4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1593: Coagulation contact

The solidified Nether creatures from here are usually called...monsters.

The coagulated organisms that first appeared were generally only a few meters in shape, and they were slow to move and did not make an attack, so they could be captured at will.

The solidified creatures that are now appearing are quite large...and they will actively attack the things that move around them. At the same time, they are also very powerful, and some even have the power to destroy large warships.

However, the beginning of the Ershi people did not regard these solidified creatures as a real threat.

They think that even if they are strong, they are also wild animals. As long as they are circumvented, they continue to pursue the action of the rock.

Until then, a solidified creature called ‘Emerald Amoeba’ approached the vine trunk, and the Ershi troops paid... at great cost to defeat the monster.

Ershmin realized the threat of these coagulated organisms, and they quickly discovered the reason...

That's the new solidified creatures that are produced by their use of new weapons... Although they don't know what the principle is, they were originally inferred to be attracted by the energy produced by the explosion of the weapon.

Want to solve these solidified creatures... Ershimin only thought of one way, that is to stop using weapons made by solidified creatures.

But if they stop using these weapons, they will not be able to continue to pursue the rock, so the people of Ershi are in hesitation.

However, they don't hesitate very quickly, because the newly-emerging solidified monsters have caused more damage than the raw rock. Although these creatures seem to have no intelligence, they will only... move around randomly, but even so They are also much more threatening to Ershimin than Shengyan.

Later, Ershimin finally decided to ... no longer use those weapons, as for the raw rock, then do not care.

However, Ershi people found that they were useless to do so, even if they stopped using weapons, those new solidified creatures continued to appear...

This has caused the people of Ershi to fall into a difficult situation. They can only be fully guarded and constantly confronting these emerging solidified creatures.

Until... there is a creature that helps them solve this difficulty.

That is raw rock.

Shengyan suddenly took the initiative to contact Ershimin and exchanged the language of Ershi to communicate with them, indicating that they also...have been troubled by these emerging solidified creatures, and Shengyan thinks they should unite, otherwise It is possible for the solidified organism to destroy the entire gravel area.

Ershimin began to distrust the raw rock, but they quickly found the problem, because the solidified creatures have begun to destroy the stones, but the more worried about the people of Ershi are whether they will attack the vine trunk again.

Because of all kinds of concerns, they promised to cooperate with Shengyan. After the exchanges between the two sides, Ershi people discovered that the raw rock is a group of... very good creatures.

For example, they don't lie, or they don't hide anything. If they ask any questions about Shengyan, they will say it very clearly.

Moreover, they are also highly intellectual creatures, and although they do not create anything by themselves, they understand Ersh's weapons and can give advice to modify them.

Under the joint efforts of the researchers of Shengyan and Ershimin, they finally created a weapon that could ... drive away the solidified creatures.

Contrary to the previous effect of attracting solidified creatures, this weapon allows the solidified creature to leave.

The solidified creatures that are dispelled are not just as simple as hiding in the gravel, but... disappeared.

Most of the creatures attacked by the expelled weapons will immediately run away, and then disappear after a while.

With this kind of weapon, Ershimin can solve many problems caused by solidified organisms, and they also find that raw rock is a kind of creature that is very suitable for... as an ally.

Although it is difficult to deal with as an enemy, it is very good as an ally...useful.

As a result, Ershi people maintained their allies with Shengyan, while constantly developing new technologies, while driving away the solidified creatures, and embarked on a thriving era.

Then the group of people was destroyed.

Lin found information about this particular history, which is mentioned... During this period, Ershi people constantly developed solid biotechnology, from the basis of driving weapons, they created some can imprison, capture solidified organisms. New weapon.

Although newly emerged coagulating organisms are mostly dangerous, they also have more value.

Therefore, Ershi people want to use them to better develop them... So some problems have occurred.

However, it is not the coagulated organisms that are so large and powerful, but a small solidified organism that causes problems for Ershimin.

This creature is about the same size as the Ershi people. They are called illusion apprentices by the people of Ershi.

Why are you so strange? Because the learning ability of this solidified organism is very strong...strong.

At first they were also recruited by Ershimin for research, and during their detention in the institute, they learned the language of the people and could communicate with them.

Another thing about this kind of creature is that it will be deformed. They have no fixed form and can change into the appearance of the people.

The initial changes were rather poor, for example, they didn't get good in terms of color, but some researchers had an interest in them, so they began to teach these illusion apprentices.

These apprentices are getting faster and faster. After learning more about the people of Ershi, their knowledge and level of change are almost perfect. They are no longer an 'apprentice'.

However, the name "illusion apprentice" has not changed in the end.

Although they have no special ability in addition to change and learning, researchers have thought of using them to do a lot of things.

For example, as a handyman, or as a partner, it is distributed to those who lack the opposite sex.

A researcher who made this opinion, it is an Ershi people who have no partner but almost half the life, and it is very resentful of this kind of thing.

The same is true of many researchers who work at the Institute and lack the time and opportunity to acquire a partner.

Later, after unanimous decisions, they began the work of letting the illusionist apprentice into the society of the Ershi people.

Of course, the 'phantom apprentice' is not used as a general resident, but as a slave, or as a prop.

The illusion apprentices were initially well-received, because they were very obedient, and there was almost no anger, such as negative emotions, so it was very easy to use.

Until some time... (~^~)

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