4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1532: Fungus?

... they seem to have been in it for a long time.

Lin is now watching... some places where there is no movement.

For example, the smoldering hidden engineering site, and the seroder's ... troops.

They seem to have stopped all plans, just in a daze, but in the dusty world, Light Fire has destroyed the pieces of the tranfer, and in the meltdown, the color is still trying to help it The desire to solidify the void.

There seems to be nothing special, so Lynn is watching... the scholar who has entered the hidden place.

Lin can't completely pay attention to the situation inside, but can learn what happened by the brain test of scholars.

Moreover, Lynn also intends to let some of the troops go in and see, but before that... need some preparation.

Let's take a look at their journey now.


"Do you say these are fungi? Do you occupy the fungus of the virtual world?" The scholar looked at the dark purple, like algae, and asked the robber.

"Yes, although these look like plants, they are fungi in their mouths." The robbers walked under a black algae and poked with sharp forelimbs.

The stalk of the spirulina poked by the worm's worms suddenly shattered and turned into a large amount of dust powder to disperse around.

The scholar also immediately examined the dust of Hydrilla verticillata. It found that...this is really a fungus, but it is somewhat different in structure from those outside the plague.

Scholars believe that these spirulina-like fungi will not release large-scale fungal infections. Otherwise, the virtual people in the city will not be there anymore, but these Hydrilla vera will release some poisonous gas, which is the cause of the virtual people with respirators.

“Do you think they are not the same?” The robbers said: “They are really different, but they are all of the same kind. Here, fungi are multiplied in another way.”

“Why do fungi grow like this here?” the scholar asked as the robbers seemed to have become completely normal.

"I don't know. It's not only the virtual people who come in this place, but also the fungus." The robbers said: "Maybe this place has a long history or something, it's just a lie, everything is very much. The longest time is constructed... the longest will not last longer than the fungus invading the virtual world."

"Is that the case..." The scholar heard the thought and thought: "It is indeed a strange place."

"Yes! Maybe it's all a fungal plot!" said the robbers: "They are learning the virtual life, and the bones and infected people who are learning horror movies, the fungus has been doing very weird things! ”

"This city may also be specially cultivated!" The robber said: "The fungus has been thinking... always... I don't know what they are doing, anyway, there is a problem with thinking."

The scholar said: "...well, in the first place, explore here first..."

‘Hey! Suddenly, the scholar heard a bang from the top. He looked up and saw a huge black shadow hit the plane parked above.

The aircraft made a metal scream as it was struck, and it fell heavily on the ground from the air, pressing a large piece of Hydrilla.

"What is that?" The scholar saw the huge black shadow crashing over the aircraft and quickly flew away. The shadow of the shadow was quite vague, and it was like a creature like a big dinosaur.

"The monster that lives here." The robber said: "Don't touch it."

"I didn't want to touch it." The scholar said that he was walking next to the crashed aircraft. Now the aircraft is braving the smoke, and there seems to be no way to fly again.

"Forget it, go back and talk about it." The scholar said: "Like you said, go back to the city to see the library."

"No." The robbers said: "If the city is made by a fungus, even if there is any history recorded in it, it is all made up. We only have to keep moving forward here, groping around... to know the fungus. Why grow and get a virtual city in this hidden place."

"I think..." The scholar looked at the robbers and said, "Are you leaving the city because you are normal?"

"What are you talking about? I have been very normal." The robbers said: "Come on, and stay here will not be dark."

"But...want to go?" The scholar looked at the dark-painted jungle road: "This place is too big."

"Of course, I use the detector to find some creatures." The robbers said: "Do you know which creatures in the fungus are best at talking?"

“Talk?” the scholar asked: “Is there a creature in the fungus that can talk?”

"Yes! It's the kind of creature called Chibcha!" The robber said: "You have to find one, maybe maybe... you can get some information from it."

“Is there a Chibcha here?” the scholar questioned: “The fungus here is not the same as the outside... Is there such a thing?”

"In general, look for it, open your bio detector, go forward!"

"...well, that's the only way."

The scholar opened the detection device inside the head, and this detection function can detect the condition of the animals in the surrounding jungle.

Animals are not creatures, but... moving objects, whether they are stones or anything, as long as they can be discovered by scholars, scholars soon discover a lot of moving things.

According to the robbers, the scholars quickly rushed to the location where these moving objects were located to see if they were Chibu.

Although scholars feel that even if they find the odd cloth, they may not know anything, but the robbers have been talking about it, so they are looking for it.

However, after looking for a while, the scholars found that it seems that it is not easy to find...

It looked for dozens of animals, including... the leaves that were blown by the wind, the stones that somehow rolled on the ground, and some small creatures like lizards, and the black algae that moved on the ground.

These Hydrilla verticillata are moving, their roots can be pulled out and crawled on the ground. In short, there is no worm.

After all, I have never seen any creatures I have seen outside, at most they are just similar, not exactly the same.

The scholars caught some lizard-like small-biological monitoring, and it found that... these are really ordinary creatures, not in the 'faction' of the fungus.

"There may be no odd cloths here."

After looking for tens of thousands of seconds, the scholar felt mentally exhausted, so it stopped in the dark jungle: "Or... go back to the city to get a new aircraft."

"Shut up!" The roaring worm suddenly said: "You listen, there are strange things singing."

"...sing?" (To be continued.)

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