4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1595: Machine mad

They are all crazy.

This is the news from the old world of Ershi.

The technology of transforming machines actually has such a small flaw, that is, the person being modified will go crazy.

After being transformed into machines, the minds of the modified people will slowly change. They will slowly forget their own cellular biological identity, lose what they once called 'feelings' and become purely rational. Or the biological action of interest.

In short, ordinary Ershi people can ask another Ershi people to do things in the capacity of friends, but in general, Ershi people are usually willing to help friends for free, as long as this is not the case. Too much trouble.

After being transformed into a machine, the machine people lose this emotion. If anyone asks for it, the machine people will demand corresponding compensation, no matter what, regardless of whether the requester used to be a close friend because they have no 'Emotions'.

At the same time, when doing anything else, the machine people no longer have feelings, even if the memories of the past are still preserved, these machine people have completely lost a normal Ershi character.

This state is what happens to everyone who is transformed into a machine, so this state has a name called ‘machine madness’.

‘A condition that loses its original emotions because of its continuous physical activity.’ This is an introduction to machine madness.

In order to avoid the madness of the machine, Ershimin began to think of a variety of methods, such as modifying the program to adjust the memory, but ... how to make it is difficult to get the feelings of this kind of thing, the machine is almost impossible to treat.

In the end, they unintentionally found a way to let the robots still maintain the original lifestyle of cell biology, that is, to maintain eating, sleeping, breathing, and the like, then to maintain the feelings, will not happen The machine is crazy.

The Ershimin, who was here on the bus vine, had just received the news of the illusion apprentice who had almost swallowed himself.

Of course, they don't want to become unconscious madmen, so they immediately start executing. Initially they set up a system. This system can be turned on and off at will. When it is turned on, it can make the people who are transformed into machines produce. Tired, and thus have the idea of ​​rest and sleep, this system was originally called 'emotion and physiology 1.0'.

However, this system did not take too long, because many people did not open the system because of greed, so the system was later forced to open, the general public did not have the right to close, only in an emergency can close .

Later, the hunger system and the air system gradually emerged. Of course, these systems were not immediately introduced. Because they only introduced the fatigue system, they felt that it was not necessary to make it too complicated, and some thoughts of retaining the convenience of the machine.

However, after discovering that some machine people had the initial phenomenon of machine madness, they rushed to introduce more systems, completely reducing the lifestyle of the previous cell biology.

Of course, they have not been completely restored. For example, although they have to breathe, they do not need to pay attention to the amount of oxygen in the air. Even the poison gas does not matter. Just do a breathing action... but not completely without air.

As well as the system that the cubs want to learn, although the learning time is much shorter than when the cell biology was before, if you do some learning instead of directly inputting the data, you can completely avoid the machine madness.

In this way, although it became a machine, the vines of the vines maintained a cell-like life, and many of the previous threats were resolved. It is really gratifying.

Of course, the history of this machine is not over...

Lin found that they still have some minor problems, that is, their cubs are not pure machines.

In fact, they are not pure machines, but by scanning the original brain, collecting things like memories and then transferring them to the machine people generated in the machine system.

The same is true for the young cubs. The Ershi people have stored a lot of germ cells before they transform themselves into machines. Now all the pups have cultivated the original stored germ cells into babies, and after the babies have reached a certain level. Then, it transcribed its brain thinking and made it into a machine cub before it began to learn.

They don't make a pure machine look, which is quite interesting, and the place to store germ cells is now...destroyed.

In this case, they may not be able to make future generations.

In addition to this, they have some big problems. This big problem is actually destroying their problems here.

Why did the vine trunk suffer an attack?

Although most machine people don't know it, a few have already known it.

In the past, the Apprentices who solved the illusionist apprenticeship and transformed themselves into machines continued to develop here. After many problems, they became cautious.

Especially in the point of treating solidified organisms, they found that the solidified organisms were not so easy to control, so various plans for utilizing the solidified organisms that were originally in progress were also cancelled on the grounds of insecurity.

After that, they did not make any solidified products.

Although solidified organisms are no longer a problem, and Shengyan continues to maintain its allies, peace has not yet arrived.

Because... they were attacked again.

Lin felt that it might have detected the solidified bioenergy here, and the transpiration came here.

After the transpirations appeared, they did not have any intention to communicate with the creatures, but began to break down the stones one by one.

The first transpirations appear to be more than a hundred meters in size, belonging to the 'new variety' that Lin had not seen before.

However, they all look like a piece of rusty metal.

After the machine found that the tranpers appeared, they were planning to adopt a wait-and-see attitude, but the raw rock did not hesitate.

Shengyan seems to be very hostile to anything that hurts this gravel area, even though there are many stones in this area... Shengyan immediately began to attack the transpiration.

The transpirations also counterattacked, and described in the data, the transcripts of the transpirations and ... before Lin encountered.

They can decompose any flying objects close to them, whether it is a bomb or a rock, and the battle between them affects some of the bases of the Ershi people, which makes the people of Ershi have to work together with the raw rock to fight the transpiration.

And on the occasion of the emergence of new opponents... Ershmin also discovered some new allies. (~^~)

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