"Come and buy, come and see, come and smell!"

"Guest, I see you are not looking good, I just have a rare world of medicine, do you want to try?"

"The omelet that will grow and divide! You can get countless if you buy it back!"


Here is a bustling street...

"Why is this..." Scholars are now looking at everything below the medieval street. On this street, many people are busy, which is very similar to the former bustling city... Only the metal-made vehicles became large creatures pulling wooden cars. The hawkers selling on the street pushed the small carts that covered the grass sheds. The street lamps became lanterns hanging in the eaves, and the towering steel buildings became low. Short wooden house.

There seems to be a sudden emergence of a medieval city of virtual people. What is the reason?

Is it because there was a large group of 'ghosts' flying into a tower before, so this phenomenon?

Scholars have noticed that the medieval imaginary people here did not come out of the air, but instead transferred the original ‘modern city’ to the people.

Because it can enlarge the scenery below in the fighter plane, we can see that several people are familiar with it. It remembers that these people were seen in the city.

"This phenomenon can be called the phenomenon of returning to the ancestors." The robbers said to the scholars: "They are affected by the ghosts and therefore live a severely degraded life here."

"...speak seriously." The scholar said: "What do you think is the situation?"

"I don't know." The robbers said: "Probably related to the creator's simulation device, it may be that this device suddenly wants to create a ... medieval civilization."

"In short, let's figure out what the ghosts are all about." Then the scholars flew in the direction of the tower in the center.

The following group of imaginary people looked at the warplanes in the sky with amazement, they were not afraid, but they were very curious to follow.

After approaching the top of the tower, the scholar adjusted the aircraft to automatic suspension mode, then opened the cockpit and jumped to the top of the tower.

"The strange animal jumped down a strange people! What the strange people want to do? It invaded the tower of the supreme!"

Scholars heard the following imaginary people yelling, but it did not care so much. At the top of the flat wooden tower, the scholar found an entrance on the ground.

Entering the entrance, walking down the wooden steps, the scholar came to the top of the tower and found that the top floor was a very empty place.

There is no furniture here, but the ground and the walls are engraved with dense words. Although these words can be understood, they are not a vocabulary.

"This is weird." The robbers said: "I know these words, they are the words you used to... seal the ghosts, in a movie called ‘Deep Mountain Old Spirit’.”

"So what is the secret in these words?" The scholar walked over to the wall and reached out to test it...

“This is...” Scholars soon discovered that these words, like those carved on the wall, are composed of a strange substance.

Not metal or wood, but...

'call! Suddenly, the scholar heard a sound and the words on the entire wall lit up.

Among the bright words, a lot of transparent... ghosts emerged from them, and this group of ghosts surrounded the scholars instantly.

"Ah! You unlocked the seal!" The robber yelled: "It doesn't seem to matter, these things have little power."

"...It seems like this." The scholar looked at the ghosts around him. This group of ghosts is not close to scholars, just around them.

After watching each other for a few seconds, the scholar reached out and grabbed a ghost next to him. This time the ghost did not hide, and the scholar succeeded... contacted it.

"This is... What is this?" In the moment when the ghost was detected, the scholar discovered that... this seems to be a very special substance, composed of substances that it has never seen before.

This kind of material is like a gas, but there are some wrong things...

But in general, this is really not what... ‘ghost’, but it does have physical things, but now it seems that we can only know such information, so we can only call them ghosts now.

The ghosts touched by the scholars receded, and other ghosts did the same movement at the same time. They instantly drilled into the text on the wall and shrank back and disappeared.

“Is this the case?”

Although I don't know why these ghosts did this, the scholars discovered that...the ghosts didn't actually get into the text.

They are scattered.

The material that makes up their ghostly and transparent body, as they touch the wall, is like a mist that spreads out and spreads into the surrounding air.

Although they made the effect of drilling into a word, they were actually scattered in the air.

However, what they do or do not understand, may be the imitation of the effect of being sealed in the word, perhaps these transparent and ghostly things are also a kind of creature, playing the ghost identity under the influence of the simulation system.

They look like virtual people, but they should actually be able to become various shapes, and they are now forced to play the soul of the virtual people here.

It makes sense to think so much. If so, then...

"You dare to break into here!"

Along with a shout, the scholar saw a virtual person walking up the stairs at the lower level. The virtual man wore black clothes and held a wooden stick. He shouted at the scholar: "You dare to break into us. The tower of the supreme?"

This seems to be a character like... sacrifices? Scholars remember to see this styling in some past materials.

"Get out!" The sacrifice suddenly screamed and pointed the stick to the scholar. The scholar felt that his chest was hit.

It seems that the previous materials did not say that the sacrifice has this ability, although there is no power.

"You are actually... so powerful! But how is this?" The sacrifices rushed straight up and slammed on the scholars with wooden sticks.

With a bang, the wooden stick broke, and the sacred look looked at the scholar with a shocked look: "There will be... then there is no way, so I have to ask the real power of this tower to defeat you!"

After that, he ran to the direction of going downstairs.

"Real power? What is that?" the scholar said in confusion, and his words did not receive any answer.

"Weird..." The scholar looked at his shoulder and found out...

The robbers are gone. (To be continued.)

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