"They say they live a very normal life here."

"... is it? But what about the brainwave?"

Scholars are now moving fast in the dark jungle, and the robbers are talking with it, talking about the things of Chib.

Just now those Chibucha worms did communicate with the worms after they released their brain waves, but these geeks did not know what fungi, they seem to be just ordinary life here... ordinary creatures.

Their way of life is to collect some fine dust powder as food, and to build underground nests and some prominent stone fortresses, and the intelligence is not very high, at least not the big ones.

It seems meaningless to investigate them, so the scholar decided to look at the place where the brain waves came out.

Previously, the scholars have detected that the brain wave of the worm is not its own, but that it is guiding the brain waves of another place.

"Is that the case?" The robbers seem to be completely ignorant: "I use my own brainwaves! My brainwaves! This is without any doubt!"

"..." The scholar did not answer. It looked at the radiance of the distant city. Now it is getting closer and closer to the city, and the robbers may return to a less normal state.

But in any case, scholars have to confirm the position of the brainwave, so its pace is getting faster and faster.

The robbers did not say anything. As time passed, the scholars finally returned to the city.

When entering the city, scholars found that the streets on the edge of the city were full of overturned vehicles, and a large number of people armed with weapons stood on the streets and watched the direction of the forest.

This should be the result of the previous... The Horned Dragon ran in, and the Horned Dragon didn't know where to go, leaving only the scene on the street.

However, when the scholar walked in the jungle, he did not see the black algae that the horned dragon overwhelmed extended to the city. It may be that the horned dragon flew up on the way. It should be flying.

"We are back here... I can feel this omelette is calling me!" When the scholar stepped into the city, the robbers seemed to become...somewhat abnormal.

However, the scholar did not care about it, but went straight to the street. Several virtual people with weapons immediately called out: "You! Wait, who are you?"

Scholars did not pay attention to them, but opened their own invisible mode, and instantly disappeared in front of these people.

These folks lived, not only because they saw the scholar disappeared, but also saw... the worm, because the worm was not hidden, so it now looks like it is standing on the air, and it flies away. .

At the time of the folk songs, scholars quickly found the place where the brain wave originated. This place is there...

The scholar saw a building. The building looked like an ordinary... shopping mall. There seemed to be nothing strange, but scholars could detect brain waves coming from under the building.

After entering the mall, the scholars found that it was quite lively. Many of the virtual people walked around the goods. Although the location of the horned dragon event was not far from here, the place was still like nothing, the virtual people here. Buy something as usual.

"Here... there are omelettes here!"

The robbers suddenly screamed and jumped from the shoulders of the scholars, and they ran away.

"Wait a minute... forget it." The scholar wanted to find it, but after thinking about it, the scholar decided to look at the source of the brainwave.

Because scholars have a feeling that this brain wave seems to have a little possibility... it has some effect on the robbers.

It can't be said that it controls the robbers, but there are some bad influences. As for why it is okay, it is not clear... but scholars should take this opportunity to investigate.

So, the scholar quickly walked to a place where the words "non-employee banned entry" was written. This place was generally a place like a warehouse. After the scholar walked in, he quickly found a passage to the basement.

After entering the basement, the scholars found out that... it was really strange.

There is a lot of space here, and the ground is covered with countless metal pipes, all of which are concentrated in one place.

It was a thing like a stump. It was nearly ten meters wide and only three meters high. A lot of metal pipes were connected under the stumps. It looked very...defeating.

It seems that metal and wood have always been very uncoordinated, but they are connected together, which makes the scholar quite... curious, walked to the stake, and the scholar reached out and gently touched it.

At the moment of touching the stakes, it felt that there was a message... the information suddenly came into its mind.

From this information, scholars have discovered countless...metal pipes. They are not just paved in this basement. They extend to the bottom of the earth and expand like roots under the roots. They are even spread throughout the city. Go outside the spirulina forest.

"It will cover such a large range... What is this?" The scholar slowly took his hand back and took out some tools at the waist to prepare for a more careful test.

"Don't move it!" Suddenly, the scholar heard a scream, and turned around and saw that a large group of imaginary people ran into the entrance to the passage.

These imaginary people are the people who used to buy things in the malls above. They are still carrying the goods they bought...

But their eyes are staring straight at the scholar.

Sure enough, the development of these people is not normal because of the influence of this thing? When they saw them, the scholars determined the answers they had thought before.

But what is this stump and metal tube? It seems to have nothing to do with fungi, but it is like...

"Kill it!" A scream came from the imaginary people. These imaginary people shouted and waved the goods in their hands to scholars.

Scholars feel that if they want to protect this stump, this is too... ridiculous.

But this also gives the scholar another idea. Maybe this stump is not a key item. It should be just a messenger or something, so there is no need for a powerful force to guard it. Just seeing it invade here, the people around it will still Attack it.

Because these people are ordinary... flesh and blood, scholars easily stun them all to the ground.

When the scholar wanted to continue his research, it heard the voice again.

"You dare to be so arrogant, then I have to kill you automatically!"

"..." Scholars have noticed that it is not the virtual people who yelled from the beginning, but the worm.

It now seems to be completely controlled as well.

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