4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1547: collapse


The huge metal statue is taking its heavy steps.

The surrounding imaginary people fled in horror, while the scholars flew high, some... I don’t know how to look at the statue.

The ghost pup of Midgarth is hidden inside the statue, but the statue can solidify the things that touch it.

The scholar looked at the bomb that condensed on the head of the statue, which meant that the statue could not be touched.

The robbers say that it has a way. Is there any way?

The scholar did not know, because the robbers jumped from the shoulders of the scholars after they finished speaking, and then ran to the distance.

And scholars now have to hold the statue before the robbers do what it says... it seems a bit difficult.

Although the statue does not fly, there are a large number of solidified void objects that are constantly appearing around the scholars, and these objects are constantly coming to them.

Not only is it falling from the top, but it will also be played horizontally. Scholars have now been completely targeted by the cubs.

But these solidified substances are not as harmful as the scholars thought before, because it does not stop the contact with the target. Just after the contact, there seems to be a huge gap between the two objects. It's very attractive to stick together, it's very difficult to get pulled apart.

The scholar knows so clearly because it has been stuck with a lot of solidified matter.

They are all things like small stones. Although there is no harm, it will slow down the speed of scholars and avoid those...the big objects that are more difficult.

'call! A piece of boulder flew past the scholars and slammed into the distance with a whistling sound.

The scholar looked at the flying boulder with a sigh of relief, and then it again took out a bomb and threw it to the statue below, but this situation was the same as before, the bomb was stuck on the statue head.

It seems that the statue can stop the things that come into contact, instead of simply sticking to it... this way, it is really difficult to hurt it...

"Well!" When the scholar thought about it, he suddenly discovered that there was a large amount of solidified void material around, and this time the number of these things was much higher than before.

They blocked all the escape routes of scholars, and then they went to the scholars to rain.

Unexpectedly, the scholars were all hit by these substances, because the propeller was blocked, and it could not continue to fly, thus falling to the ground.

"Can't move..." The scholar found that his hands and feet were almost impossible to move because of the tightness of the glue.

And the huge metal statue moved to it at the moment it fell.

"Are you still not okay?" Seeing this scene, scholars had to send a signal for help to the robbers.

The reply of the robbers is like this: "It's still very early! You can drag it for a few more thousand seconds!"

"..." Looking at the metal statues that are getting closer and closer, scholars can only think of one method...because it is not completely covered by the solidified matter.

So it can still... launch something, like this.

‘Hey! A small bomb exploded from the hands of the scholar. It turned a corner and hit the statue.

"Hey?" The statue suddenly made a strange noise, and then stopped at the same place.

"It seems...has an effect?" The scholar looked at the bomb, and it stuck to the statue like other bombs. However, this is a small nucleator bomb, inside the guard. The nuclear should not be affected.

Little nucleus... I don’t know if it has any effect on this ghost pup, but it should...

‘Hey! Suddenly, the statue raised his hand and took up the small nucleus bomb that stuck to him, and threw it at the scholar's side.

The bomb exploded directly on the scholar, and at the moment of being hit, the scholar heard a ‘sound’.

"It says that I can't guard things! It is yelling at me! It is insulting me!"

This is the 'sound' of the little nucleus. It seems that the little nucleus was thrown back into the bomb and threw it back... And, scholars think this... the little nucleus seems to be very sad, how much can it be heard This kind of emotion.

Small nucleus, will you be sad?

This surprised the scholars. It always thought that this kind of creature was a small nucleus... there was no feeling of sorrow at all.

But this also shows that it seems that the little nucleus has no effect on the ghost pups.

The metal statue walks step by step, leaving only a few meters away from the scholar. As long as it takes another step, it can smash the scholar.

Scholars can only expect that it will not have any problems after ‘dead’ here, and consciousness can return to the ontology normally.

'boom! ‘However, the accident happened very quickly.

Scholars saw the light of the explosion in the distance, and the numerous metal chains broke. Scholars saw that a fighter plane covered with ... sludge quickly flew over here.

That fighter is...

Almost in an instant, the fighter plane crashed into the statue, and another unbeatable roar rang...

A strong explosion of glory, drowning everything, including statues... and scholars.

"We have succeeded! Justice will win!"

The cheers of the robbers echoed in the dark prison space, which slowly fell from the sky and landed on the dusty ground.

Among these smokes, it can barely see the metal wreckage scattered around the earth. These are the wreckage of the metal statue.

This means that the previous impact successfully solved the metal statue. In fact, this is very simple, because the statue has no way to cope with ... too violent impact.

The robbers found this before, so they went to the warplanes, because the fighters were on the upper level, so they can be opened here, as long as they block the walls of the two.

However... it seems that this is a small problem.

Because the robbers walked in the wreckage, it found... a pile of metal wreckage in the shape of a virtual creature.

Its body, like the statue, has become seven and eight, and one hand is complete.

"What's wrong with you? You can't have anything to do!" The robbers quickly ran to the side of the hand and cried, "Why, why are you so hard, you are not saying that after you finish this?" Want to go back to get married? How do you want me to explain to your one! Oh wow!"

"What crazy are you doing..." A voice appeared behind the robber: "You look at the detector and know that I am not dead." (~^~)

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