4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1650: Moving city

“We found out where they made clones underground!”

"Broken all those things."

Not long ago, the various expedition teams that went to the underground of the vagrant city found ... ‘cloning point.’

Most of these manufacturing sites are hidden in some shops, and the baby cubs of Ershimin are continuously manufactured. The captains issued an almost identical order to them when they reported these on the street. The things made by these clones are blown up.

Lynn thinks that there should be similar technology on Ershi, but because they do not meet the moral concept of Ershimin, they do not make clones, although they have created many robots.

The manufacturing points of clones are everywhere, and they seem to be everywhere in the city, and these clone sites have a very special place, which is to make the closers afraid.

The first team's approaching expedition team usually circumvents it and can't find it, but if the second team is close, they won't be afraid.

This reminds Lin of the energy of fear, but this fear seems to have only a one-time effect.

In any case, after the expedition received the command to blow up the clone maker, they all loaded the explosives in about the same time.

And after they loaded the explosives, it took a while...

"It's moving! The current speed is ten kilometers and it is constantly improving!"

The captain heard such a report, and what it said was that... the whole city, this city of 1,000 kilometers wide, suddenly began to move.

The direction in which it moves...is of course the direction towards the monitoring station, and at the beginning of the movement, the place lost its gravity.

All of this things are floating, but only underground. There is nothing floating on the surface of the city. Those...the cloned residents all enter the surrounding buildings, and the members of the expedition team are also very good. I entered the underground exploration and did not stay on the surface.

But there are those who stay in mid-air, those who are flying back to the exploration ship for resupply, and mainly because they and the expedition ship observed that the city is starting to move.

“Are they finally starting to move?” the captain said. “So, it seems that it’s almost completely blown up.”

"But sir, there are a lot of expeditions trapped inside." The captain’s system report said: "They are almost all underground."

"Yes? That's a shame, but we can't delay!" said the captain: "Now it is time to end everything."

"However, according to the defensive power exhibited by the enemy before, the firepower of our fleet cannot blow up such a large object."

"So it is time to dispatch other troops to come." The captain said: "Contact the troops at the third monitoring station and let them come here."

After that, the captain changed to the channel of the announcement: "The whole fleet pays attention to aiming at the cloned city, the highest firepower attack, covering it with firepower..."

"Wait a minute, sir." The system suddenly interrupted the captain at this time and said: "You must look at this."

After that, the screen on the front showed a lot of news.

“A large-scale coma has occurred in coastal cities?” said the captain: “What does this have to do with this?”

"This is a genetic test report." Then, there were a lot of words and some pictures on the screen. After the captain looked at it for a while, he suddenly said with amazement: "This is... the genes and clones of those coma." it's the same?"

"Yes, and the time they were in a large-scale coma was consistent with the amount of time we killed a lot of clones."

"How could this be..." The captain said with amazement: "Do you say... they make clones for this purpose?"

The captain immediately reported: "All stopped firing, waiting for orders!"

In this way, it seems that the decision to attack was suspended, and Lin could continue to explore in this place.

"We can't get out of it! Can't contact the outside, what should I do? Calm down, use the export to blow up!"

The pompoms are flying in the underground shopping street. You can see that there are many expeditions crowded there at the entrance, because the entrances are completely blocked and cannot be opened. They are negotiating to blow up the entrance.

Lin is here to investigate some special things, such as the transfer of energy here.

After losing gravity here, the whole city can start to fly, and this place can feel a lot of transmission energy, just like what the transpiration wants to transmit here.

They are indeed transmitting something, and from what is floating here, Lin can see that there are a lot of paste-like substances in addition to various tables and chairs, advertising plates and babies.

These substances are just here, they are substances with very high nutrients, and those babies will eat them when they drift.

The transpiration seems to be feeding the baby now, although I don't know why the tranfers are feeding in such a troublesome way, but... Lin is also testing now... detecting where these things were sent from.

'Snapped! When Lin thought so, there was a group of nutrients appearing around the pompoms. At the moment when the fluctuation of the transmitted energy was detected, the pompoms disappeared instantly.

It seems to be a big space here.

The picture around the pompoms quickly transforms into a vast, rusted metal wall.

Lin... caught the direction in which nutrients were delivered, and now they are where they produce nutrients.

But after the transmission, Lin did not see the nutrients...

No, it is not without nutrients. Lin carefully examined it and found that there is a large amount of microorganisms in the air. As such, the nutrients used for feeding are transmitted by using the transport to integrate these microorganisms.

When you get there, it looks like a large, sticky substance.

And here is the interior of the serotoner city, which is about three kilometers deep and can be regarded as the 'central part'.

You can't see the structure of any city in Ershi, and the walls here are made up of transpirations. You know when the pompoms touch.

"It is coming."

Suddenly, Lynn heard a voice...

"Are you here? Do you already know enough?"

There is another voice...

"No, probably not clear, but I will tell it to listen, you know, it actually knows a lot of things."

It seems that there are several creatures chatting, they are not communicating by voice, but... brain waves. (To be continued.)

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