4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1567: Ershi’s act


The rock skin was originally this role, and the ghost pups noticed the creatures when they first entered the project site through the channel of Mars.

The cub thinks that the rock skin can replace the original Ershi people to help it direct the original evapoturizer.

Directing the original transpires seems to be a very complicated matter. Although the young ones can let them move, they can also let them...decompose and combine some things, but if they give them instructions to assemble the body, the original transpiration will have no reaction.

However, the instructions given by the original Ershi people can make the original transpires react. Now, the cubs think that the rock skin can also.

Therefore, it allows the rock skin to invade this place at will, and ignores the life and death of the original Ershi people.

Then... almost like this now.

A pompom is now floating above the city, and beside the pompom, there is a helicopter...

The three passengers on the helicopter were able to reach the top of the building and escape by plane, but now they don't know where to go.

Lynn feels that there is a place that can be suitable for them to go, that is... the island of snacks.

They also know how to tell the story about the island of Dim Sum, so they agreed to this suggestion and now fly to the place with the pom-pom.

Because Lynn knows a lot from the cubs, I want to see how the island of Dim Sum is now...

However, the main thing is still to study the rock skin. Lin feels that whether it is the Ershi people or the rock skin, the reason they can command the original transpirations is because...

Lin believes that there is a connection between Ershi itself and these creatures. It may not be accidental that the people of Ershi entered the hidden place, but Ershi threw them in.

Maybe Ershi found this hidden place, so I wanted to explore it, so I put the people in.

The Ershi people who came in have always been in contact with Ershi... Ershi should be observing it through them, and may have just explored it casually at first, not very concerned.

Ersh did not initially help those who came in to do something, but let them be here... to fend for themselves.

However, the second time the Ershi people came in, Ershi may have noticed something special in this hidden place, that is... the original transpiration.

So, Ershi began to use this Ershi people to try to control the original evapoturizer, and the cubs also found this point. The real control power of Ershimin is from the outside.

However, Ersh may just try to control it, and did not let the original evapoturizer do anything, only let Ershi people maintain the commanding ability of the original transpire.

Then the cubs began to use this commanding ability to shape their own body.

Later, the commanding ability of Ershimin suddenly disappeared. Lin felt that this time should be when Ershi left the galaxy.

After the departure of Ershi, the commanding power that it gave to the people of Ershi was also disconnected, and they could no longer command the tranfer.

Lin’s speculation is this, Lin believes that this series of events are related to Ershi itself, and the main evidence is... the rock skin that is now here.

After leaving, Ershi may no longer pay attention to the original Ershi people, but it still pays attention to the rock skin on Mars.

Because the rock skin is originally a kind of species that Ershi deliberately left for the development of Mars, these rock skins... have a special kind of thing that can be said to be 'connected'.

Because of this 'connection', the rock skin that appears here is also likely to give orders to the original transpires, just because the rock skin intelligence is relatively low, so it is difficult for the cubs to command the transpiration through them.

Lin is mainly concerned with this ‘connection’.

It is like a line, connected to a far away place...

This connection was originally undetectable and belongs to a very...concealed thing that can only be detected by some of the new neural structures in the stellar bus.

If it was earlier, then Lin could not detect this connection, because Lin’s stellar bus has many neural structures... recently newly grown.

Originally, Lin believes that as long as the stellar bus grows to a certain extent, it will be able to know where Ersh is. This seems to be the case now.

At the very least, Lynn can use it to analyze the connection of the rock skin and know where it is connected.

But parsing this connection requires some...time, this connection is actually something weird...the energy is made up.

Like the dream energy, but Lynn has never seen it, it may be the special ability of the old star bus.

Lin has now attached micro-arms to many rock skins... I will analyze them on one side while analyzing them.

After the analysis, Lin can trace the other end of the connection, and Lin feels that the place is...

And now... Lin feels that she should continue to communicate with the cubs a lot of things.

After reaching an exchange, Lin had already let it go. Lin found that the cub did not have much combat capability, but could control some machinery.

The virtual people there is more control, at least controlling the creator simulation device in the project site, and this is just to control some simple weapons or tools.

Midgarth's cubs are very weak when they were young, and this is what they think so, and... In this void, it has no chance of growth.

Lin said that he could also contact Midgar, but he wanted to take a pompon to see the body it assembled.

It allowed Ershimin to direct the original vagrants to assemble a small part of the body. Although it was a small part, Lin wanted to see it.

And it also agreed, so, Lin has some pompoms flying in that direction, in addition, Lin also asked the younger...

Things about the machine.

The cub said...it didn't know.

This is quite strange.

Because, Lin has always thought that the cubs are letting the Ershi people build a bunch of machinery, but the cubs don't know, and they are also confused about the behavior of making the machine, but they don't care too much.

This means that there seems to be something else in the ... ghost, but what is it?

Moreover, Lynn found another problem here.

Because these hidden engineering sites are constantly approaching, they will all be put together in the end, but before the final combination, some engineering sites will be ahead of each other... collide. (~^~)

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