4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1619: Friendly contact

"What is the purpose of your visit to Ershi?"

Here is a very bright and empty room with only one table and two chairs in the room.

Lynn’s cub is sitting in a chair, an adult Ershi is sitting opposite the spy, and ten Ershi people stand neatly on either side of the table.

The Ershimin, sitting in front of Lin, said to the spy in a very...respectful tone: "I am the Union of Investigations, our purpose is to communicate peacefully with you, we do not expect to trigger any war...if you We can tell you your purpose, and if it is not harmful to us, we will welcome you."

"How did you find out? Is that the one?" The spy said, pointing to the sky outside the window.

"You... are you referring to our lighting equipment? Yes, we have a surveillance system on it..."

This self-proclaimed 'ball joint investigation bureau' clearly shows how they discovered Lin, mainly on the 'Aurora lighting equipment' in the sky, which they noticed on the sea by chance. movement.

Because Lin let the micro-arms grow into spies and swim to the South Pole in the process of surfing the sea, so Lin had thought about it before.

But Lynn doesn't care much about this kind of thing, but things that happen on the road will become a little more.

However, the development of the current situation is somewhat different from that of Lin, who originally believed that the first reaction to their encounter with alien creatures was to immediately grab the target and shut it down in a local anatomical study such as the Dark Underground Institute. This is often the case in movies.

And this Ershimin is very peaceful and does not seem to want to make any attack.

"How do you judge that I am an alien creature?" Thinking, Lin continued to ask.

"We have records of all the creatures in the world." Ershimin said: "From a piece of meat that grows into a child, you can swim to the Antarctic coast. There is no creature in the world, so we think you are sure. It’s an alien creature, you...maybe pretend to be like us for some kind of need, you don’t need to do this.”

"If possible, we can exchange civilized technology with each other without any hidden hostility. If you agree with this, please come with us."

The spy asked: "Where to go?"

"Specially hosted by the different venues of the visitors... that is on other continents." Ershimin said: "When you get there, you can communicate with the leaders of this world."

"No." The spy directly rejected it.

“Why?” Ershi said with a puzzled voice: “What do you want to do here?”

"I want to communicate with the world itself." Lin said: "Do you know where to communicate?"

"The world..." and the spy dialogue, Ershi people suddenly expressed amazement. The same is true of the people who are standing around. Although they all keep a calm face, Lin can feel their emotions change obviously. .

It seems that... these words made them quite concerned, but the responsible Ershi people still kept their faces without any change and said: "In this case, you should come with us and communicate with the world leaders..."

"No." Lin refused it again: "I am going to the big hole."

“The big hole?” The Ershi people here suddenly burst into amazement. The people who are responsible for the communication are still calmly saying: “Why are you going there?”

"Can you go?" The spy squinted and made a doubt.

Lin thinks that the youngsters will have some special effects for them.

"..." This time, the Ershimin was silent. After more than ten seconds, it said: "Well, you can go there, but we will accompany you."


Next, the spy and the group of ... the investigation bureau's Ershi people sat on their kind of luminous vehicles.

These vehicles are black and white, and Lin found that the cars are more advanced because they are behind...no smoke.

Moreover, there is a deformation function, which can be seen from the appearance, and the previous kidnappings are not at all... a level of things.

They specially made Lin a bigger car. Lin found that the car was completely made of solid metal. Except for the communication and the driver, other Ershi people went to other cars. A team of six cars was launched.

At the beginning of the move, Lin found that the other five cars specially surrounded the car that Lin was riding in. They were obviously very alert...

However, Lin did not care much, and continued to ask questions to the person in charge of the communication sitting in the car.

It tells Lin that those aurora lighting devices are all automatically running, they can automatically charge and automatically illuminate, generally no one manages them, but recently in order to capture some of the big criminals who are said to have fled to the South Pole, on some devices. I equipped the surveillance system and I didn’t expect to see Lynn’s spy...

They have bases built in the nearby waters. These vehicles, which look like vehicles, are actually special vehicles for amphibious use. They quickly dispatched after discovering spies. They found Lin... solved a group of kidnappers. After that, it is completely confirmed that Lynn is an alien creature and intends to communicate friendly.

After the whole process was very simple, Lin asked him some things about the world, but Lin found that its answer is no different from what was found on the Internet, that is, all countries are unified, and the world is united. The class of things, also said the history of this place, for example, here was a snowy continent.

Then, Lynn asked about it about the world... 'it' itself. For this point, the people of Ershi do not seem to want to say it. It just means that they know that the world is alive, and so on. Not very clear.

Obviously its performance is very suspicious.

But Lin didn't care so much, just listening to its answer while looking at the environment outside the window.

The car has already made a small town, and the jungle scenery outside has appeared again in Lin's eyes. Lin found that there are many black and white creatures that have been seen before in the jungle. They shake their bodies and run away from the road to avoid vehicles.

"These creatures look a lot." The spy looked out at the window and said to Ershimin.

"Ah? Do you say penguins? Yes, they are the few creatures that continue to live here after the continent melts." Ershimin said: "Other species have moved to other places."

The spy asked: "Where is the other place?"

"The Arctic... It should be said that it is the North Ice Land, it is a newly formed continent." (To be continued.)

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