4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1591: Data board

Although it is not clear why, but...

The machine people decided to launch a comprehensive offensive against the solidified void creatures that appeared here.

Therefore, in Lin's vision, countless explosions are constantly flashing, and the huge battleships aim the weapons at the solidified creatures floating here.

Under the attack of various weapons, the coagulation creatures are burning out one by one.

They... are fighting back, but the way to counterattack is just to fly over to the warships, so they are all in the process of approaching, and they are gone.

The pompoms continue to search on the ruins of the trunk while watching the seemingly suspenseful battle.

Those warships are very careful. They only aim at the solidified creatures, and they don't let any shot hit the trunk. This allows Lin to continue exploring here.

The solidified creatures in the main building, Lin found that they did not seem to notice the outside situation, and all still continued to speak on the phone.

Although they are very weird, it is obvious that there is a purpose for doing this. Lin thinks that there is someone who is ... pointing them.

And this instructor...may find clues here.

The pompoms are now flying over a vast street. There are half-residue buildings on both sides of the street, and the whole place looks like a city... and the cities of Elsh that Lin had seen before have very The high similarity, except that the buildings are almost hemispherical, and the entire city is built on a huge vine.

Lin’s goal is the largest one in the distance... a half-residue building.

The building is also hemispherical, it has a range of about 100 meters in diameter, and its top has been like a big hole for what to blow.

The pompom floated above the building, and you can see the inside from the big hole that was blown up... Countless floats are swaying in front of Lynn’s eyes, these things seem to be machine parts, and some life Supplies are like chair stools and the like.

The explosion caused the gravitational force in the building to fail, so that everything inside floated, and Lin quickly flew down between these floating things.

Although the building was not bombed, Lin knew that it was... the building responsible for contacting Ershi.

This place is called the 'Old World Communication Tower'. Although it does not look like a tower at all, the usual machine people... it is constantly communicating with the same kind on Ershi.

After drifting into the building, Lin found that the interior of the building was the same... all kinds of metal fragments floated everywhere, and it felt like it was entering a muddy muddy water.

It’s just that the water is floating in the water, not the metal, but Lynn feels that the pieces are not being blown up by...

Although the big hole on the top of the building was bombed, the debris inside should be... is that thing made?

Lin suddenly found that there was a creeping object behind a piece of debris not far away. The object looked a lot like... I saw it before, like the solidified creature of Nautilus.

It's just that it's small, only a few meters in size, it's slowly drifting out of the debris... and then drifting to another piece.

This creature should be the same species as before, and... there seems to be an introduction here.

Lin suddenly saw that there was a ... the information floated in front of the pompon.

This is a small...image screen, and the flashing light on it indicates that it still has energy. Lynn lets the pompom catch it and carefully look at the above.

‘Gravity snail, about 1-100 meters in length, unclassified species. ’

‘It can cause huge attraction, the principle of use is unknown, the character is erratic, sometimes extremely violent, sometimes it is very stable, the creature does not eat any common substances, the overall ecology and physiology are generally unknown, and more observation is needed. ’

‘Number of captures: 3, number of trials: 0. ’

In addition to these, I also wrote a lot of numbers below, I don't know what it means.

This is a very simple piece of information, but it shows a lot of things... It seems that the machine has already known this creature, and they have captured it?

There seems to be more like this here...

Lin looked around and soon found more information boards, and then the pompons floated over and found these boards to look at...

On top of this, it seems that there are records of some biological materials, some have pictures, some have no pictures, but they are all solidified void species.

It seems that the robots have captured these creatures from where they were, and then shut them down somewhere and continue to study them.

The characteristics of many coagulated organisms are described above, some of which are very detailed in the test, but almost every piece of information is written at the end... ‘The creature does not eat any common substances, the overall ecology and physiology are largely unknown and require more observation. ’

Although they have done a lot of research, there is still no way to understand the appearance of these coagulated organisms.

Lynn saw a lot of data reports saying that these creatures usually sway or squirm in place and do nothing.

Their research methods are...dissection, and testing the reaction of any substance to it. This research seems to last for a long time, and Lynn found a record of time on some data sheets.

In the longest record, Lynn sees that some creatures have been captured... Two pompons have been around for a long time, and may be longer, but even for a long time, they are written in general. unknown.

It seems that they have not found anything, but they are still studying, but where did they find these species?

Lin’s doubts until Lin found a ... special information board, Lin found that this information board is not a species of information, writing something else...

It is written here that they are trying to apply the special abilities of some solidified creatures to the development of technology, like the ‘gravitational snail’ just now, and some special creatures that can change the nature of the objects they touch.

Using these creatures, Ershimin has created a number of rare resources that were difficult to find in the gravel area, and there are some records of the production of resources.

At the same time, they also want to use these creatures as weapons. In fact, they have already been made. Now there are many weapons in the battleship that utilize the technology of solidifying organisms.

It seems that Ershimin's study of these species is for self-interested purposes, but Lin also found that some of them were mentioned here...

Things about Ulshi.

It seems that they first discovered these creatures, which are related to Ershi... (~^~)

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