a plane in the original virtual world, but the city seems to be easy, flying for so long, it has not been attacked.

The scholar reversed the direction of the aircraft and flew at a high speed outside the city.

Because the location of the airport was originally on the edge of the city, scholars soon saw the disappearance of the city's scenery, replaced by a large forest.

This place really has a forest...

Scholars looked at the dense jungle below, and found that these plants are very similar to ... marine plants such as algae, not like land plants such as trees.

Their heights are probably more than 30 meters, the leaves are dark purple, without any green inclusions, occasionally some small creatures can fly among them.

Scholars have heard that the transpiration project is not biological, only the creature's manufacture, why is there such a dense creature in this place?

As the aircraft is getting farther and farther away from the city, scholars have noticed that the surrounding light is getting darker and darker. Scholars have discovered that the only light in this place is the lights and advertisements of the city. If you are far away from the city, it seems that everything will enter. dark.

"Hey! Let me down!"

Suddenly, the scholar heard the sound of the robbers. He looked down and found that the robbers broke free from his waist and spit out the omelet that he had eaten.

"It's a miscalculation. I forgot to put it in the eating system. I must lick it." The robbers climbed onto the shoulders of the scholars.

"Who?" asked the scholar.

"This little problem is not important." The robbers looked at the darker jungle road ahead: "It seems that you ran out, but this choice is not so correct. Why don't you go to the city library?" Find some historical books and find out more about the situation in this place."

"I..." The scholar’s ​​voice has not fallen, and the robbers suddenly ‘ah! The screaming, the foot slipped, fell from the shoulders of the scholar, and flew straight out along the open door next to it...


Scholars also thought that the robbers caught very tight and could not fly out. Whoever knew it would fly, and the scholar immediately stopped the aircraft and then turned to the place where the robbers flew away.

"Really, actually flew so far..."

Finally, the scholar chased the robbers to park the aircraft over the jungle and jumped into the woods to find the robbers.

"Do you know?" When the robber saw the scholar, he immediately climbed onto its shoulder and said, "You must know, why do I fly out?"

"Isn't the foot slippery?" the scholar asked.

"No, it's because I saw these things." The robbers looked to the plants that were like algae and had black leaves: "These things... are fungi."


"Yes, that is the fungus." (To be continued.)

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