4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1594: Counterattack of the machine

"who are you?"

"What are you talking about, I am me."

"No, it won't look like this, it won't... don't come over! Ah!"


They... have been replaced.

After the illusion apprentices were used for some time, some problems occurred successively among the Ershi people.

That is the 'phantom apprentice' that replaced the general resident's incident.

This was first discovered by a researcher who discovered that an Ershimin who purchased a 'phantom apprentice' became himself a 'phantom apprentice'.

The researchers soon discovered that this was another illusionist who did not know where to come from, replacing the original Ershi people, and they lived like normal Ershi people.

The researchers realized that this matter is not simple.

'Magic Apprentices' will breed, but they need three or more individuals to breed, and they are all strictly controlled. The original researchers believe that it is definitely no problem before they start selling these illusions. apprentice.

But I don't know why, they are more and more, and they replace the general public.

Generally, the people of Ershi can't see the difference between them. Only the researchers have special detection devices to detect them.

In order not to cause panic, the researchers did not disclose the matter, but secretly hunted the two apprentices who replaced the Ershi people, and also stopped selling the illusionist apprentices and recycled all the original sales.

But things didn't end there. The researchers quickly discovered that there were occasional replacements for the people in the city.

This phenomenon is still increasing slowly.

Researchers still choose not to disclose the matter, and they continue to choose to secretly kill these illusionary apprentices who replace the people.

However, when the number is increasing, they can't secretly kill them, because the characters of the illusionist apprentices are... there are many friends and family.

This has led to more and more problems throughout the incident, and this secret killing has even been regarded as a continuous killing.

Later, the researchers discovered that the covert operation had not been carried out, and then disclosed the news, and began to mass-produce devices that can detect the apprentice apprentices and distribute them.

This did cause a lot of panic, but the people of Ershi quickly used these devices to find out a lot of apprentices and solved them.

However, this matter continues to influence the people of Ershi, because the illusionist apprentices are constantly evolving... some of them have reached the point where they will not be detected.

These individuals originally had to live in peace and stability, and the people of Ershi could not find them, but they suddenly started to do something... harmful actions, such as killing other people.

They occasionally kill the people who are in the order. After the incident came out, the institute soon noticed that there were still apprentices who were not solved. When they attacked the singles, they will show the prototype. .

The prototype is a group of objects like dark blue ooze. They are like this, so they can be turned into any shape.

The researchers then immediately began researching and updating the detection devices and re-announced the public to get their attention.

Then, the battle between Ershimin and the illusionist apprentices reopened...

Researchers are constantly researching new detectors, or using the easiest way to detect cells in the body to capture these apprentices, and apprentices are using various methods to avoid being detected.

In this war... Ershi people slowly entered the disadvantage.

The most fundamental reason is that the illusionist apprentices always don't know where to pop out, even if they think they are completely removed, but soon they will find that the people are replaced by them.

Therefore, under the continuation of time, the number of the people of Ershi began to become less and less, and all the people of Ershi were frightened, fearing that they would be replaced or killed one day...

In the later period, even the number of illusionist apprentices has increased more than the normal Ershi people, and the people of Ershi have been forced to the point of extinction.

However, these illusionist apprentices have a peculiar place. Even if they are so many, they have never launched any attacks on the people of Ershi, but lived a normal life that the original Ershi people had.

This gave the Ershi people ... the opportunity to fight back.

In fact, the original Ershi people wanted to escape. Some high-ranking people have decided to give up this residence... gather all the people to leave on the battleship and blow up the entire colony built on the vines.

But this program is believed to have a phantom apprentice mixed into the battleship to go with them, so he later gave up.

However, at this time, they received news from Ershi.

Those who lived in Ershi learned about the incident through communication and gave a solution. This solution is... a machine transformation.

In the original Ershi, usually the Ershi people here called the 'old world', where a new technology was developed, that is, a memory, consciousness and various things of a people can be scanned and recorded. Go down and store it in the machine.

This new technology is called 'cloud'.

Lynn still doesn't know why they call this strange name. The Old World suggested that this kind of technology use this technology to completely transform itself into a machine.

This technique is very tempting because it gives Alshin almost unlimited life, but the most important thing is to solve this situation.

Phantom apprentices can pretend to be ordinary creatures, but they can't be made into non-living objects.

There is only one problem, that is...

Turn memory and consciousness into the machine... Is that the case... is it dead, or is it really turned over?

Regarding this, no Ershi people can confirm.

Just because the situation is urgent, they have to take action, otherwise the illusionist apprentice will really swallow all the people.

Later, the first researchers succeeded in transforming themselves into this new machine form, and then more and more people followed suit.

They form a pure ... machine species, and after becoming a machine, there are no more illusionary apprentices to replace, even if some illusionist apprentices want to disguise themselves as machines.

In the end, this group of robots easily solved the apprenticeship who only had the advantage of quantity but only knew about daily life.

After everything was solved, the machine people did not want to change back. They planned to live in a new identity, but at this time... a new communication was sent in the 'Old World'.

This newsletter first congratulates them on solving the problem, and also tells them that they can't be completely a machine.

To put it simply, it is necessary to maintain the various habits of the past, such as tiredness, eating, sleeping, etc., as well as the lifestyle of the cell.

Otherwise there will be many problems. (~^~)

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