4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1651: Internal situation

"You shouldn't decide that way. But it's so decided. Is that the case...but it doesn't know..."

What is being exchanged is some balls.

Lin's pompom is in the city of the simmering... The interior space is floating, because in the ‘listening’ just now, who is chatting, so now Lin found them.

What appears in front of the pompon is... ten spheres.

They are different in size, different in color, and are the same as stereoscopic images. Lin's pompoms can't touch them, but they can receive their chat content.

But these contents don't seem to have anything... valuable content.

"Yeah, you think it knows, it probably doesn't know. But we have to know. It doesn't know after it comes in." The **** started talking again, but listening to them... I don't know what they are talking about. .

But take a closer look, Lin found that these spheres should be some tumbling, so this may be... a group of stellar buses in the exchange scene.

However, why is there a scene in which the stellar bus is communicating in the city of the vagrant? And what are they talking about?

"They may have collected a lot. But this kind of collection is never possible. No, although the change has been going on, it will always end."

Lin found that there was a sky blue sphere among the ten spheres. They immediately moved their positions, surrounded the newly emerging sphere and began to discuss it. The topic changed from the previous 'knowing it' to... ...there is a topic about collecting things.

Of course they didn't say anything.

So, Lynn decided to let a... fluffy listen here, and then let the pompoms continue to stroll around this place, because this place is still very big.

The pompoms left the chat room, flew to other areas, and quickly flew between the walls of the vagrants, and soon the pompoms reached a special place.

This place also seems to be the place where the cultivation tanks are placed.

Here, Lynn saw a lot of jars that had been seen in underground shops and cultured clones. These jars were not empty. They were filled with liquid, and there were many floating insects in the liquid...

These pups are very big, some have grown to near maturity, but I don’t know why I didn’t release them, but I’m here...

So the pompom floated to the side of the jar and began to detect the inside... But before the test, Lin noticed a pup that floated in the jar.

This is... spy?

Lynn noticed that the pups floating in the jars were exactly the same as the spies made by Lin in Ershi, so Lin quickly let the pompoms make a hole in the not-sturdy jar and put the mini-arms into it.

This... is quite interesting.

After touching the skin of the ‘clone spy’ in the jar and drilling it into the inside, Lin found that the structure and the spy were almost the same, like the location of the pores on the epidermis, internal organs and so on.

Although Lin's spy looks like Ershimin, the inside is different. For example, the spy does not have such a structure that is important to Ershimin, such as the lungs and the heart.

There is no brain, but in the position of the brain, there is a group of brain-like objects, so that the spy is not exploding when the head is blown.

And in the brain's position there are some organs like brainwave receivers, which can receive signals that the general Ershi people can't get. As for the finger, there is a launching structure, which can put some weapons like anesthesia. Launched.

However, there is no place to store narcotics in the spy. Usually, Lin is making an anesthetic in the other's body. As long as there is a miniature unit, he can devour the other's cells to make various drugs.

And this clone, which replicates these structures of the spy... can be said to be an individual who has completely learned Lin.

However, it seems to be just a pinch. It has an organ in the shape of a brainwave receiver, but it has no real receiving function.

Although its fingers can open small holes, but there is nothing to launch, there are many problems in other places... Lin feels that this clone can't even stand up.

It seems that this clone just aggregates the cells into this shape and has no practical function. As for the nuclei that make up it...

Also different from Lin.

Lin hasn't used nuclear information for a long time to assemble the arms. They are all assembled directly, so the information in Lin's arms is a long time ago.

The nuclear information of this clone is an Ershi people.

As for who it is, I don’t know, but this Ershimin should be like a spy, but the organ structure in the spy... is too strange, so the cells in it are forcibly distorted and placed into spies. So the Ershi people will definitely die, but it can make it die in this liquid.

However, Lin is still concerned about when they know the structure of the spy body? Is that the time? Lynn can think of some spies who are likely to be detected in the body structure.

More suspicious is the one that was encountered in the Antarctic before... the bright Ershi people.

In this case, it is necessary to conduct an investigation. Then, Lin continues to look at other jars and finds that there are some people in the jar... people with special functions.

Simply put, they are stronger than ordinary Ershi people...

They have strong athletic ability, some are long hair, and some strengthen their strength...

After examining their memories, Lin found that they were mainly from the world around Ershi, and there seemed to be plans for similar heroes around the world.

Such a plan may be called a 'genetic engineering plan', and researchers at the Ershi people have always wanted to strengthen the overall physical condition of the people by changing the nuclear information, or to treat genetic diseases.

There are such studies all over the world, they also create a lot of experimental bodies, and the transcripts specifically cloned these nuclear-modified experimental bodies here.

But I don't know why the transcripts have cloned these experimental bodies here. The clones have the same memories as the individuals on the Ershi, and Lin can know their situation.

Lin feels that there seems to be a very complicated relationship, but in short, the simmerers have thoroughly studied Ershi, they should have been on Ershi very early... what is undercover.

'boom! ’

Suddenly, Lynn heard the explosion, which seems to mean... already started. (To be continued.)

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