4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1601: Different sound

"This thing, you know, it's always going wrong, if it's like this, just use a few strokes."

It seems that he is talking to himself and seems to be talking to the pompoms. The illusionist apprentice who finished the video installation, while walking in the direction of the entrance, left here.

Lin feels that... there is a chance to catch a phantom apprentice to study, but now it is better to study what is in front of you.

The image in front of the eyes was no longer flashing because it was stunned by the illusionist apprentice, but showed something.

However, Lynn thinks that the creature called ‘Nine Sounds’ is not in the picture, because the picture shows... all kinds of floating objects.

Some look like stones, some look like metal, and some strange objects that don't know what material is composed, but there isn't any object in it... it can respond to Lin's voice.

Perhaps after the annihilation of the vine trunk, the abnormal sound did not continue to communicate with this place in this picture. Now the picture should show the picture of solidifying the void.

However, is the solidification void like this?

I didn't mention what the solidified void was like in the materials that Lin had seen before, but Lin felt that there should be more information to check.

Thinking, Lin let the pompon poke a few times on the screen, and it popped up a lot of options... It turns out...

Lin found that there are several options that can bring up some of the information stored in this place, most of which are recorded and talked with the abnormal sound.

Lin found that there are many of these materials that have not been seen before... The more detailed dialogue process seems to be in addition to the handover tasks, the robots also often communicate with the abnormal sounds, mainly to understand the various things of the abnormal sound.

However, the abnormal sounds almost did not tell them anything useful, so this exchange did not get any information, although it was useless, but it was recorded here.

In addition to the exchange of information... Lin also found some research reports on the solidification of the void, where they continue to observe the use of vine organs, and seem to find a lot of things.

The research report says... It is now found that the solidified void is a different place from this void, where there are no spherical tumblings or stars, no starry sky here, and... all matter seems to be at A 'fragmented' state, they seem to be smashed in a big bang, and they have been smashed.

It is not certain whether there is gravity in the solidified void. It is difficult to confirm this with current observations. Most researchers speculate that there is a place where the 'rules' are very different from here.

But there are also many similarities. The biggest similarity may be... creatures.

There are many creatures in the condensed void. According to speculation, those creatures have an ecological composition similar to this one, and there should be many intelligent creatures.

It seems that the research report is just like this... Lin found that their research on solidifying the void seems to be very small, because the part of the device that is 'seen' is not much.

So what should I do next?

Lin has turned over other information, and there is nothing valuable, because the specific situation before Lin understands, the only problem now is how to contact the creature called the abnormal sound.

If it doesn't want to contact it, there seems to be no way to contact it like this... Well, if so, try using this method.

Lin let the pompom fly to the vine-like organ like a green intestine, gently touch the surface of the organ, and release a large number of ... micro-arms to detect the state inside.

So, this organ... is really special.

Although it is similar to the composition of bus-like biological organs, Lin has not seen such organs in other bus-like organisms.

This organ seems to have been created specifically for the purpose of solidifying the void.

Lin found that it has many functions, such as detecting the surrounding solidification void components, which include the 'marks' left by solidified creatures or matter.

Moreover, it can track these traces, find the ... solidification channel, and detect the solidification channel along the solidification channel, and finally detect the solidification void.

Being able to understand the function of this organ, mainly Lin can use the nervous system of the stellar bus to analyze it.

As long as all the information seen by the mini-arms is entered into the nervous system of the stellar bus, it can immediately resolve the role of this organ.

This organ is simply a detector, which has the function of detecting a solidified void, but it must be satisfied that in the near future, a solidification channel is opened nearby.

Because this gravel area is always turning on the solidification channel, the solidified organisms come here, so it can easily detect the solidification of the void.

Lin feels that this organ is specially prepared... The vines grow out of this organ specifically to deal with the solidified creatures here, so that the robots can understand the solidified organisms.

Moreover, although other bus-like creatures do not have such organs, the nervous system of the stellar bus can easily understand the function of this organ, which should be set by Ershi.

It allows other buses to use it to understand the solidified creatures. This whole vine should be designed by Ershi... a creature.

Perhaps, it is the special purpose of letting these machine people live here... It has a special purpose.

However, the abnormal sounds have taken advantage of the vine organs... to smash the robots, and even let them harm Ershi, so it seems...

"Adapted to the creatures."

When Lin thought about it, Lin suddenly noticed that there was a sound in the picture ahead.

The picture that originally showed a lot of floating objects turned into complete darkness, and there was a little light in the darkness, looking like a... far away star.

It is constantly flashing, and also tells Lin's pompom the language that is commonly used by machine people: "You came by yourself, not what they sent? The mission failed."

This is... abnormal sound?

Lin looked at the screen for a few seconds. It seems that the abnormal sound is not intended to show its form in the picture, or its form is like this...

This picture is not the organ directly seeing the solidified void and showing it, but the appearance of the perceived object after the perception...

Therefore, the content in the picture is not necessarily the appearance of real things.

"Alien?" Lin tried to ask about it first.

"Adapt to the creatures... very adaptable." It didn't immediately answer Lynn, but asked himself Lini to himself: "Adapt to the creature, are you going to accept their invitation?" (~^~)

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