4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1649: underground

“With regard to the recent mass coma, we invited experts to discuss...”

“The people who were originally in normal activities suddenly fell into a coma...”

“Patients have said that they feel great pain, but doctors can't investigate the cause...”

The news is still playing, playing with coma and pain, and Lynn’s spy is continuing to watch the news.

The impact of this time is quite large, and almost every channel is talking about this because there are already thousands of victims...

The reason for this is mainly because... Lin did not stop them from attacking the city of the transpiration.

In fact, it was not an offense. Although the captain originally wanted to play, he decided not to fight first, but to explore it. It allowed the exploration team of the machine people to explore the underground environment of the city.

The city of the tranfer has a lot of underground entrances, like subways, underground streets or something, like the city facilities on Ershi.

When the expedition team entered these underground facilities, the residents in the city suddenly started to act. They blocked the entrance to the underground facilities and prevented the exploration team from approaching.

In the end, the team decided to attack, which led to the coma of thousands of people.

But although this situation is played everywhere here, occupying the headlines of various news, but ... the Ershi fleet did not associate this situation with the residents of their sera.

They simply refer to the residents of the tranfer city as 'unconscious clones' and continue to explore.

"Be careful, I think there is something here... that's for sure, I'm responsible for observing the flanks. I just found a thing with a lot of white hair flying over... What is that?"

A team of five robots is slowly advancing in the tunnel, and a pompom is floating with them... This is an underground shopping street.

There is nothing in this place... The residents are haunted, but it is very bright, the advertising version on the shops on both sides is brilliant, and there are all kinds of music echoing, so this is also a very noisy place.

At the same time, there is also air and warmth here, it can be said that this is the closest place to the city of Ershi.

Seeing this familiar scene, Ershimin feels amazed and feels quite... fear, the more like it is here, the more the transpires understand them.

This is the case with these machine people. The fearful emotions are expressed in the faces of their special emotions. Because they are set, they can't hide the expression on their faces. However, this does not affect their tasks.

"This store is very suspicious..."

Suddenly, the five machine people stopped because there was a store in front of them. Unlike other shops that were both light, the shop did not have any light.

"Yes, so we have to circumvent it." Several machine people did not go in, but chose to move on, and Lin's pompoms chose to enter the store.

Here is a restaurant... there are neatly arranged chairs everywhere, and there are many cubs crawling up and down under the seats.

It should be said to be a baby.

The group of machine people just did not seem to notice it, and they looked very scary when they took a look at this place, so they quickly left.

However, the pom-poms will not be affected, so they will come in.

The babies crawling up and down on the ground, the larvae of the above residents, examined it. Lin found that the cells in their bodies are growing at a rapid rate, which can make them in dozens of speeds. The body size of the adult during the day and night.

And they are very fat, which means they are infused with a high degree of nutrients.

This seems to be the way the vagrants make the way to the people. It feels...not complicated.

What makes these cubs interesting is their memory, and Lynn finds that their memories are in a state of constant elimination.

About sixty seconds or so, their memory will be cleared once, and the memory will be accumulated again, and then cleared. Lin feels that this state may be maintained until they reach adulthood.

It should be at some point in adulthood that they will be implanted in the same memory as an Ershi people of the same name.

So Lynn decided to find out if there are individuals who are fast-growing.

Thinking, Lin let the pompoms continue to fly into the store, the store should be regarded as the ... kitchen place, Lin is here... I saw a lot of pups.

The transpiration seems to have put these things here casually. This is a big...jar, and Lin found that there are many pups floating in it.

It should be said that...the embryo.

Lin tested it, and as Lin thought, the liquid in the jar grew and grew to a certain extent, and then climbed out from an opening below and became the baby crawling outside.

But where did the embryonic cells come from?

The transpiration should be... copying the nuclear information of a certain Ershimin and then starting to cultivate here, so as to cultivate an individual with the same nuclear information.

But in these cultured jars, Lynn only found the embryos, and did not find the source of these embryos, which may be shipped from elsewhere.

"This is where they make clones! It's terrible... but why are they producing these? I know! In short, you must report it quickly!"

Suddenly, Lin’s voice rang behind him and saw a group of machine people walking into it. They looked at the jars with amazement.

This was not the previous team, but another team, and a captain-like machine crew quickly reported the incident to the captain.

"Yes, I know!" After the call ended, the captain said to the players: "Place the bomb and blow it all out!"

At the moment when the voice fell, a robotic man quickly came over. It took out a bomb and stuck it on a canister, and the team quickly left.

They did not notice the pompon because the pompoms did not let them notice.

After they went out, Lin looked at the explosives attached to it. Lin had a way to dismantle it and continue to study it... ideas, or...

‘ booming’

And when Lin thought about it, it suddenly shook here.

At the moment of the shock, this gravitational force also disappeared, and all the things, including the crawling pups, all floated into the air.

At the same time, Lynn also heard... a nervous voice.

"Report, it... moved!" (To be continued.)

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