4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1582: increase

This is a long, long time... no, not long before the story.

We never know that our world is alive.

At first, anyone who knew this news was shocked by anyone, and it was followed by all kinds of uneasiness.

What will this bring? A new war? Still something else? Will this living world hurt us? Is it dangerous? We are almost always thinking about bad things.

However, what we didn't expect was that... the journey began.

Always accompanying our civilization, the familiar starry sky has disappeared, and our world has taken us on a long journey in the void.

Why do you want to travel this way? It didn't say anything.

Although this world is alive, it never communicates with us, but we are trying to communicate with it in various ways.

Although the star has been lost, the world has not lost its light and heat, and we continue to develop here.

But we soon encountered problems because there was no place to explore nearby, and the original resources of the world were constantly being consumed, which caused some obstacles to our development.

Until some time, a group of great researchers reached the depths of the ground, claiming to have found a 'seed'.

Known as the seed of the world, this seed is said to be able to 'plant' a new world. Later, the group of researchers gave a more...famous name.

Next... The journey of the world continues, it continues to move in the void, and we see different stars every day.

At some point, it suddenly stopped, it stopped... a place full of gravel.

This place is very large, with numerous intensive gravel, which represents a huge space for exploration and countless opportunities.

We acted quickly, we took a lot of resources from the gravel area, and built some colonies on some stable stones.

However, our world is ready to start again, and it has some 'precursors' before each move, which we can detect.

So, a small part of us decided to stay, but most decided to stay in the original world, and did not want to stay in this gravel.

But we still decided to stay, develop our civilization where there are countless resources and possibilities, and we are not forever separated, we have a new way of communication, even if the world is gone... we can continue to maintain connection.

After seeing our world leave, we began to develop here.

But let us have the confidence to develop here, or because... they.

The team of researchers who first discovered this seed also joined our development team. They are top scholars. With these guys, we have a lot of confidence.

At first, the seeds were not used. Our colonies were mainly built on some stones, but soon we encountered various problems... We found that the stones here were not ‘stable’ at all.

They always collide or flip each other, although some can be stable for a long time, but they won't last forever.

After ruining a larger colony in a collision, we began to think of a variety of options, the idea of ​​pushing some stones far away, and living directly in the ship, or at a distance from the gravel area. The idea of ​​building a space station in a far place.

These ideas are good, but our team of leaders decided to do something that everyone thought at the time...not reliable.

That is, planting the 'species of the world'.

Although this seed has this name, no one doubts whether it is really a kind of world, and if it can really... grow into a world, how long does it take?

Although there are all kinds of questions, the leader team insists on implementation, so we can only do it.

Initially, we thought we were going to drop the world's species around the nearby star 'Alpha', but they said they would lay the seed in the center of the gravel.

Moreover, they really did.

But what we didn't expect was that the strange thing happened. In a very short time, the seed began to grow wildly.

It looks like a growing plant, and every night and night, it will be bigger than before. It devours the surrounding gravel as if it were minced as a nutrient.

Therefore, the things that come out of this world have a story called ‘Zanke’, which originated from Zanke.

In fact, I think it is more appropriate to call it Magic Bean, but everyone calls it Zanke, and I call it that way.

And this is a more incredible story than a fairy tale. It was originally a seed of about ten meters in diameter. After a short period of time, it was more than ten kilometers long.

But it does not grow out of thin air. It has been consuming the surrounding stones. It seems to be food. According to a member of the leadership team, this 'Zanke' is part of our original world. It can be said that... …child.

So, when Zanke grows up, our world will also send nutrients to it, through some special methods.

This allowed it to grow at a high speed, and its branches extended into countless stones. At this time, the leader team... that we can go up and live.

We still have doubts about this. Will it not squash our colonial buildings like flat stones?

But... Finally, we built a colony on this Zanke. We found that the building was built on it very steadily, and there was no danger, at least for the time being.

Although some members did not intend to live above, most of the members, including me, decided to live on this magical plant.

Through the detection of plants, we find that it is different from any creature we have known in the past. In fact, we do not confirm whether this is a creature, at least not a creature in the usual sense.

During this period, we have also maintained our ties with the original world. They are... there is almost no belief in this plant.

It's no wonder, but through mutual communication technology, we have been developing together.

But compared to them, our development here is more interesting because we have encountered some creatures.

The first thought we encountered when we met alien creatures was to fight war.

But as a result, we did not have a war, but became an ally. (~^~)

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