4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1600: To communicate

It seems... this is the location.

A ball of fluff is flying in the ruins of the city built on the vine skin.

In the 'above' of the pompoms, successive explosions are still shining, and the warships aim their weapons at any solidified creatures that appear in this area.

There were no coagulating creatures here, they came out after they were destroyed here.

Therefore, the machine people regarded these solidified creatures as...it made it out, so they decided to solve all these creatures.

Because the machine people always have an idea. They saw some when Lin looked for the information. They thought that the creature might be a solidified creature... the leader, it always wanted the solidified creature to be broken. Growing in the stone area.

But what is it thinking about? At present, Lin feels that it is necessary to communicate with it to know.

In addition, this creature is not always called... creature, it has a name, and the machine is called it by the people. This name is ‘other sound.’

The ‘noisy’ name was taken from the original robotic researchers who were trying to detect the clotting emptiness, and they received some very special, abnormal... sounds.

Later, I knew that this sound came from that creature, and they have always called it ‘another sound’.

Originally called '51 abnormal sounds', the main meaning is the sound of high-smart creatures, and later slowly referred to as abnormal sounds.

And after it knew the name of the machine people, it accepted the name without any opinion, as if it was not very concerned about the title.

Therefore, Lin also wants to listen to this abnormal sound. At the same time, Lin also has a few pompoms to find them to detect Lin.

Lin wants to know what that thing is, and why she can detect Lin as an 'adaptive species'.

However, Lin will go one step further to the place where she communicates with ‘other voices... It should be this position.

Although Lin found a lot of information in the big building before, the exchange point of the abnormal sound is not there, but in an underground space.

But it may be said that it is more suitable inside the vines, and there is a stepping down next to the street in front of the eyes.

Floating to the next step, you can see the ladder going down, and there is a thick metal gate in the depths, there is written... ‘no entry’.

The pompom floated under the metal gate, poked at the bottom right of the door with a pile of fluff, and entered the ... password in the pop-up screen.

With a small door, it opens next to the pom-pom and the pompom floats in.

This place leads to an internal communication station, where an organ of vines is placed, which has been used to communicate with ‘other sounds’ through this organ.

Lin flew fast in the narrow passage. This place looks complete and has not suffered any damage. Whether it is the passage wall or the ground, it looks white and clean, and...

"Hey! What are you doing here? Is it forbidden to enter here? Since it is forbidden to enter, it is a bit simpler to set the password!"

After passing a corner, Lin saw two...the whole body of the blue machine is arguing.

Of course, they are not robots. They are all solidified creatures, that is, the illusionist apprentices. Those who Lynd saw before were all illusionary apprentices.

Although they can perfectly play an Ershi people, they cannot perfectly play the machine of the people. I don't know why. This kind of play has two big loopholes.

One point is that it looks blue or dark blue, and it is discerned at a glance. Another point is that they feel soft and not as hard as a real machine.

Because they can easily be separated, the illusionist apprentices were finally solved by the machine, but they obviously...

It’s not completely extinct, because it’s coming out now.

These two seem to be one in the role of ... security, and one is playing the ordinary people who come in by chance.

I don't know what they mean, but those who answer the phone outside should be arranged by the 'uneven'.

The general purpose is to let the robots living on the vine branches think that everything is normal here, but after the ruin, the abnormal sound did not cancel the order, so they continue to answer the phone and continue to play.

When they play these identities, they ignore the situation around them, so Lynn can drift directly from the side.

This channel... is quite complicated.

Lin flew in the white channel for a while, and saw a lot of apprentices playing various roles along the way. They played the role of this research institute.

After reading these apprentices, I also entered a lot of passwords and entered a lot of doors. Lin finally flew to the destination...

This place is a fairly large room.

As soon as she entered the door, Lynn saw the vine organ in the center of the room.

This organ looks like the intestine of a cell creature.

The whole is green, looks very soft, and is rolled up in a circle around the center of the room. The size of this organ is about ten meters, and there are many things like machine tools placed around it.

It seems to be detecting the state of the organ, and ... using the organ to talk.

The pompom floated to a machine that should be a call device, which appeared to be a stereoscopic image device.

It is disc-shaped, two meters in diameter, placed next to the organ and has a number of lines extending onto the organ.

After the pom-pom poked on it, a three-dimensional picture popped up on the disc, and the picture kept flashing, and it looked like... it was not connected.

Lin didn't know how to connect. In fact, there was no way to manipulate the things in the previous rummaging. Lin was just trying it out here.


When Lin thought about it, there was a sudden sound on the screen, but there was no picture.

The ‘噼...’ picture flashes continuously, and more sounds appear soon, but...

"Do you hear it?" Lynn tried to ask for a look...and didn't respond.

"This thing is not so useful!"

Suddenly, Lynn heard another voice, only to see a blue machine in the entrance... that is... the illusion apprentice.

This seems to be the first illusionary apprentice to understand Lin's pompoms. It goes to the machine and says, "You are not using this correctly, and the correct way is this!"

It suddenly shouted and kicked the video device.

'Snapped! The screen flashed again and the ... screen appeared. (To be continued.)

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