4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1671: mainland?

It turns out that...this...the object seems to be able to resolve a lot of things.

It is deep in the underground of the Arctic continent. It is a vast environment with fluorescent plants all over the place, and various creatures rushing through the jungle.

And one...Slim Arms is looking at one of the biggest and most special plants in front of us.

This plant is like a support column, holding the ground and the top of the cave, it looks like it has opened this underground cave.

Of course, this underground cave is not open to it, but it is caused by it. No, the whole continent is formed by it.

The whole Arctic continent, as well as the creatures that exist in the mainland, were born from... this tree is of course the kind of creature...the creator.

This is a plan, it should be the plan that Ershi implemented and made the whole continent.

I don't know when it started, and I don't know what the purpose is, but the process of this plan is to create... a continent.

It should be said that... growing into a continent, the foundation of the Arctic continent is actually a creator.

However, it is not a normal creator, but an unconscious creator. After finding this tree, he found a lot of information. Lynn can be sure that there should be a creator at first.

This creator... has no brain.

But only the creator of the body, it seems to be the opposite of the previous one... It should be the method used by Ershi, but although there is no brain, this body is still growing... but only aimlessly Hyperplasia.

Because there is no brain control, the cells of the creator's body are in a state of continuous division and growth, without restraint, and during this period of growth, it may be that Ersh is providing nutrients to it.

In the end, it grew into a rather large... individual, it should be the size of the continent today, and there are many creatures on it.

These creatures seem to be mostly like pompons or creatures on the head, but in reality they are all born by the creator. The creator's body stores the nuclear information of many kinds of creatures.

In the process of its growth, these creatures were born and appeared to live in all parts of the body.

As for why the two species of pompon and Ershi are displayed, this may also be the result of Ershi, which specifically reveals the nuclear information of the two organisms, thus producing related organisms.

As for how it was produced, Lin felt that it should not have evolved from the initial cells like the creators of the usual creators, but that Ershi put the original creatures on the land on the continent... and The nuclear information that allows them to be mixed into the creator's storage changes.

This produces creatures that resemble pompons, but they are not exactly the same, but only achieve a high degree of similarity.

In the end, the creator is growing more and more, but it has not grown.

After growing up to the size of the Arctic continent, the creator may have died...

I don't know if it is what Ershi does, or what else, the creator's body begins... rot, accurately decomposed, and some special microbes can be found in the soil of this continent and in many places.

In addition to the swords, there are some other kinds of microorganisms, and the creators' decomposition should be responsible for them.

Originally, the whole continent was similar to a tree-like structure with a strong outer skin and a liquid filled inside. These microbes completely changed the structure after the creator died.

The original body fluids and cells of the creator were completely transformed into...the soil, and some of the more solid parts became...rock-like objects.

It should take a long time, after the decomposition of these microorganisms, the whole continent has become a normal continent.

After that, there may be more ... normal matter, like rock, so that the whole continent becomes almost the same as the general continent.

At least when I landed, I couldn’t see it. Ershimin did not study anything special here.

However, it cannot be said that there are absolutely no special things, such as those in the jungle and underground. The nutrients they absorb from the leaves are quite small. They mainly absorb nutrients from the underground soil.

It is the nutrients left by the original creator's body after being decomposed. The amount of this nutrient is quite large enough for the plants here to grow for a long time.

As for the creators, only some of the key parts have been preserved, such as those huge trunks, and some roots distributed underground.

Although the swords and the microbes almost break down the interior, the overall structure remains there, so by investigating these structures... Lin can know some of the history here.

However, I still don't know all about it, such as the purpose of making it here.

In short, this creator of the mainland is made by Ershi hidden somewhere. Until recently, this continent has appeared in the Arctic.

It is not clear why it is here. It may be to replace the melting Antarctic, but the Antarctic has not disappeared, just... not so cold.

As a whole, it can be seen that among the creatures originally produced, they are all creatures on Ershi or pompons, and only Baixing is a very special alternative.

Therefore, the problem lies in the white star.

Lynn thinks it may be a product outside of the Ershi plan. The birth of White Star means something...

Thinking about these things, Lynn's slime has wandered around the trunks of the huge creators, detecting everything... inside.

Even the cell debris was almost cleaned up, and the swordsman did quite... perfect, as if they didn't want to leave anything, but there were still some special things that they deliberately stayed here.

This is some cells.

Lin found that the cells resemble the brain cells of the white star, and they are scattered throughout the body of the creator.

The scattered cells are in a state of sleep and are protected by a strong outer shell to remain immortal.

It feels like a sword is deliberately placed, but now there is no sword to touch these cells, and after Lin collects these cells, Lin finds that the cells themselves store some...memory.

And they will grow, and when Lin melts these cell shells, they begin to grow...

Lynn found that they are growing into a white star.

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