4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1581: Wandering

"You can be anywhere here, but please don't make any... hostile behavior."

It seems that they trust Lin's look.

This is even more... weird.

Not long ago, the pompoms had a simple conversation with the ‘Commander-in-Chief’ of the place, and then it allowed Lin to wander around here.

There seems to be no special restriction on where you can't go, so Lynn can move around casually.

They suddenly became so popular with Lin, there must be something weird, but for now, Lin is not very concerned, so let the pompoms sway everywhere here.

Lin mainly wants to know the specific situation here, why they are here, and their relationship with Ershi, so Lin is mainly looking for... the backbone of this plant.

It is said that the plant grows throughout the meteorite area, like a vine, and all the building facilities are built around the 'leaves' of the whole plant.

But this plant actually has only branches without leaves, it is not a plant itself, but a kind of... mixed creatures, like bus creatures, and gel creatures, all of which belong to this class, but its cyclic structure The mixed creatures that Helen has seen before are different.

However, Lynn thinks it should be related to Ershi.

It is generally called ‘Zanke’ by the machine, and it is said that it has different names among different races, and the reason why the machine people call this plant Zanke is their former... a famous story.

The story tells of a robber named Zanke, who accidentally obtained plant seeds that were said to grow above the clouds of the sky, so Zanke planted the seeds, and the seeds were in a day and night. It has grown into a huge vine that rises into the sky.

Then Zanke climbed along the vines to the clouds, and found a huge house on the clouds, stole in the house... a lot of valuable things, then climbed back along the vines.

When the occupants of the house came back and found something stolen, it crawled angrily along the vines to chase Zanke, but Zanke quickly cut the vines, let the chaser fall to the ground, and then Zanke used it to steal things. It’s a great joy to live a happy life.


This story is said to be very famous, so the machine people gave this name to the huge plant growing in the meteorite area.

Lynn is not sure why the story of this robber is so famous, although...the actual story does not mention that Zanke is a robber, but Lynn feels that Zanke’s work is no different from the definition of robbers in the usual personalities, so Just... think of it as a robber.

However, this story has nothing to do with the plants. To understand the specific situation of this plant, it should be... here.

A pom-pom, now stopped before a room.

Most of the rooms and passages are built within plants, and only a few are located in exposed objects... fruit-like objects.

The room where the pompoms are now, also inside the plant, has a name called the 'growth monitoring room'.

This place monitors the place where ‘Zanke’ grows. When the pompom enters the room, you can see that there are many...metal cylinders.

The surface of these metal cylinders has a display screen with a large amount of data on it, and several robots walk between the cylinders.

"Is that what? Right, it is what..."

Two machines saw a few words after seeing the pompom coming in, and then walked away like nothing.

Lin didn't care about them. The pompons slowly floated to a column and looked at the data.

This contains a lot of detailed information, such as the inside of the plant... the speed of liquid flow, metabolism and microbial community.

They are here to closely monitor Zanke's ... state of health, and all the time data changes will be recorded.

"Although we have been doing very detailed tests, it seems to be useless." While watching, the pompoms suddenly heard a few whispers at the side of the machine.

"Yeah, we have been recording data all the time, nothing to do."

"You two idiots, we are going to give the data to those things, let them deal with the growth problem of Zanke..."

What these machines say seems to indicate that they only record data and do nothing else.

"What do you give the data to?" So, Lin asked the pompom to ask this question.

"That is..." A machine originally wanted to say, but it suddenly shut up after seeing the pompom. After hesitating for more than ten seconds, it said: "That is... those, those creatures."

After that, it immediately ran away, and the same was true of other machines.

Lin found that these machines seemed to have a very good attitude towards Lin... special, but the creatures they said should be the creatures living with them on this plant.

The creatures that Lynn sees here are only those divisional species and robots that are like cockroaches, but there are many other creatures living here.

They are all far away, and Lin is not very familiar with them.

So Lynn decided to go and find out now, as well as to understand the history of these machines.

Lin has not yet grasped one to conduct research, but Lin feels that in addition to this method, they can study these machines in other ways, that is... in this place.

"Very good, your treatment is over, pay attention to the lubricant, pay attention to the dust when you eat."

This place is called...the treatment room.

It's a big place, there are a lot of machines here, most of them sitting in long chairs, and... very anxiously waiting.

These machines usually encounter various problems, so they need treatment. The pompoms fly from this waiting area and fly directly to an internal room.

This room is called the data room. After flying in, the pompoms have found a lot of body information about these machines.

The machines in charge here are all like a way to stop the pompom, but they dare not stop it, so Lin quickly read the information.

It turns out that these machines are all made according to the people of Ershi. They also have the same character as the normal Ershi people. The body structure is similar, although it is made of metal and the like. It is specially designed according to the circulation system of...

This seems to be because they are the people of Ershi. (To be continued.)

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