4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1546: Open association?

"Yes... that's my goal... I have to find it... I want to see it... I want to know everything about it, so... I have to go to solidify the void!"

This idea has become more and more intense... in the nervous system of the meltdown zone.

Lin feels that maybe its wish will be realized.

Color mud... This thing that fulfills the desire is constantly “running” in the meltdown zone. Although Lin believes that color mud does have the ability to fulfill wishes, it may be a very long process.

But it seems that it doesn't look very long now. The color mud on the meltdown zone uses some method to connect some organs inside the meltdown zone, including the transport organs.

At the same time, some methods were used to contact some organs in Midgart, so that they produced a kind of 'resonance' with each other.

All this is to help the meltdown zone open a passage to the passage of solidifying the void, so that it can help the melting zone to fulfill the desire to see Midgarth.

This process is not as long as Lin thought before. In fact, it is quite fast. In the transport organs of the meltdown zone... you can see some substances that have never appeared before.

These are substances from the solidified void that may lead to the passage of the solidified void...and will soon open.

It seems coincidental that similar substances have appeared on the scholars, they are looking for in the hidden engineering site, and very close to the ghost pups of Midgarth...

They also discovered this kind of solidified void material. According to that situation, it seems that the cub is also trying to open the passage of the solidified void, and it may want to escape to the solidified void.

Because the way the two sides are opened seems to be very similar, I don't know if it is related to the opening of the channel on the meltdown zone.

Because it is far from this, it may not be related, but because the situation is similar, there may be a connection...

In any case, this means that the moment to solidify the void is getting closer and closer, and Lin is sure to want to go in and see.

So, Lin is testing, and scholars...if you can catch the baby, it’s fine.


"It has been detected, it is there!" The scholar is running wild, and the robbers are mad on their shoulders. Not long ago, they saw the virtual churches 'calls' out. A lot of solidified void material.

Moreover, these solidified void materials have the ability to 'solidify', allowing objects that touch them to move.

It seems that it is just to let the skin stick to it, and it will not let the internal blood not circulate anything, and... If you use all-power hard-drawn, you can still stick it with a layer of skin. Hands or various body parts kneel down.

Therefore, nowadays scholars are surrounded by imaginary people who are frightened and fleeing. Most of them are bleeding all over the body. This is because... those solidified void substances will not only appear in the summoning place, but also appear in the air in the air.

If you accidentally get stuck, although there is no danger to your life, you have to pay a lot of ... pain to pull it down.

So they are shunning these things in horror, but the number of these things is too many, and many virtual people are inevitably glued.

Only scholars can avoid them sensitively and quickly, and through the detectors, scholars have discovered the location of the ghost pups.

'boom! ‘Escaped from a falling stone, the scholar jumped high in the air and ran toward the target.

"Very good, it's coming! Work hard! Let it know that you are amazing!" The roaring worm yelled and continued on the shoulders of the scholar... doing the running action, of course, it didn't really run, just in place Run wild, and keep a leg on the shoulders of the scholar to avoid being taken out.

"What are you doing?" The scholar glanced at the roaring worm.

The robbers said: "I am also doing the same movements as you, to show the advance and retreat."

"Now you still have a mood to joke at this time..." The scholar looked at a lot of ancient monsters that fell from the sky, and then suddenly opened the propeller.

When flying forward, scholars also saw the goal in the distance...

There is a large group of frightened and sectarian imaginary people, and there is a great statue between these sects.

The statue is made of metal. It looks like a imaginary person sitting on the ground and looking at the book's posture. Although he does not know what the statue represents, the ghost cub is hidden inside.

"Hey! That cub! You have been surrounded!" The robber saw the statue and stopped moving, making a loud sigh: "Hurry up and put your whole body together!"

'boom! When the voice of the robbers fell, there were a few stones squatting beside them, almost rubbing the body of the scholar on the ground.

"It shouldn't be attacking us with these things?" The scholar looked at the stone that almost squatted on his body. This kind of thing is not a way.

Just as the scholars just said, it saw a lot of things falling down the top of the head. These things were small pieces of stone, and the scholars quickly sneaked away from them.

"It really attacks us..." The scholar said: "This must be done soon!"

At the moment of the end, the scholar slammed forward and flew forward. At the same time, he was ready... the previously used vacuum cleaner, and also prepared a bomb to blow up the statue.

In the course of the flight, countless things appeared on the heads of scholars one after another, but they were all slower, all falling behind the scholars.

The statue is only a few tens of meters away, and at this moment...

‘吱...噶...’ The scholar suddenly saw the statue made of metal actually... moved.

The book in his hand was thrown to the ground, and the whole statue stood up. It was more than 20 meters long and looked like a mech in the movie.

The statue slammed a punch in the direction of the flying scholar, but the scholar rose to the sky before being hit, and at the same time dropped the bomb in his hand and landed on the statue.

"...no explosion?" The scholar found that the bomb stuck to the top of the statue but did not explode.

“Is this whole statue... all composed of solidified void material?” When the scholar was surprised, a large number of stones appeared around it and flew over to it.

After escaping from these stones, the scholar flew to a higher place and looked at the statue: "What should I do..."

"I have a way!" The roaring worm suddenly said: "With that method, it can't continue to solidify things!" (To be continued.)

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