"That's true, you are too uncooperative, you have to pretend to die from the wreckage, and then I will make a surprise to find that you are not dead, this is a qualified movie screen! ”

"We are not making a movie..."

"But here is the scene of the movie!"

"... don't say this first, it seems to be broken up..."

Scholars and robbers are moving in the smoke of the ... huge prisons.

The statue of the ghost pup, which has just been hidden, has been smashed by the robbers with fighters. There are wreckage everywhere.

But the power of the explosion is actually not that strong, or the statue is actually very fragile, and in short, it has not spread to scholars.

The robbers just found a bunch of metal fragments that are like virtual people there... crying.

"This statue turned out to be a machine..." The scholar looked at the wreckage around him and saw a complex mechanical structure from the cross-section of the statue's limbs.

Every time I see a piece of debris, the scholar will go up and test it. I want to detect if the ghost pup is hidden inside, but...

"How does it seem to be missing?" The scholar said to the robbers: "Before you blow it up, I can always detect that the cub is in the statue. After it is blown up, it suddenly disappears, completely Not detected."

The robbers angered: "What? Are you blaming me for killing it?"

"It is indeed possible to blow up." The scholar said: "If it is, it will escape again, no matter which side is very troublesome."

"Since this is only looking for ... found!" The robbers suddenly ran to a place: "Come with me!"

“What?” The scholars immediately followed up, and soon they ran out of the dusty environment after the explosion. Scholars noticed that the solidified void material everywhere seems to have disappeared.

And the substances in it are also, in fact, this is the thing after the robbers let the fighters crash into the explosion. At the moment of the explosion, all these substances disappeared.

Otherwise the scholar is still stuck and can't move.

"Where! They are there!" With the pace of the robbers, the scholars saw a large group of black robe imaginary people in front of them. This group of imaginary people was originally running in horror, but did not know when it was quiet. Come down.

They are all now in a circle, and there is a big thing in that circle that looks like a book.

It’s just that the book is more than three meters high and six meters wide. It spreads out among the people and emits strange light. Is this book the reason why the virtual people calm down?

"What do you want to do? Who are you?" Hearing the sound behind him, some black robes turned around and said to the scholar: "Why are you here? Do you dare to disturb this great ceremony?"

“Ritual?” The scholar poked the detection system, and it found that the reaction of the ghost pups appeared in the group of imaginary people, under the book.

Scholars have discovered that among a group of imaginary people wearing black robes, there is a imaginary person wearing white clothes.

It has a faint glow and looks very conspicuous. It is a ghost cub, probably at the time of the explosion, it used some way to turn itself into a white man in white, then mixed in. Among these groups of imaginary people.

"You are here with them two times." The communication sound of the robbers was introduced into the minds of scholars: "I am going to get it."

"What ceremonies are you holding?" Although the scholars want to rush straight to catch the cubs, the robbers say so... then ask here first.

"This is the ceremony of our great leader!" The imaginary people in front of the scholar said: "You have seen the 'falling' just now, which means that God is approaching us, and now the coming of the process is over, our leader will Step into the book of God... Let the true **** attach to it and let the true God come to punish this prison world!"

The more excited the people are, the more excited they are. It seems that it is really the same thing.

"I caught it!"

Suddenly, there was a loud scream in the imaginary people. The scholar looked over there and saw the roaring worms on the heads of the white people.

The white imaginary people kept squinting their heads there, and they also shouted for help, and the surrounding imaginary people immediately stepped forward to catch the robbers.

The robbers clenched on the top and kept screaming loudly, and the imaginary people around the cockroaches fell one after another. But the white imaginary people did not have anything at all.

It looked around and found that it was almost impossible for a virtual person to help it, and its body blew up.

At the moment of the explosion, it turned into countless... ghosts and flew toward the sky.

"It's now! Hold it! Take them all!"

Under the roar of the robbers, the scholars immediately flew up and used them at the moment of approaching these ghosts... vacuuming them and sucking them in.

This time, the scholar directly used a large-capacity bag, which sucked the ghosts of the air one by one. Because these ghosts were not flying fast, only the last two were left.

In order to avoid the same fate, the two were scattered and flew in different directions. The scholar immediately chased the past, and when it caught this one, the other had already flown out of the detection range. .

"Very good, this is enough!" The robber yelled underneath: "You can scroll down slowly and study these things!"

"It's enough." The scholar flew down in the air with a bulging bag filled with ‘ghosts’, and fell to the ground in the surprised eyes of the black robe.

Then the robbers ran over and jumped over to it: "The mission is done perfectly, now we can leave this place!"

“Hey...” The scholar looked around and said, “How do you leave?”

"This seems to be a problem." The robber said: "Do you know the exit?"

“There is no exit here.” The scholar said: “In the movie, the whole world is covered by huge prisons.”

"That means flying up." The robber said: "Then we go to the upper level and fly up."

"Wait..." the scholar said: "It’s useless to leave this prison scene. We are still in a hidden place... this has to find a way to leave the hidden place..."

"You don't understand this." The robbers said: "Back to Lin's original city location, Lin can take us away."

"Yes? That's good..." The scholar said: "But why go back to the city?"

"That is because it seems that this whole place has been pulled closer to the solidification of the void." The robbers said: "So you must go out from there."

"What does it mean?"

"We can say as we walk, anyway, we can go out, you just have to pay attention to not let it run out of the bag."

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