4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1672: Create mirror

Creator...mirror plan?

A new white star was born.

Because Lynn found some cells in the creator's long dry trunk and gathered them together, the cells grew rapidly there.

It grows in the same way as the previous white star. It grows into a flower-like shape, and then it is born from this flower...the cub.

This pup grows faster than the previous white star, but most importantly, it has a complete memory at birth.

This makes it not to go hunting directly like other white stars at birth, but to stay where they are, as if thinking about...what.

Lin can also know what it thinks.

Mainly related to this continent, Lin had already known that this continent was formed by the creators, but many of them speculated that they did not know the specific purpose of Ershi, and this white star... know more.

In general, the creation of this continent can be called a plan... and Lynn decided to call it the creator image.

As Lin thought before, this continent is a body of...no brain creator, but it does not grow at random, but grows with another creator.

However, it is not a long section over there. This is a complete synchronization of this period, but a synchronization in ... 'creation'.

In other words, another creator creates a creature that produces a nuclear message that allows the creature to change, and the creators here are synchronized.

From here it can be judged that the creator here... is related to the creator on the pompon.

After the creators there have created various creatures such as dinosaurs, gnomes, and dragons, the creators here will also create corresponding bio-nuclear information.

However, these nuclear information is not carefully adjusted to create creatures like the pompoms, but is mixed with some of the local species here.

It is like a gnome here, probably the nuclear information of the creator of the creator, and then mixed with some kind of dinosaur.

So there are many differences with the gnomes on the pompons. Although they look very similar in appearance, they are much worse in other aspects, such as intelligence and internal structure.

Other creatures also use the creator to create the nuclear information of the pompon creature, which is produced after the synthesis of the native species of Ershi.

These species look very natural, and they are like some species evolved in Ershi. After discovering many species in the Arctic, Ershi people made this speculation, considering the creatures on the Arctic continent and other creatures. It is a close relative, but has a different evolutionary environment, so it has a different evolutionary form.

But in fact, these creatures can be considered as a mixture with pompoms.

After the creator has grown to a certain extent, he has not grown any more and has not produced any nuclear information.

Lin learned from the memory of White Star that this is probably the same time that Lin and Lin are on the pompom... The time to kill the creator is similar.

That is to say... the creator of this and the creator of the pompon can be said to be a completely synchronized creature.

After it stopped growing, it had a huge volume... and a variety of mixed creatures also formed a complex ecology.

Ersh did not destroy it or do anything, but let these creatures continue to grow.

Why do you want to make these hybrid creatures? White Star does not know this purpose, but it knows... the creator itself has not completely lost his brain.

Although there is no brain, it seems that the creator still has some ... consciousness. When its body is growing, this consciousness is also observing the general situation intermittently.

Where did this consciousness come from? Maybe the creator itself has a small amount of brain cells remaining? In short, this consciousness is very vague, just like the state of being on the verge of coma.

It has always been observing the growth of its body intermittently and has not done anything until recently.

That is... when it was placed in the North Pole.

After being placed in the North Pole, I don’t know why, this consciousness is clearer, but at this time the sword and various microbes have almost completely broken down the creator’s body, and there is almost no residual part. This consciousness can’t do anything.

But it can still do one thing, that is... concentrate.

This spirit of concentration, like the spirit of concentration in the usual sense, is to think about one thing continuously and forcefully.

This thing is... free activity.

This consciousness has always been eager to be free to move. Although it has felt its own body before, but it can't control it, and now the whole body is almost completely decomposed, then nothing can be felt, and of course it can't move.

It is eager to move.

This craving... succeeded after a while.

This seems to be the reason for the birth of White Star. The original white star is formed by this consciousness.

From memory, I can't see how it formed, but Lynn concluded that consciousness should be a small group of cells.

This small group of cells may have nuclear information about the white star itself, and it may be able to send signals to the surrounding swords, allowing the swords to grow into white stars.

After growing into a white star, this consciousness has a body and moves around, but it has no knowledge and no intelligence.

However, it still has a bit of intelligence. It knows how to find food. It may be that some brains of high intelligence creatures are eaten by chance. After the brain is absorbed, the intelligence of the white star is improved.

So when the white star started, it specialized in attacking high intelligence creatures. As for the general situation, it only eats plants and does not eat meat.

During this period, the white star killed almost all the high intelligence creatures in the jungle, like... dragons.

This cockroach class is estimated to be the nuclear information of Snapdragon and some similar biosynthesis.

I don't know why the number has been very rare, not developed, and it is almost extinct after being attacked by white stars.

But this white star was later taken away, and this consciousness was left behind.

In memory, Lin found that... consciousness did not leave the forest with the white star. Although it felt like it was a white star before, when the white star left the forest, the consciousness returned to the forest like a broken signal, and returned to the white star. A small group of cells.

This small group of cells continues to be nurtured by the sword and grow into a new white star, continuing to start the previous activities.

This is what Linde knows, white star breeding activities, white stars will leave a small group of cells, if there are white stars are taken away, this small group of cells will grow into a new white star.

In addition to cultivating new white stars, Swordsman will take away one of the small group of cells and bring it to the ground every time...

This creator is stored in the dead tree.

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