4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1583: Weird machine

It turned out to be...

Is that place here?

A pompom is now in a place called ... which should be considered a 'piss manufacturer'.

Here is a production factory where the residents are built in this place.

However, this place doesn't look like a factory, because the place where the pompom is located... looks more like a forest.

The ground is covered with fallen leaves, huge trees stand in the fallen leaves, and occasionally the sound of some small creatures can be heard.

This place looks like a forest as a whole. Of course, this place is also located in the huge plant ‘Zanke’.

Zanke's stems are not uniform in thickness, typically hundreds of meters to one kilometer wide, and such relatively large buildings are built in thicker locations.

However, Lin felt that the name "Zanke" was a bit strange, so... Lin decided to call this huge plant... ‘Bus vine.’

Lin believes that this plant is part of the stellar bus, because not long ago... Lin saw some of the history of the machine about the people here.

Their history is quite simple. It seems that Ershi began to travel in the void, and then passed through the place where the gravel floated. Then some of the people agreed to stay here, and most decided to continue to follow Ershi.

There is nothing special about this story, but Lynn noticed that there is a star nearby.

Now I don't see the stars here, maybe there is something wrong with the history description, or... the star has a problem.

Lin thinks that the latter is more likely, because the first group of people should not choose a place without a star to settle.

But they did not describe the situation in which the stars disappeared in the historical story. They only said that the 'bus vines' grew here, and then built the buildings here, and after encountering some creatures, they did not continue to describe them.

This historical record is actually seen by Lin in this place. The forest here can be said to be the living place of the Ershi machine cub.

Although they are machines, they still have things like pups, and these cubs have to learn things like this.

They need to grow up by the growth time of about three years of pompoms, and they live here during this period.

But now I haven't seen one here, maybe in another room.

In addition to this forest, there are many different spaces in the whole place for cultivating pups, and the main reason for these machines is that they are the people of Ershi.

It seems that what happened here, all the people who were originally... the flesh and blood of the people have become such machines.

It may have been transformed into this, but the specific reason is that Lin did not find any things that record these things, and can only explore clues everywhere.

After these Ershi people became machines, they still maintained their original habits... or set the original habits.

They eat, but they don't produce real food, they just produce something that looks like the original food... called 'food hardware'.

Putting the food hardware into the body produces the feeling of eating that kind of food, and they make it for every kind of food... a piece of hardware, rather than recording all the food information directly.

Also, they set the fatigue system, the sleep system and the system that the cubs want to learn.

Although not complete, they still largely restore the cumbersome things of life in the flesh and blood.

Therefore, Lin thinks that they are very weird. It is easy to understand if it is unforgettable to eat, but it is just a troublesome thing like other tiredness.

Why do they want to do this at the moment?

So Lynn thinks these robots look ordinary, but they are actually very strange... this is also interesting.

However, Lin thinks the most interesting thing is the ‘bus vine’ creature.

Now Lin's investigation of it, initially knew that this creature should be regarded as a variant of the stellar bus, so give it the name.

It should be a descendant-like individual specially made by a stellar bus like Ershi, but unlike the offspring, this vine does not grow into a stellar bus, but keeps this growth like a plant, and... ...the various things around as nutrients, but this piece of gravel should not grow, and it will not be transmitted.

Lynn thinks that Ershi is deliberately leaving the descendants of this planting form here, and may have any special purpose.

For example, it is used to deal with some things...

"What is that!" When Lin thought about it, suddenly a large number of small-sized machine people emerged from the side of the woodland around the pompoms.

These machines are only half the height of ordinary robots... Lin knows that they will change to a normal size after three years of study.

This size has been maintained until then.

Because these machines can directly input all the knowledge, this learning process seems to be more than one thing, but...

Lin has not found any information in the information to write down all this.

“Is it a new toy? It looks so soft!”

These cub machines don't seem to know the pompoms, but they are screaming around.

It seems that the cubs don't know the pompoms. Lin used to think that all the residents knew it, because the machines they saw along the way, they generally saw the attitude of the pom-poms or whispered.

However, if the pompoms ask them questions, they will still answer. The attitude of these machines has always been very strange.

Now, Lin intends to study them formally...

Thinking, the pom-pom sticks out a fluff to a baby, and slowly touches it on it...

"What are you doing!"

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded, and it was only one... The adult machine came in from the direction of the entrance and said to the youngsters: "It is already late, go to sleep!"

"Yes!" These cubs ran out of time... The rest of the machine made a movement called "鞠躬" on the pompom: "Please don't make any dangerous behavior."

After that, it also went away.

Lynn thinks... This strange thing really has something special, so the attitude is so weird.

Anyway, let's take a look at what they have to do with the battle. (To be continued.)

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