4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1602: invite?

"They haven’t mentioned the invitation for a long time, it’s been too long..."

The sound of the abnormal sound... is not weird, listening to the sound of a female Ershi, but Lin feels that this is the sound set in this video device.

And what it said now is quite weird. It seems to be talking on its own words, so Lin asked him again: "What does the invitation mean?"

"Language communication, vocabulary expression is inaccurate..." The abnormal sound seemed to hesitate for a few seconds, then said: "Global Union Covenant."

"..." The pompom did not speak. The noise continued for a few seconds and continued: "The Global Union is about the official custom language, the first version, do you know the language?"

"Understand." The language it speaks is the language that Ershimin uses here. This 'global joint covenant custom language' is a language created by Ershi people in Ershi, which is not used here. A new language...but some of the Ershi language that was known to Lin.

However, there was a requirement to use this language later, so most of the robots have learned the language, but they still use the previous Ershi language when they communicate occasionally in private. This is a kind of... habit.

"Adapt to biological understanding, in this case, you should also understand the meaning of the invitation." The abnormal voice said: "Have you ever agreed to their invitation?"

"..." It seems to have become strange again. Lin remembers that in the information, the voice and the voice of the machine people are not talking like this, but it is like a... powerful. Like the 'boss', they usually talk to the machine people in a very...proud tone. There is a kind of discourse... look down on the feelings of all the robots.

This is one of the reasons why the machine people hate it, but it is not as strange as it is now.

"What does the invitation mean? Who is inviting? What does it mean to adapt to the creature?" So, Lin continued to ask more questions... and made it clearer.

"Do you want to understand the inviter and the invitation? You don't know the inviter?" The abnormal voice seems to be speaking normally. It says: "The inviter is, in this language, called the transpiration."

"...the invitation of the transpiration?" Lin continued to ask.

"The invitation of the transpirations, I know this invitation earlier than you, you must have known this invitation, the content of the invitation is... let you join the activities of building 'engineering', yes, they invite you, you receive Did you invite?" The strange voice asked: "The time for this invitation is over. After the end, you will not be able to get an invitation again."

What it says seems to be that the former transpires invited Lin to be a vagrant, and inherited the great engineering of them.

“Why do you know this?” Lin asked, “What is your relationship with the transpiration?”

"Relationship... It seems that you refused the invitation. If you did not agree to the invitation, you would not know where I am. I don't know about me... In this case, I may need more explanation." The voice said: "You just asked to adapt to the creature, What you call adaptation to creatures is not me, but they are transpires, their engineering... must be done by adaptive creatures, and they have been searching for them for a long time, they..."

"It's still fine!"

Suddenly, another voice sounded, and Lin saw that the door slammed open, and there ran into a few... the machine.

This is the troops that were sent out by the warships outside. They have almost blasted the solidified creatures flying around... and let the warships fly to the vine ruins to dispatch troops to explore.

They are the first to explore some key places, such as... this place.

"Is this all right for you?"

At the moment of coming in, a robotic man came up and pointed to the strange voice in the picture: "You actually ruined it!"

"You symbolize sorrow." The tone of the abnormal sound instantly became very... arrogant, it said: "You, failed so many times, why dare to yell in front of me? Do you still want to feel Is my anger?"

"We know that you are not that powerful!" This machineman... Lin noticed that it should be the captain of the captain who had been responsible for the task before... an adjutant.

Of course, the captain could not run down and lead the troops to explore, but these adjutants also know the things of the captain, they are also quite ... hate the noise.

Lin has a little bit of wanting to let them wait for a while, let Lin ask the things and say, but Lin still doesn't do that. Now let's take a look at the situation here.

"You have always used sneaky methods, like power outages, and have no ability to compete with us!" The adjutant said angrily: "But don't think that only you have a way to deal with us, we are always trying to deal with it. You, we don’t know, we’ve been studying the way to deal with you, and you can’t underestimate us soon!”

"Look at the extent to which you can do sorrow. After that, I will completely destroy you."

After that, the abnormal sound changed back to the kind that had been communicated with Lin before... There was almost no emotional tone: "They are the transpires, they are always responsible for constructing a biological body."

"Miedgart." The abnormal voice said: "Do you know this creature? Need to explain?"

"...know," said the pom-pom.

“The complexity of communication is reduced.” The alien voice said: “The transpirations are the constructors of Midgart, and they have never changed, even after they have arrived here.”

"The great project is to construct a huge Miedgarth, which is bigger than any individual constructed in the history of their population. They..."

'boom! ’

If a voice interrupts the abnormal sound, this is also the one that the machine Ershi people do.

They fired a shot at the pompom... so the pompom fell to the ground.

"This thing must be acquainted with it! Grab it, contact the fleet of the vine fortress, and surround the battleship like a volcanic rock!" The captain's adjutant came to the pompom and said, "We want to..."

"Are you not surprised?" But the pompoms interrupted it.

"What?" The adjutant looked at the pompon in surprise: "Is it still alive?"

It seems that it has not reacted for a while. In fact, Lin feels that it should be reflected, because there is no gravity here... Therefore, the pompoms will not fall on the ground after the gun.

Lin deliberately fell to the ground, and it really thought... killed the pompom and came over.

It may be that I am accustomed to a gravitational environment. In fact, this research institute is inherently gravitational... but the gravitational system may be broken.

Anyway, solve them first, and then learn more about the problem. (~^~)

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