4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1566: Imperfect instruction

In the hidden project, there is a group of happy residents. Their only job is to collect food occasionally, in addition to leisure time.

Ershi people live a happy and comfortable life here, and the ghost pups are similar to them, and they are very happy.

Because it found that Ershi people can give the tranfers a fairly complicated order.

Before the pups control the original transpiration, the transpiration can only reflect some simple behaviors, but these Ershi people can make these primitive vagrants make more complicated things.

For example, let them assemble some buildings or something.

After understanding this, the cubs began to act. It invaded the minds of Ershimin and gave them complete control over their thoughts...

In fact, the baby did not do this, and it did not seem to be able to directly control the thinking of Ershimin, so it adopted a direct method.

The cubs controlled a ... armored vehicle to attack the home of Ershimin and forced them to obey. The people of Ershi were of course very frightened and they struggled to fight back.

However, after their counterattacks were defeated by the young ones, they also surrendered.

Initially, they were reluctant, but slowly found that the cubs simply let them give some instructions to the evapoturizer, and the hostility of these Ershi people to the cubs became less and less.

In the end, it entered a way of peaceful life. The two sides did not interfere too much. The people of Ershi regularly gave the original transpires some cubs to give them instructions. These instructions allowed the original evapoturizer to start constructing the body of the pups.

The cubs did not attack the Ershi people any more. They paid attention to their bodies and slowly assembled in a certain position in this place. They felt very happy... happy.

However, this life did not last long, because... these Ershi people began to breed.

Originally, the cubs did not care about this kind of thing, but found that after the birth of the descendants, the abilities of the people were gone... they were no longer able to command the original transpires.

What they originally said, the original transpires will go to listen, but suddenly did not listen, this seems very strange.

The cubs had previously discovered that the commanding capacity of Ershimin came from outside the project site, and now they seem to be disconnected from the one outside.

So they can't command the original transpire.

As a result, the assembly of the body works stopped, which made the pups feel very... uneasy, but the cub did not give up, but tried to command the original transpire.

It tries to command in a variety of ways, including giving the transpiration to eat a part of one's body. Although through these efforts, it can do more complicated things for the vagrants, but it can't make them construct the body.

The construction of the body is quite complicated, and only the intellectuals of the Ershi people can help the structure.

When the cubs worked hard, the people of Ershi did not care much about this kind of thing, because the city was full of material, so they usually did not need to direct the original evapoturizer to do anything.

In fact, the people of Ershi did not know that the original transpires could quickly disassemble and assemble objects. They just thought that the creature could send signals to control the engine on the island and execute some strange instructions from the pups.

They also don't know what the instructions of the cubs mean.

And because the cubs haven't contacted them for a long time, Ershimin did not continue to give instructions to the transpirations. After a long time, the cubs have almost been forgotten.

However, the island engine is not forgotten because they have always relied on the island.

However, the island suddenly disappeared at some point...

That was what happened when the cub sent the various instructions to the original evapoturizer. The accidental order gave the island's engine to be activated by the original transpire, and the island drifted away.

Because the speed of the float is very fast, the Ershi people did not even have time to save. They then went out to find a helicopter, but did not find the island.

Ershmin was once again caught in ... hunger.

However, the cubs did not give up these Ershi people, and it felt that the Ershi people might be able to direct the original transpires at some point.

As a result, the cubs continue to provide food to the people of Ershi, which allows the original transpires to continue to provide food to the people of Ershi. The actual way is to break down the island's microbes and transfer them to food production facilities throughout the city.

Although you can only make some simple commands, you can still do this kind of thing.

Ershmin also quickly discovered the situation of food manufacturing equipment, so he began to use these devices to get food.

But initially the people of Ershi had a very serious... curiosity, they wanted to know where the food from the device came from, and always wanted to take these devices apart for research.

The cubs prevented them from doing this. It allowed the device that the evaluator had dismantled to no longer produce food. After the Nashmin noticed this, he slowly stopped the disassembly device.

But some Ershi people still want to study the food device. Finally, the baby adds part of its body to the food made by the device. After the body part is eaten by the Ershi people, the baby can give them some... Let them completely abandon the idea of ​​studying food devices, while also controlling some of their other actions.

For example, it is ok to let them gather where to live and where to do things.

In this way, the cubs can fully grasp the activities of these people.

However, it controls the main purpose of the people, but still wants to completely command the original transpires before they study them.

However, it did not study any results at all, so the cubs slowly became disheartened.

In this way, for a long time, Ershimin changed to rely on food installations, and the original transpires have been providing food to these devices, because the cubs did not cancel the order, so they lived fairly well.

Later, the baby noticed something else.

A... the world outside this engineering site.

The reason for noticing this world is because the cubs are constantly testing the original transpires with various instructions.

After an order was issued, these original transpires suddenly used the transmission system in the engineering point to open the passage to the outside world...

That world... is Mars, like Ersh, it is not far from the project site.

And the creatures like rock skins have entered the project site.

The cubs found that it had new opportunities, as if these rock skins... are something that can be used. (~^~)

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