4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1617: Ordinary communication

"This place...the creature is very rich."

In a green forest, a small figure called a spy is slowly moving forward.

It observes the surrounding plants while feeling the sound of the jungle...

So far, spies have discovered more than a thousand creatures here, most of them are small except for plants, but they are very rich.

It seems that this world... is not the same world as the virtual people.

Lin's spy kept a young appearance, walked more than three thousand seconds in the jungle, and recorded all the creatures she encountered.

Just as Lin thought, Lin has an impression on many of the creatures here... It can be said that it is the feeling of 'knowing before discovering'. This situation seems to only happen on the Ershi creature, so Lin feels Ersh is a place with lots of interesting secrets.

It seems... now I am out of the jungle.

After plucking a bush in front, Lin saw a spacious road ahead, and there was a sign with an arrow next to it, which read... Amundsen Town, one kilometer ahead.

It seems that I can walk to the town in a short distance, thinking that the spy will follow the road toward the town.

Although this road seems to be for transportation, Lin does not see transportation, but there are many black and white creatures on the road.

These creatures and cub-shaped spies are almost the same. They are the biggest animals that Lynn has ever seen. They are crowded on the road. This phenomenon has not disappeared until Lin arrives at the town.

“Welcome to the town of Amundsen, where you can enjoy the scenery of the new Southland...”

In front of the spy, there are many... buildings, most of which are low-hemispherical structures, and occasionally there are some large square buildings between these hemisphere buildings.

This seems to be the general appearance of the town. Between the buildings, there are quite a few people who are walking around. It seems to be very lively, so there should be a way to go to that place.

Lin first explored the continent not just because it was close to the mechanical island, but because... it had a special place.

This place is called ‘Southern Great Wall’, just like the name, it is a big cave. It is said that this big hole can lead to the depths of the underground and is still being explored.

Lin thinks that it may be a cave specially created by Ershi. In short, I have to look at it. At the same time, I have to explore the environment here and feel the culture here.

Thinking, Lin stepped on the street ahead and headed for the goal.

Then I was taken away.

The spy just walked a few steps, and suddenly stopped a white car, and walked down several adult Ershi people. They didn’t say anything and put the spy on the car, then drove away quickly. In situ.

"Shut up! Don't mess!" After being picked up on the bus, they placed the spy on the back seat of the car and took out a few sharp weapons in front of the spy.

Was there such a thing here? This should be considered a crime.

"I didn't expect to be so good when I came out, I should be able to sell a high price. Yes, this time I just made a profit."

They are communicating in a more special Ershi language, not a unified global alliance language, but Lynn can understand... It seems that these people are going to sell spies, selling them is actually not In a few cases, the Jade Dragon will also steal the eggs of the dragon. The virtual people also have many similar criminal acts, but they did not expect that there is also there. It seems that they have not completely eliminated the crime.

However, this seems unlikely, although the new development of the virtual people has done it, but how it is still unknown.

The reason why the spy was arrested may be that this spy made by Lin is in line with Ershimin's... aesthetics, and Lin is indeed doing it in this direction.

In this case, Lin felt that it was possible to detect more reactions from Ershi people. Although the personality of this individual creature is quite well understood, it is interesting to talk to them.

But it seems that the first time I went there was a hostile exchange.

"Hey, are you not afraid at all?"

It seems that because the spies are very quiet along the way, these Ershi people feel very strange, and one question asked the spy.

"No." The spy simply returned a sentence.

"It’s a weird child, don’t you know what will happen? You will...”

When it was not finished, it was interrupted by the one who was driving: "Don’t scare it, isn’t it good to be quiet and not crying? And, you should contact the buyer quickly!”

"Oh... I know!" Ershimin, who was scaring the spy, turned around and took out a phone call and poked it a few times. He then placed the phone next to his head: "Yes, it is me, We caught a great! Blonde? No, the hair color is black... but absolutely authentic! What? Good! Just say it..."


Lin still didn't say anything, watching them drive all the way into the alley between the buildings, and finally arrived... stopped before a building.

This building is similar to everything else, it is all hemispherical, but it looks very old, with a lot of rust on the surface, and it has not been cleaned for a long time.

"Go in!" They pulled the spy directly off the car and then walked into the building with a spy.

The building is very messy, with scattered furniture and food cans everywhere, and an image device in the center of the room.

It seems to be quite suitable as a base... I saw this place where Lin suddenly came up with this idea.

"Well, you stay here, you dare to cry and smash your mouth!"

An Ershi people pushed the spies to the corner of the room, and then they opened the video device in the center of the room. Lin saw that... there was a Ershi people wearing black clothes all over the screen.

"...not bad." The Ershimin first looked at the spy and said: "There are already buyers here saying that...you will give it to...hey? What happened to you? Hey!"

It looks so amazing now, because it sees all the people in this room... except the spies are now all on the ground.

"Do you know how to go to the big hole?" Lin spies to the stereo screen, facing the Ershi people inside the black clothes.

"You...this is what you did? What did you do to them?" (To be continued.)

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