4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1676: Scorpion?

"We...have to...transport...no...wrong."

It was a room covered in sand and dust. Inside the room, there was an old machine, and it was saying something... intermittently.

This is not the official language, but the language of the country. I can't understand it, but the Veronica students can understand.

"What is it talking about?" asked Lulu: "It's really weird here. Most old appliances can't be opened at all, but in these appliances, occasionally some good electrical appliances are mixed... ah, ah, How can I do it! I want to drink water! I want it!"

"Oh." The spy made a banned gesture.

"Well? Is there a strange voice? I also heard it, Veronica, is it..."

Bilu instantly became quiet, and he and the spy quietly walked to the entrance of the room, looking out and looking out.

When you put your gaze in the hall, you can see two creatures appear in the hall. These two creatures... are the former scorpions.

But they are not completely blind, their limbs are completely legs, and they don't have tongs on their forelimbs like ordinary scorpions.

As for their tails, it is a peculiar ball with light shining on it, much like a lantern on the head of a fish called a lantern fish.

"It’s the scorpion before!" said Lulu in a very small voice: "It’s too strange to have a living. If you catch one, will there be any reward for discovering rare species!"

The spy said: "They may have been caught long ago."

“What does this mean?” asked Lulu: “They are not free here...”

"Found, it's here!" Bilu's voice was suddenly interrupted. I saw two Ershi people at the entrance to the hall. One Ershimin immediately lifted the cylinder in his hand after seeing the two blinds. With the sound of '嘭', a large net flew out of the cylinder and directly caught two dice.

"Okay, the capture is complete!" The two Ershi people immediately came over and tightened the net, and then dragged the struggling scorpion out to the outside.

"What are they doing? Is it a reward for discovering rare species?" Bilu said: "This is what we found first!"

"No." The spy said: "They are poachers, and this should be their secret base..."

"Wow, ah! Go to hell!" Without waiting for the spy to finish, Bilu yelled and ran to the two Ershi people.

"What?" The two people were shocked. When they turned their heads, they saw a figure flying quickly.

"Ah!" An Ershimin flew directly out of the dew, and the weapons in his hands rolled to the side...

"You...who are you?" Another one was shocked. He quickly lifted the firearm at Lubi, and he was not afraid of it. He kicked it out again and took the gun in his hand to the distance.

"I hate you guys the most!" said Bilu: "It is said that you like to catch rare creatures to sell. If you don't know, there will be no rare creatures! If this is the case, the world will become very boring!"

"You..." The rest of the Ershi people didn't have time to say anything, they were beaten on the face by a punch, which caused the whole face to fall in, then fell to the ground, it seems that they can't climb. It is.

Even though Bilu only strengthened a part of physical fitness, it seems that it is easy to defeat ordinary Ershi people.

"How, Veronica, I solved these bad guys!" said the spy smugly to the spy.

Lin thinks this is more than the dew... It can be said that it is quite simple. Generally, the Ershi people are quite rare. I think that the spy has gone over and searched for the things of these people.

Some small imaging devices were found on them, and after they were poked with their fingers, they saw the information inside.

Sure enough, they are poaching, and this place is their base.

To be precise, their base is not here, but in a farther place called 'Building 19', where they store many rare creatures, including parts of the creature, or the entire living creature.

And it is obviously difficult to find them by transporting these creatures out and selling them at this time.

These two nephews are one of the creatures they sell, and because they escaped, the two Ershi people are responsible for the pursuit.

This kind of scorpion is called 'Pig 蝎 蝎', and the small **** that glow on their tails are poison sacs, used to lure other creatures to eat in, and poison the seduce creatures, they are hunting in this way, they are also the Arctic biological.

However, Lynn has not seen it in the Arctic. According to the information found by poachers, this creature seems to have been almost completely caught and can only be seen outside the Arctic.

In their data, Lin found that they are selling a lot of species, and there may be white stars inside...

The reason why the base of the poacher is here, but it is not written, but generally it will not write such a thing. As for those old appliances that can be found on the way, these poachers put it. There are some... communication methods, whispers or something.

I didn't write too clearly here. In general, to find the No. 19 building, you must first understand the secret numbers mentioned in these appliances. This is very cautious. Obviously poachers do not want the base to be discovered.

Of course, Lin does not need to know now, but can go directly. The location of Building 19 has been pointed out on this video installation.

"Call! Come alive!" Bilu was drinking with a bottle of water, which was also taken from the poachers. The water in these two belts was quite a lot.

"What should I do next?" The bottle that had been drunk was taken to the head of a poacher, and Bilu asked the spy.

"Go and see the 19th building," the spy said.

"Okay! Is it going to defeat this group of poaching? Is it great? We are like a partner of justice!"

Bilu put the water bottle weapon found on the body, and put the two dice on it, and then said: "So, let's go! Veronica classmates! These two fools will follow them here. It’s dead!”


The spy and Bilu left the building. According to the information found on the video installation, Building No. 19 is located here...

About thirty kilometers.

However, there are vehicles that can go to that place. The two Ershi people used to come by means of transportation.

It is hidden in a relatively hidden place, where it is underground, buried in the sand.

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