Actually, I haven't died yet, just being pierced through my chest... It seems that this strengthened body can't stop this kind of attack.

Lin’s spy looked at the metal wall in the distance. I saw a lot of small holes in the wall. Just now, the bullet that was shot by the small hole was pierced through the chest. Obviously, poachers are watching this behind the wall. side.

'boom! boom! Another two bullets were shot, one on the spy's head and the other on the spy's heart.

Playing very accurately, but the spy smashed his body before being hit, and both of them were empty.

Then, the spy dragged the dew to the back of the car, and the hair grew rapidly and reached into the wound where the dew was shot.

‘Hey! During this period, the guy behind the wall kept shooting this side, but most of the bullets were bounced off the car and had to say that the car was quite hard.

"I just..." After a while, the spy took her hair back and climbed up than Lu. It looked confused: "This is... Veronica, you saved me? I I thought... Actually, I can’t feel any pain now?”

The spy said: "As long as the head is not blown up, it will be saved."

"Wow!" said Bilu, surprised: "You have such a powerful ability as Veronica, I don't know it! In that case, is it not invincible that I only pay attention to my head not being blown up?"

"Yes." The spy said: "So you can keep going until you destroy them."

Lin mainly wants to see how many times he will die than the dew to solve the entire poaching team.

If it can be easily solved, the students trained by the college are really very useful... although it has been dead once.

"Oh! Although it feels weird, but I will work hard!" The dew probe looked at the wall in the distance: "...the first thing to pass here! Is there any good way... ah! Now!"

Bilu pulled out two **** from the waist: "This is what I just found, it should be a tear gas, look at the trick!"

The two **** were thrown out by the dew, and they blasted under the metal wall, and large smog filled them.

"It turned out to be a smoke bomb, no matter what, this is a good opportunity!" Bilu immediately ran out, and it quickly ran into the smoke, and there was a continuous blow from it.

It shouldn't be knocking the wall with a fist... It seems that it is necessary to strengthen the intelligence of the classmates.

Thinking, the spy took out the image device that was previously found on the poacher. After the device was poked on the metal wall, the wall suddenly made a rumbling sound and slowly rose in the smoke. stand up.

"Wow! I don't know why the door is open! Oops? Look at the trick! Go to die!"

After the door rises, the sound of fighting continues to sound in the smoke. Finally, the smoke slowly dissipates, and you can see that it is on the surface of a poacher, and it’s still a few steals. Hunter.

Sure enough, after the door was raised, Bilu killed several poachers who were behind the door.

And behind the door is a large space, it seems to be a warehouse and the like, there are large boxes everywhere, and some carts for handling.

“This is where they store prohibited items! I have to see what's in there!”

Bilu directly kicked on a box, the box was wooden, and it was very brittle, and it was kicked off in an instant, and a lot of **** rolled out inside.

These balls... are eggs of some kind of creature. The spies came over and examined it and found that the eggs were empty and seemed to be just eggshells.

"What, very boring stuff!" Bilu said, and opened another box. What appeared in this box was... many sticky objects packed in transparent jars.

Lin checked and found that it was a secretion from the mouth of a bird.

"This is so hard to eat." Bilu opened a can and tried a bit, then threw the cans aside and began to pick up the other boxes...

Obviously, it is purely fun to open these things.

There are several boxes in the next row, and there are various kinds of items in it. Some skeletons, shells, or some creatures are dried in a liquid called wine.

There are many kinds, but they are not alive.

And it's very strange that there are so many boxes opened here, so many poachers have been knocked down, and nothing has happened to it... reinforcements come over.

Did the poachers have no contact with their companions before being beaten by Dew?

"Ah, I don't see it, it's all boring things. Let's go up and fight these bad guys!"

Bilu said that he ran to the only thing he could see at the moment... an elevator.

The elevator is large and has a width of about six meters. It is obviously used to transport large cargo. It has been poked a lot more than the elevator, and the number of the elevator has started to move.

This elevator...should be dangerous.

Even though I thought so, Bilu and the spy still had no hesitation. When the elevator opened, they went in, closed the elevator and waited for the elevator to rise.

“Go to the top floor first! The top floor!” Pokes at the highest ‘100’, and the elevator rises in diameter.

All the way up did not stop at all, as if there were no poachers trying to intercept the middle floor, until the top floor, the elevator slowly opened the door.


At the moment of opening the door, I thought that there was a group of poachers waiting outside, but nothing...

Some are just the winds of the sky. Here is the top floor of a building, and there is no ceiling. The scorching sun is blowing along with the strong wind and sand.

There are many... skulls on the ground, all of them are Ershimin, and several are still rolling with the sand.

"Wow!" Biro saw the skull as if it was a big jump, and quickly hid behind the spy: "Vironica classmates, why are so many bones!"

"Because they are all dead."

The spy said as he walked to the center of the room and examined the bones. Lin found that... they were just dead.

Although it is very dry and all sand, it seems to have been a long time, but it is actually made like this, what is it... creature made it.

Maybe something happened in the whole I didn’t have any reinforcements before?

"Go to another floor to see it." Then the spy walked back, but saw that he was still moving in the elevator...

Blood is slowly flowing down its body.

It seems that I have died again. (To be continued...)

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