4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1603: Overall plan

Midgarth's cubs...initially resembled a 'ghost' form, and after the ghost form grew to a certain age, there would be vagrants to shape the body for them.

From this point of view, the transpiration is a symbiotic creature, they will always accompany Midgart to full adulthood, which is about 10,000 kilometers or more.

Then, the transpirations left Midgart and went to... their own lives.

The vagrants who helped Midgart shape the body, or the vagrants who live in the condensed void, are all the most primitive species.

The current large number of transpiration breeds have all evolved in this void, but after various evolutions, these creatures have not forgotten their own 'instinct mission'.

That is... constructing a body.

However, this time the structure of the body is different from the past. Perhaps the transpirations have a lot... their own ideas, they have created a huge body, which is bigger than the Midgart made in history. This is a great Engineering.

At least they think so, and it seems that the vagrants want to continue this project forever, to accommodate all the creature's creations.

Therefore, the growth of this special 'Miedgart' will never end.

And this great project has such a small problem...

In the past, the body of Midgart was created in tandem with the growth of the young, but now that there is no cub in this project, it grows with it.

To put it simply, it doesn't have a 'soul', it's just an empty shell that doesn't work, so the tranfer thinks... let the project have a 'soul'.

To this end, they are always looking for 'adaptive creatures', adapting to the creatures like the Midgart pups can become the will of this project.

The transpiration did not let an ordinary Midgart pup to control the project, but was always looking for other creatures to do it.

Why is this? The transpirations did not explain this list, probably because they did not like the original Midgart.

However, for the transpires, here is a brand new void, full of unknown things, they think that it is sure to find another adaptation here.

This search activity lasted for a long time, and in the ongoing process, the project was built more and more, and finally they finally found it...

Lin, this adaptation creature, the transpirations are going to let Lin control the projects they shape and help them continue the development of the entire project.

And this thing, they didn't make it clear at first, but they didn't even say it clearly... But it's not just the transpiration that knows this.

There is another kind of solidified creature that knows this thing. It tells Lin the beginning and the end of this matter.

"They told me before, saying that you might come here." The abnormal voice said: "So I let this... creature help find you."

It turned out to be the case.

The pompom is now floating beside a few unmoving robots, listening to the description of the abnormal sound...

After listening to it, Lin’s pompoms said: “There are almost all things about the tranfers... but can you talk about your own things?”

“Do you want to know me?” the strange voice asked: “This request can be promised.”

Next, the abnormal sound talked about some of its own things.

However, it barely mentions how it is condensing the void, but rather about it... The abnormal voice indicates that it is a creature that has known the transpiration person a long time ago, and has been paying attention to the transpiration.

At the same time, it also told Lin that this piece of gravel was also the place it had been paying attention to. The abnormal sound noticed this... by the time, and then it tried to influence the void in various ways.

This solidified creature and all kinds of things have nothing to do with the transpiration, but the abnormal sound is just getting it. The various solidified creatures that appear in this piece of gravel are made out of it. This time, the people of Birsh are here much earlier.

In fact, the 'newest' connection between the abnormal sound and the transpiration is very small, but it suddenly received the news of the transpiration person not long ago. In this news, there is a sign that Lin may arrive here, so the abnormal sound thinks of the machine. The people are doing this task of adapting to the creature.

The abnormal sound is very interested in all kinds of things in this void. It has been continuously feeding various solidified creatures here and trying to keep them here for a longer period of time.

The solidified creature is in this void... it is not very long.

They return to the solidified void after a certain period of time, or they disappear directly, but under the various tests of the abnormal sound, this time has been lengthened a lot.

However, suddenly an unexpected thing happened.

That is... the appearance of Ershi.

The appearance of Ershi has had a significant impact on the abnormal sound.

"The sphere noticed me, it started to interfere with me." The strange voice said: "It leaves a lot of creatures...and continues to fight against me here."

The abnormal sounds were initially plagued by the persistence of the Ershi people... because they continued to capture or kill the coagulated organisms, causing... the solidification maintenance test continued to be difficult.

Therefore, the abnormal sound wants to solve these Ershi people who continue to interfere with themselves, but it is very difficult, because the solidified organisms that started here are very weak, although the maintenance is relatively stable, but it is of no use.

However, the strange sounds were discovered by chance, these Ershi people themselves... did something interesting.

In order to deal with the raw rock, Ershimin himself created weapons caused by various solidified creatures, and some phenomena such as explosions caused by weapons can make the solidification channel ... open wider.

Therefore, the abnormal sound can also introduce a solidified organism that is more threatening to the people of Ershi.

However, this plan also failed later, because Ershimin and Shengyan jointly modified the solidified weapons and solved most of the threats.

As a result, the abnormal sound sent some information to the tranfer, bringing the transpires here, letting them attack the Ershi people, but did not let the tranfers solve the Ershi people.

Because the goal of the abnormal sound is not the Ershi people, but the ... Ershi.

It wants to finally pursue the location of Ershi, and solve the ball, so there is a series of things behind.

The original sound was intended to let the tranfers slowly force the people of Ershi, so that they had to ask for help, but did not expect another thing to happen.

That is, Ershi people began to use the internal organs of the vines to deal with the transpiration. At this time, the abnormal sound also noticed these organs, so it started another plan... (~^~)

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