4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1616: Extremely south

"Why can't you leave? You should know this yourself. Those 'living residents' don't believe us at all. They always say that they want to wipe out all the machines. You can see the comments above."


Lin is now in the 'dormitory'. After the aurora lighting on the day illuminates the world, Lin continues to look at various materials.

Now Lin sees some... comments, the general Ershimin’s comments on the island of the mechanical living area, it seems that almost all the general people think that all the machines on the island should be destroyed, leaving behind not only wasting resources, Still a serious threat.

Although there are a few Ershi people who believe that machines can coexist peacefully with cell biology, they believe that they are too much.

However, the current claim of the island is that it will cure all the machines, and then the machines will be released after the machine madness problem has completely disappeared.

It seems that there is no vine in the madness of the machine here. I don’t know why, maybe there are different reasons for the environment.

But...Lin thinks that Ershimin is definitely not going to give up the machine. As long as they don’t solve the problem of life, there will be many people who want to transform themselves into machines to live forever, so the island’s machines will not be Eliminate it.

The pursuit of life by individual creatures is quite... crazy, almost everything is the same.

In short, the information that can be seen here seems to be almost the same, and it should almost leave.

"How do you get to the South Pole?" Thinking, Lin asked the next machine called Hika.

"You are going to the South Pole? What are you going to do?" Surprised by Hika: "And you can't go anywhere! This island is a place that can't leave now!"

"Are you originally living outside?" Lin asked by Hika.

"Yes, I have lived outside for a while." Hika said: "There are actually a lot of wandering machines outside, but once they are discovered, they will be caught here immediately. I have not heard of it until now. Who can leave, in short, this is a place like a prison."

"... well, if that's the case, then I will go to the edge of the island to see it." Lin originally wanted to continue to run around with the identity of this spy. It seems that it can't be done. Since this is another spy, this Machine spies will continue to live here.

Although it was strange to Hika, it took Lin to the edge of the island, which is close to the dormitory.

Looking at the endless sea and the towering cliffs, the spy raised his hand and sprinkled some... the mini-arms went down.

These miniature arms floated in the wind and slowly fell into the sea, began to swim inside and detect the surrounding environment.

This ocean... It seems that there is no biological appearance. It floats in the water for a while. Lin found that the creatures in the water are very rare. Only some fungi float on the surface of the water, and there are no multi-cellular plankton.

However, it doesn't matter if the fungus is used. Lin lets the micro-arms absorb these fungi and swim far away.

... just like this, it’s been a while...

'boom! ’

"There was another explosion there! Hurry up! Close all the passages and hurry to get tourists to take refuge! Ah... what monster is that!"


"According to recent news, the No. 2 monitoring station was attacked. It is now confirmed that it is likely to be caused by the machine people of ‘Zanke’. Now the local army has taken control of the situation, please don’t worry...”

"There is a lot of negative news about the machine recently..."

Lin’s spy was in the dorm room, and looked at the image screen in front with two roommates, reporting the situation of the monitoring station.

Although it is said that without looking at the report, Lin knows the things there, because Lin has left a lot of micro-arms there to observe.

There, the phenomenon of solidification of the void has become more and more powerful. Not only are there many strange coagulated organisms appearing... but there are also many coagulating substances. These coagulated substances may be released by special sounds. They all have explosions. reaction.

As soon as you touch some of this void, these substances will explode immediately, which causes a lot of damage to the entire monitoring station.

Ershimin is constantly trying to remedy there, but in the face of the coagulation creatures that continue to emerge, they can't find the source.

So it is quite difficult to remedy...

Although there was no small incident there, there was no special reaction on the side of Ershi. The comment on the Internet was constantly calling for the elimination of the machine people in the vines.

At the same time, there are many saying that it is necessary to eliminate the machines on the island by the way, which makes the island's machines feel very dissatisfied, but there is no way.

However, the transpirations do not seem to come regularly, because Lin recently found that the merger speed of those irrigators is slower.

According to the abnormal sound, the transpiration may be in a state of adjustment to ensure that they immediately set off to find an adaptive creature at the time of the merger.

The abnormal sound decides to first hit a detection point, then control the transmission device of this detection point to help the evapoturger to transmit, and finally attack the Ershi.

In general, it’s almost the same. Whether it’s a transpiration or an abnormal sound, their attack is difficult for a monitoring station... it’s hard to defend, so Lynn found that Ershimin has decided to go from another monitoring station. So move more troops in the past.

At the same time, they also decided to completely modify the tourist space station of the No. 2 monitoring station and transform it into a military fortress.

Because the vines can only be sent to the No. 2 monitoring station, so Ershimin decided to reserve a lot of defense there.

While the situation is tense in these places, Lin is still slowly exploring.

The spies who had dropped the sea before the spies had already landed on the Antarctic continent. Of course, they were not the original mini-arms... because they absorbed enough fungi at sea, they grew into a new spy.

A spy with the appearance of the people of Ershi is only a relatively young appearance, because there are not many creatures on the road, so when it comes to the land, the weight of the gathering is only about 30 kilograms.

Lin is now looking at this continent as a new cub spy...

Now, the spy is standing on a sandy beach, and in front of it is a large forest. The green plants radiate a splendid upgrade under the illumination of the Aurora, and there are countless creatures in it.

This seems to be a region with rich biology, so take a look at it and collect all these creatures.

Then... go to a special place in the center of Antarctica. (~^~)

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