4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1592: Raw rock

Initially, the place where the solidified creature was discovered was a place called...Olympus.

It is said that this stone is the largest stone in the entire gravel area, but the data does not write how big it is, just wrote it... The solidified creature was first discovered on this stone.

It seems that before this, Ershi people always thought that this empty gravel world was not biological, but... after discovering the solidified creatures, their idea changed.

Initially, they regarded solidified organisms as local creatures in this place, and their research was also curious.

However, after some initial research, Ershi people discovered that these creatures are very...incomprehensible. They don’t seem to eat or do any special ecological activities, they are floating in the same place, occasionally disappearing, and occasionally appearing again. But usually there is no threat.

And this research has slowly changed from curiosity to the value of studying these creatures.

In many tests and studies, Ershimin discovered some species with ... economic value and tried to bring them to the ... vine trunk.

They built a large research institute there, trying to breed some economically valuable coagulating organisms there, and they are also trying to get more solidified creatures back into the investigation.

Lin found a lot of information in this place and saw this history... This history seems very interesting.

And it's not easy to see, Lynn found that many of the found data boards have been encrypted, and there are only a few special ways to open them.

That is the need... some identities, such as the identity of the commander-in-chief, so Lynn made some special ways to create a ... the commander-in-chief opened it.

The data records a lot of previous things, and the behavior of the octopus to capture the clotting organisms is initially normal.

There was nothing special about this kind of behavior at first. However, some Ershi people suggested that since there are these creatures in this gravel area, there may be other creatures and there may be some potential threats.

These words of Ershi people have been fulfilled. They did not fully explore the entire gravel land at the beginning, because they thought that there was no creature in this place, so they did not care much about the development of force.

But now that I know that there may be creatures here, there may be more native species, and many Ershi people are beginning to worry.

This kind of worry has risen to the extreme at some point... Once, a team of explored aircraft was all destroyed.

They only sent some information back before the destruction. This incident shocked all the people of Ershi, so they planned to start to develop their military force.

They continue to manufacture a variety of military weapons, and are also trying to find out the murder of the destroying aircraft team, and at the same time ... some solidified creatures are also useful at this time.

Some solidified creatures have the value of being a weapon... Instead of using this solidified creature as a weapon, they use the power of these creatures to make weapons.

Some creatures can use the ability to change the properties of a substance to create a powerful bomb, and some of them can be used as a bomb.

It seems that they can be used as weapons themselves... In short, when solidified organisms are used in large quantities as weapons, in some places, Ershi people have also found the culprit to destroy the flying team.

It is said to be a place called the Stone of the Twilight.

Ershmin seems to like to give a name to a more conspicuous stone and then the local name, they found many huge rocky creatures near the 'stone of the twilight'.

These creatures are the species known as 'living rocks'.

It is described here that they were completely in a state of hostility with the people of Ershi. They were originally a sneak attack on the flying team. After the people of Ershi found them, they also planned to attack the people.

Each piece of raw rock is itself a warship. They are a very interesting creature. Simply put... it is like the ‘aircraft carrier’.

They can release a large number of small creatures from the body, many small creatures will blew themselves, the power can penetrate many of the Ershi warships, the raw rock itself is quite strong, and the hiding power is very strong.

In dealing with this kind of creature, Ershimin did not take any advantage at all. Raw rock is a real indigenous species. They occupy geographical advantages and various advantages here, and Ershi people can only let small aircraft be dispatched. Because of the dense rock, it is impossible to use large warships, and small warships are difficult to pose a threat to raw rock.

Initially they destroyed many of the Ershi troops. Although the raw rock never hit the vine trunk of the Ershi people, it has been attacking the fleet of the Ershi people everywhere near the 'stone of the twilight'.

This time, Ershi people did not dare to approach the place, although they would be fine if they didn't go there, but because of fear that the rock would be directly hit at some point, Ershimin decided to solve it with all efforts.

The main factors affecting this battle are... solidified creatures.

In this battle, Ershi people used weapons made from solidified creatures, which were reinforced with some solidified creatures... some exploration equipment, which allowed them to find hidden raw rocks.

There is also a weapon called 湮 湮 ’ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The results achieved with these new weapons gave the Ershi troops a great advantage. The rock was slowly defeated... At the end, the remaining Shengyan escaped from the area near the twilight stone, and did not know how to hide. Where have you gone?

However, the people of Ershi are not completely victorious, because the rock has never given up their hostility. They often sneak into the army of Ershi, because not all aircraft are equipped with new weapons, so the sneak attack of the rock is often successful. .

And because there is no fixed place, the sneak attack of Sheng Yan’s ghosts makes the Ershi people quite uncomfortable...

Later, the Ershi people decided to dispatch a large number of troops to search for the raw rock, and all the troops were equipped with new weapons.

In this battle, they used a lot of these new weapons to attack, which did kill a lot of raw rocks, but it also caused some ... new problems.

The solidification of the Nether creature began to grow in large numbers.

I don't know why, in the place where the Ershi troops and the Shengyan have engaged in large-scale battles, there will be many...solidified creatures soon after.

In addition to the original species, these creatures have many new varieties, and they are not as mild as they used to be. Some have... great and very threatening capabilities. (~^~)

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