4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1537: Reason for startup

It has to complete the 'ecological position'...

If there is a lack of plants in this ecology, what should we do? Then let the fungus play the plant, lacking bad air? Then let the fungus release the poison gas, lacking microorganisms? Then let the Chibha worm grow as small as a microbe, and there is no interesting little machinery in the city? Then let the robbers go to the role, there are too few wild creatures outside? Let some virtual people live on the ground.

This thing that simulates the creator...creates a very special ecology.

It's hard to say exactly what it is to create this kind of ecology. In general, this ecology has... like the outside world of the virtual world, living a virtual life in ordinary life in a bad air. There is a lot of jungle outside the city, and there are various creatures in the jungle, some of which are small, and some occasionally break into the city and threaten the virtual people.

All living creatures play an important role in the ecological environment set by the simulation device.

Otherwise, the creatures here will not develop into this way.

Although the whole situation is like being planned, in reality, there is no plan.

Simulating the creator's device, the transpiration seems to be not intended to be used.

It is like other buildings. It is just a collection of irrigators who don't want to use this thing to cultivate any creatures. The tranfers have never used it after making the simulation device, but put it in the project. It is like the exhibits in the museum, and there is no intention to actually use them.

However, although tranfers do not use what they make in engineering, everything in these projects can be used.

It's like an explosive placed in a project that really explodes, and so is the simulator, which starts for some reason.

The simulated device that was activated affected the creatures who accidentally came in this hidden place. These creatures, including fungi and virtual people, and other things, were forced to form the ecology here.

But the problem is...

What was originally started with the analog device?

"...maybe you can find the reason here." Lin is focusing on a place where the city is a virtual city.

Although I almost understand the situation here, Lin thinks that there are some special places, that is, the creatures like fungi outside, why can they be mixed into this hidden place? After they came in, the image of the analog device started here... lived.

Lynn is interested in the start-up of the simulator, because the simulator does not start on its own and it will not be activated by these mixed species.

In fact, Lynn feels that only tranpers can start it, but tranpers do not deliberately create an ecology here, they do not create things like biological environment.

In general, the ecological situation here is something else...what is caused by something, and that thing is still in this place, and it is hidden somewhere. This thing is not just for the simulation device to start, it also interferes with this. Hidden places, causing it to occasionally 'exposure', allowing organisms such as fungi or imaginary people to mix in.

Lin intends to let the scholar find the thing, which is probably a species that is related to the solidification of the void, so it can interfere with this hidden place.

Let the scholars find it because Lin found that Lin’s arms here will soon be noticed by the vagrants, and those who are vagrants will quickly dispatch troops to come here, but when Lin moves the troops out, their troops will follow It stopped the action.

But scholars are here to be active, but they will not be discovered by the vagrants.

It seems that in these hidden engineering sites, the transpirations have some kind of ... monitoring device, and let Lin act first before Lin understands it and counters it.

Anyway, scholars will not be affected by the analog device, it should have found the target now...


"It has already flown far away..."

Scholars are on top of a fighter plane, overlooking the spirulina fungus jungle below from the sky. These jungles seem to have no heads. Even if the scholars drove the fighter plane for more than 3,000 seconds, they did not see the edge of the jungle.

The speed of the fighter plane is almost six times the speed of sound. The scholar did not fly at full speed at first, but after it wanted to see how big the jungle was, it accelerated to the fastest speed.

But after flying for a long time, it slowed down again because it heard...

"You have to reach your destination. Don't be as fast as a madman. Do you want to know like a scorpion?"

The robbers have now fully recovered... normal, because it is not a smart machine now, beside the scholars, and use the sound of roaring to say to the scholar: "That! That is the one!"

"That?" Scholars also saw an abnormality in the jungle below from the interface. In the jungle of a lot of cyanobacteria-like fungi, there was a very strange... tree.

This tree is completely different from the black algae. It looks like a plant called 'eucalyptus', with thick trunks and lots of leaves.

Its branches cover hundreds of meters, and it is more than 60 meters high, more than double the Hydrilla.

But the most conspicuous is that its branches and leaves... all purple, and the radiance and faint light, seeing this strange thing, scholars quickly stopped the fighter.

The fighter slowly landed slowly over the sky and above the branches and leaves of the tree. When the distance was more than ten meters, the scholar suddenly heard a very sharp voice.

It is like a screaming screaming, this voice seems to come out of the tree, with doubts, the scholar opened the door to the cockpit.

However, the scholar did not jump immediately, but adjusted the fighter to let it fly to a nearby safe place to land.

Because the system of this fighter is very rich, this time there should be no situation where it was knocked out by dinosaurs.

After the adjustment, the scholar jumped and fell on the purple glowing branches together with the robbers.

"Well, let's study to see what this is...plant."

The scholar slowly examined the hand on the foliage, and the scholar found that it did not seem to be a plant, nor a cell creature, but like a stone.

Whether it is a branch or a composition of leaves, it is very similar to ordinary rock, but it is mixed with some illuminants. It seems that there is nothing special...

"Look, is that a ghost?" Suddenly, the scholar heard a word.

"Ghost?" Hearing the sound of the roaring worm, the scholar looked up and saw a group of transparent, shaped things like a virtual person floating to himself. (To be continued.)

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