4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1675: Special place

It seems to be the ground under the head of Ershi...

By comparing the positions of other arms, Lynn feels that spy Veronica is now located deep underground in the city.


If you look at the sky here, you can see the endless blue sky and the star that radiates hot and shining.

This is not the effect of any device, but a feeling of a star shining there.

However, the actual situation is still to fly to confirm to know.

"Vironica classmates! There are so many big scorpions here! Are we really crossing the Doomsday world?"

Bilu was looking at the window at the moment, and on the sand below, there were many scorpions with a length of more than one meter, the same color and gravel.

Although it looks like a scorpion, Lin feels like other creatures. They have ten limbs. The long tail is not a hook, but a spherical object.

And they are not alive, but if you look carefully, they are just empty shells.

"Do we want to go down and see? Or don't you go and see? Hey, what are we going to do? Certainly something interesting will start!"

Bilu’s face looked excited and jumped from the window. With the ‘Kala’, it directly smashed an empty shell and stood on the sand.

"Come down, Veronica classmates!" Biro yelled underneath: "Come here for a great adventure!"

"..." Lin thought about it for a while and then jumped.

Falling on the sand, you can clearly feel the burning light from the sky, this place feels quite interesting.

"Let's go over there and see it!" Bilu ran to the front of a building that was buried in gravel, and the spy checked the empty shells like scorpions.

This seems to be... a creature that has died a lot of Ershi years, is a kind of large arthropod creature that is related to the common scorpion on Ershi.

It seems that there is a lot of weird secrets on this Ershi. I didn't expect to have such a space... and there are unique creatures here.

Although these are not alive, they should be alive, while thinking about it, Lin walked past Bilu.

Bilu has always been very excited, this is... normal phenomenon, because it is a creature that is very eager for all kinds of adventures. The reason for joining the college is also to imagine the adventures in the anime movie.

"It seems like I can go in here!"

Before Bilu walked to the semi-buried building, he jumped in from the window above, and the spy entered along with it. After entering it, Lin saw that it was a room similar to the previous one.

There are electrical appliances and furniture that have been eliminated, but there is also a thick layer of sand on it. There is also a computer here, but obviously it can't be opened.

"It’s all the old things!" Turned over the furniture and tried to open them, but no one responded to it.

"It’s been broken for a long time, this... eh?" And after Poke’s poke on something called a 'television', the thing reacted, and the dusty screen slammed on it. Light up.

There was a flash of snow on the TV, and there was such a voice: "Go north until the 19th."

"It says to go north!" Biro asked the spy: "While Veronica, who is on the north side?"

"..." The spy did not speak, but walked over and examined the TV. This TV is different from other appliances. It is the only one that is not damaged.

And it has been maintained, the dust above is not naturally glued, but is deliberately glued.

It seems that there are other Ershi people here.

As for the content on the TV, it is released through another machine and TV connection under the TV. This is also a very old machine.

"Vironica classmates?" said Bilu: "Do you think this thing is suspicious? It's too clever! I think so too!"

The spy said: "Go there and see."

Bilu said: "That is for sure!"


"Ah... I don't want to go... haven't you arrived yet?"

Under the scorching sun, the spy and Bilu are slowly walking on a piece of sand, surrounded by semi-buried buildings, and the sun in the sky seems to have never weakened, always maintaining a strong firepower to illuminate the earth. .

This made Bilu not want to go on. He went to a distorted telephone booth and sat down: "What is the 19th, where is it? Where is the north? Going on, I want to... ... don't want to go!"

"...it doesn't seem to have nights here." The spy glanced at the sky.

"Yeah! Veronica watches also noticed? Here is definitely something forever, let's go find some water, it's too hot, and it will kill if you wait!"

It seems that I really want to find some water, although it is difficult for spies to lose water.

This place reminds Lin of the tomb of Midgarth. Doesn't Ershi like to make a similar... space?

"Look there and look for it." Thinking, the spy walked to a larger building nearby.

"It is very likely that there is water!" Biro saw it and followed him into the building with the spy.

Because this building is also half buried, it is also in the window. After entering, Lin found that it is also a residential building.

In fact, the buildings that come from this road seem to be all residential buildings. There are no other buildings, but there are other facilities, like telephone booths, post boxes, etc. These ancient facilities are not buried under the sand like buildings. Most of them are on the ground.

I don't know why?

"It seems like there is no water here!"

Bilu turned around in the house, and the spy was looking around. The decoration of this room was more luxurious than before, although it was also used to eliminate items.

"Let's go to another room to see it. There must be water or something here, because the screen can be opened, there must be something stupid to live here!" It should be that I don't want to go outside, Bilu started here. Explored the building.

And the spy followed it to explore everywhere, and maybe something special might be found here.

With this in mind, Bilu and the spy saw each room. Each room was almost identical. The neat furniture was covered with a lot of dust and gravel. Most of the appliances could not be used, but there were a few that could be used.

For example, this...

"You have to find those... yes, that creature."

Before the dew and the spy were on a machine that seemed to be called a recorder, the machine played some words.

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