4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1533: Subtle worm

"This voice..."

In the dark jungle, scholars are slowly moving.

It can be heard, there is a sound in the darkness, which sounds like the sound of a musical instrument called 'Fly'.

This sound sounds... it feels weird, and it doesn't seem like singing at all. However, scholars are very curious about it, so they go all the way to the place where they sound.

Soon, in this spirulina fungus forest, scholars saw the source of the sound...

"That's that, it must have something weird!" The roaring worm whispered on the shoulders of the scholar.

"What the **** is this?" The scholar looked at that thing... This is a sharp stone that stands in the woodland and has many holes in it.

It was more than a meter high, and there was a flute-like voice in it. From a distance, it looked like it couldn't seem to look like something, so the scholar slowly approached it.

"This is..." After the approach, the scholars found that the sound of this thing stopped, but nothing happened, so the scholar carefully observed the small hole in the sharp stone.

Through the enlarged viewing angle, the scholar found that there are many tiny creatures around the tiny holes of the sharp stone. They look like beetles, and their colors and sizes are different. It seems that there are many kinds of kinds mixed in it.

"These are the kind of things!" The robbers seem to be looking at the bugs on the sharp stone using the microscopic pattern. After a while, they shouted: "We have a major discovery!"

“What major discovery?” the scholar asked: “Do you know these bugs?”

"Of course." The robbers said: "They are a very primitive thing, primitive to very primitive, they are..."

'boom! The voice of the blaster did not fall, and the ground suddenly jerked. The scholar raised his head and found that the cause of the vibration came from the distant forest.

There was a huge creature there, and it was constantly squeezing the black algae to come here. Every step of it made the ground vibrate slightly, but there was no strong initial vibration.

The scholars concluded that the creature originally landed in the jungle from a height and then ran towards it. It looked like a creature that had just crashed into the aircraft.

Now scholars can see more clearly, this is a avatar is a horned dragon creature, but much larger than the ordinary horned dragon ... may have a length of nearly 30 meters, so it can hit the aircraft before.

Why is there a horned dragon here still has no time to think about it, because it will hit this position in about ten seconds, and scholars think it should be avoided first.

"Take this sharp stone away! These little bugs are a very big discovery!" When the scholars were ready to run, the robbers suddenly shouted, so the scholar reached out and pulled the sharp stone on the ground hard. The start of the propeller, a bang into the sky.

After flying to the heights, I looked down and saw that the horned dragon had ran across the woodland of the Hydrilla fungus, leaving only a black crumb.

This creature... seems to be mad, only knowing how to go forward, and scholars have found that it is going in the direction of the virtual city.

I don't know if I will crash into the virtual city. However, compared with this horned dragon, scholars are more concerned about the sharp stones in their hands. When they think about it, they ask the robbers: "What is the small beetle on this stone? ”

"What? You don't know?" The robbers said: "It's really expensive for me to raise you."

"... don't be kidding now," the scholar said.

The robbers said, "Okay, then I tell you, they are odd cloths."

“Qibucha worm?” The scholar said with amazement: “Why is it so small?”

"It may be made small by fungi." The robbers said: "Look carefully, they look the same as the Chibbug."

The scholar then carefully magnified the sharp stone in his hand and saw that these tiny beetles...the same as the Chibbug, only the limbs.

But they are much smaller than the ones I have seen before, and they are simply microbes.

The robbers said: "We may be able to talk to them and see why they are so small."

"How do you communicate?" The scholar looked at the horned dragon and ran away, then flew back to the ground and asked the worm.

"Use brainwaves to communicate." The robbers said: "But my internal system has some problems, there is no way to release normal brain waves, like my previous state is abnormal because of this, you have to help me repair it. ""

"You really have a problem..." The scholar said: "But I don't know how to fix it..."

Although the scholars had thought about repairing the robbers, they actually didn't know how to fix them. At most, they just opened them to see if there were any broken parts in the parts.

"I can teach you how to do it, and quickly open my head!" The robbers said: "If you don't move, they will run out!"

"Running?" The scholars looked at these tiny Chibbugs. They found that they really took off one by one at the hole. Scholars wondered why they didn't fly all but lined up. It took off in succession, but if you go on like this, it is indeed possible to run out.

"There will be no problem..." Therefore, despite doubts, the scholar said that according to the robbers... the head of it was opened.

"Yes, that's it. Get that thing down and put it there! No, not this!"

Looking at a large number of mechanical parts inside, the scholars continued to work together under the guidance of the robbers, and soon these parts became assembled under the assembly of scholars... or a pile of parts.

“Does this really work?” Although the scholar has studied his own mechanical body and generally understands his own structure, it does not understand the robbers, and it seems that it is not a method.

"Almost a little, put that thing there, don't touch that position! Yes, it's already assembled!"

It seems that it has already been finished. Although the scholar can't understand exactly what went wrong, it just put some parts out and put them in a different position.

But after the scholars put the shell of the robbers back, it detected a strong brain wave in a flash.

However, this brain wave is not entirely emitted from the robbers. To be precise, there is a brain wave that has spread to the robbers in the distance, and then the robbers release them.

And the main source of this brainwave seems to be the direction of the virtual city, where there seems to be a very large source. (To be continued.)

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