4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1538: Aggregation and change

"...this is really like a ghost."

The scholars looked at the things floating in front of them, and they came to this conclusion very calmly.

"Are you not afraid?" the robbers asked: "It’s obviously scared to live in the cinema."

"I was not scared to death." The scholar said: "And I am more afraid... I hate the type of body that will move, not the type of soul."

"But to say, what is this in the end?" The scholars looked at the transparent objects floating in front of them, and it was really strange.

The shape of this object is exactly the same as that of the imaginary, and it is translucent and floating in the air. It looks a lot like... it is a ghost.

This type of character can be said to be enduring in movies. Many movies, regardless of their type, often have characters like ‘soul’.

In reality, there are also many people who believe in things like souls, at least they think that death is not the end of everything.

As a result, the virtual people did not find such things in the end, but encountered brain spirit.

Looking at the floats in front of the eyes, the curiosity of the scholars became bigger and bigger. It went straight up and touched the floating transparent people with his hands.

At the moment of the touch, the transparent object disappeared.

"What the **** is this..." Because the contact was too short, the scholar did not detect any results.

"I said it was a ghost, or a ghost..." The robber said, after seeing the scholar's face look serious, he said, "Okay, then seriously, it should be a three-dimensional image, pretend to be The look of the virtual people."

“Three-dimensional image?” The scholar asked: “Where is the image released from? Is this... stone tree?”

"It should be." The robbers said: "It may have a location with a screening point. If you look for it, you may find it..."

During the period of the ‘Banglong’ roaring worm, suddenly the whole tree shook, and a large number of stone leaves fell off, and a continuous sound was heard on the ground.

"This is... what's wrong?" The scholar discovered a scene that surprised him even more. He saw it on the branches and leaves of the tree, and countless...transparent virtual people flew in groups.

They first flew into the sky and gathered together, then flew away in the distance, as if they were going to go there.

"Well, it seems that they are probably not stereoscopic images." The robbers said: "That may be a more special phenomenon."

"In short, I think I should keep up with them." The scholar said that he took out a box and poked a few times. Soon, the fighter plane flew in the distance and landed next to the scholar.

After jumping on the fighter plane and starting the engine, the scholar followed this large group of ghosts flying in the air, flying together in the distance.

They fly very fast, but they are not as fast as fighters. Scholars can follow them very easily. On the way to flying, scholars have found that these ghosts are not all in the shape of a virtual person. Some of them have no specific appearance, just like a A group of transparent things.

However, they will slowly become the way of the virtual people, and bring themselves closer to the virtual people on the way.

Scholars look at them and feel more and more strange, why is this happening here? Is this also the device that imitates the creator? Still something else...

Before, Lin told the scholar that there was something that started the imitation device at a very early time. What the scholar was looking for was that thing, which might be a solidified void species.

But if it is a solidified void species, it is unlikely to make these things... like ghosts of the imaginary people, so these should still be simulated devices.

Anyway, see what they want to do.

"That is..." Suddenly, scholars saw a change in the scenery ahead, and the forest that had continued to be non-stop appeared on the edge.

After the forest, there are large rocks... and buildings that seem to be wooden structures.

These buildings have replaced the original black algae jungle, and they have many forms, but scholars are familiar with them because these buildings are ... buildings of the 'medieval' of the virtual people.

Before the large-scale development of metal creations, they were buildings that used this kind of appearance. Scholars had learned the materials before, so they remembered.

Those 'ghosts' shuttle between buildings, they do not penetrate the building like the real ghosts in film and television, but will bypass the building.

Sometimes scholars will find that one or two hit the building, and at the moment of the collision, they will disappear, as if they had smashed themselves.

Thinking, the scholars also let the fighters fly a little, deliberately hit some of the higher ghosts flying, and at the moment of touching, these ghosts were some hit and flew out, some directly crashed.

It seems that they can collide with physical matter, in this case...

It seems that I still don't know what they are.

However, at least they can see what they are doing, and the scholars have noticed that the ghost has flown to a building... around the building.

The building is a building that is nearly 80 meters high and is quite tall. Because most of the medieval buildings are low, this building is enough to stand out from the crowd.

It is woody and looks like a huge tower. Scholars vaguely remember that it used to be a once famous building, but it can't think of anything.

The ghosts gathered around the tower and looked like the scenes in the movie. After seeing the ghosts fly around for a while, they all plunged into the windows of the tower.

When they got all in, they didn't have any sound.

"What should I do next?" The scholars stopped the fighters in the air and looked at the tower without knowing what to do.

"You use a missile to blow it up." The robbers said: "There are missiles here."

"Why do you blow it..." The scholar said: "Forget it, I will go inside and see what they might do inside..."

‘Hey! ’

The scholar's voice did not fall, and it heard a loud noise. At the same time, it found that ... the surrounding scenery also changed at this moment.

To be precise, it is the original scenery... adding a lot of new things.

The buildings below suddenly lit up countless lights, and the whole...the medieval district was bright and bright. In the streets of the building, many people who wore medieval costumes walked around, some of them were selling things. Some drive the animals that pull the car, it seems...

Originally there was no one here, but it instantly became a lively city.

Medieval city. (To be continued.)

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