4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1618: carry on

The Antarctic continent was once a continent covered by heavy snow and ice...

After the departure of the original galaxies, the continent began to dissolve, and a large number of ice waters made a raging tsunami and swept the whole world.

After solving the problems brought about by the tsunami, the once ridiculous Antarctic continent also showed infinite vitality. Large plants grew here, and countless animals came along. The Antarctic became an extremely rich place, so many The country also began to build a large number of colonies in the Antarctic, and began to quickly explore the resources of the Antarctic that had been buried under the snow.

But... this is only a temporary situation.

After the unification of the world, the Antarctic also abandoned its original development plan for unknown reasons. This situation completely stopped the development of this continent.

However, there are still many relocated residents on the Antarctic continent. They have not left, and these residents are also living here using the original colonial buildings.

However, because of the lack of public security management, the Antarctic is a place with almost no law. There are no police forces in many towns in the Antarctic. In these places, crimes are rampant, and the general population living here is almost Uninterrupted by the perpetrators.

Moreover, the Antarctic has become a paradise for criminals from all over the world, where they can escape from various hunt, and many famous criminals have chosen to base their country.

The once-developed holy place has become a paradise for harboring crimes. Why is this? There is still no answer yet.

"The information seems to be not complete, but the situation is generally said..."

Lynn’s spy was constantly poking in front of the screen of the video installation and looked at some information about the Antarctic. In general, the place was originally developing, but I don’t know why it suddenly abandoned development, which led to the abandonment of the colonial towns. .

At the same time, it has become a hiding point for criminals around the world. However, it does not seem to be exactly the same. There are some ordinary people here. For example, the town where Lin is now is the case. The residents here have established their own public security management. And also have their own arms.

However, the criminals are still rampant here, for example... it seems like a young man walking on the street is easy to be taken away.

It is quite common for the cub to sell such things, and Lin is known from the spies next to the spies... a few memories of the people who fell to the ground, they know that they are doing this kind of thing.

Originally they were usually in other continents, in the developed cities, catching the cubs, and then selling them far away, but... Recently, the monitoring equipment in the developed areas and so on has become more and more powerful. It is difficult to catch criminals in developed areas, so they all go to compare...the backward areas to catch.

For example, Antarctica is a good choice here. If you catch a good-looking one, you can sell it at a very high price. Because there are such criminals, the general Ershi people do not give the cubs a separate trip.

But these criminals have a large group, and they always have various ways to catch some young people.

This situation is mainly due to the fact that development has been abandoned. I don’t know why, but Lin feels that this may have something to do with Ershi itself.

So, let's go out and see somewhere else now. The spy looked at the people who were still on the ground, then left the building, went outside and sat in their car.

Lin originally planned to use the houses of the criminals as a base... but if it was, forget to go directly to the big hole and continue to use this cub as a spy.

Because, Lin feels that in this past, there will be many things in the past. In fact, the more weak the identity, the more things will be encountered.

In order to encounter various things here from the perspective of an Ershi people, Lin has specially used this young spy.

This car looks like a comparison...an old breed.

At least it's a lot older than the ones you've seen in the space station, for example, it will smoke behind it, but at least it has a system of autopilot.

After Lin got on the bus and adjusted a few times in the cab, the car moved. Without this system, Lin’s cubs couldn’t start the engine.

The vehicle can be set to go directly to the next town, but there is no direct route to the big hole, so Lin plans to move forward one by one and finally reach the target.

These towns should all be similar, and they are all places where criminals are rampant...

"Hey, what the **** are you doing? Just now it said that you all fainted, why the car has moved again!"

Suddenly, Lynn heard a voice... This voice rang in the cab. This was the one who had kidnapped Lin before... the accomplices, the relationship between their bosses.

Lin did not care about it, but accelerated the speed of the vehicle to continue driving.

On the way, Lin did not see many cars, and the Ershi people on the roadside saw them avoiding hiding in the building, as if they were... very afraid of the car.

Is it that they all know that this car is a criminal car?

"You in front! Don't move! You are surrounded!"

Lin heard another voice. Lin looked at it... the rearview mirror and found a few cars chasing it up. The tops of these vehicles were still shining blue and red.

This seems to be...

"We know who you are! Don't run away, hurry up! We can communicate!"

They kept screaming as they caught up, and Lin felt that... this scream should be meaningless, whether it was for Lin or righteous.

As a result, the car continued on the street, and Lin drove the car to the fastest speed. Soon, Lin saw the exit of the town.

There is a very straight route to reach the next town directly, and after two small towns, Lin can reach the place called the big hole, which seems to be quite close...

"We know that you are an alien creature!" Suddenly, the vehicles chasing after them shouted out that Lin felt something... unexpected.

"We don't have any hostility, please stop and get off the bus, we need to talk!"

Do they know?

Although it was interesting, Lin didn't stop. Instead, she opened the window and threw some miniature arms out of the window. The arms floated on the vehicles behind them and stuck to them, crawling into the interior of the car.

"Please don't hurt us! We can communicate with you on behalf of the world!" And these cars have issued a voice that makes Lin care... they seem to know that Lin is throwing something. (To be continued.)

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