4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1679: Hand and length

This creature is quite strange.

It is a palm-like shape, similar in size to the palm of your hand, but it is closely related to a creature called 蜈蚣.

So, let's call it ‘hands’ first.

Just before the dew was sneaked by this kind of 'handcuffs'. When Lui stood in the elevator, several such creatures sneaked into the elevator and jumped behind it to bite the dew.

Like other cockroaches, ‘hands are also poisonous, and their toxins have the effect of making the creatures... rigid.

So Bilu was there, and there were several ‘hands’ behind him that were biting his back.

In fact, this time I died farther than the dew, because the pickpocket didn't kill it so quickly, but because the toxin effect will affect the respiratory system sooner or later, it is dead.

"Is it... I was actually attacked by this despicable creature!" Just as he was cured, he looked at a struggling creature in the hands of the spy and said, "I want to crush them all!" ”

After that, it grabbed the pickpocket's pickpocket and slammed it on the ground.

Although the shape of the hand is like a hand, it is still a limb, and it has a shell on the body. Therefore, at the moment when it was stepped on, it slammed into pieces and mucus.

"You change color? It's useless! Heavy footsteps and stench have already exposed you!" Then Billi ran out of the elevator, chasing a few other pickpockets.

These sneak sneak attacks on it before it was completely discolored, but now there is no discoloration, but the original color is fleeing around in the skull pile.

One seems to have just thought that I can change color, but when the body color changes, it is shattered.

"..." The spy is just watching it. This kind of pickpocket is also in the arctic jungle. There are still a lot of people. When you see these creatures, you can almost guess what is going on.

It should be that the creatures caught by this group of poachers are not closed, let them escape, and there are many dangerous creatures inside. These skulls are caused by dangerous creatures.

So there was no poacher to reinforce it before... but the poachers in the warehouse below don’t know what it looks like.

"So, go to the lower level and see." Thinking, the spy said to Bilu, who is still chasing the pickpocket.

"Cut, actually jumped down, and certainly fell to death, this is a hundredth floor!" Bilu was walking back from the window at this time, and the last picker that it had just chased jumped from the window.

"Do you go down the stairs this time? Yeah, we have to give this place to the Raiders layer by layer!"

Before seeing the spy standing on the stairway leading to the lower level, Bilu also ran quickly. It ran directly down the stairs, but quickly ran back.

"Ah! Help! Veronica classmates!" screamed as he ran and screamed: "There are ghosts below!"


The spy went down the stairs, and Bilu followed the trembling tremble... Although Bie was not afraid of poachers with dangerous weapons, he was afraid of all sorts of weird things.

Going to the corner of the stairwell, when Lin looked down, I found that there were a lot of ghosts in the channel below.

There are a lot of flickering fluorescent...the mists, most of which are gathered into the shape of an Ershi people, floating in the air.

"Veronica students! These are definitely the souls of the poachers who have been killed... ah, ah, terrible!"

"..." Lynn feels that those living poachers with weapons are more dangerous than these floating "souls."

"It’s just a microbe." As the spy walked forward, Bilu also said "Hey? Really?" followed.

Walked into the 99th floor of the corridor, where you can see all the clothes... clothing.

These clothes are protective clothing, tight armor and other combat clothing, but there is no wearer, but the clothes are lying quietly on the ground.

It seems that the people who wear some clothes suddenly disappeared, and only these clothes are still here... Of course, there are those floating ‘souls’.

They floated slowly on the clothes, but now they are completely scared, and it jumps up and slams into a 'soul.'

At the moment when ‘hook’ was hit, the ‘soul’ was scattered into countless powders and flew around.

"It's really fun!" Bilu continually jumped up and down and shattered all the floating illuminants. "Ah... there is something strange there!"

Suddenly, he kicked a door next to him and yelled and ran in, but after an instant, the call became a scream.

"Is it dead again?"

The spy went to the door and went inside to see it. He found that he was not dead... it was holding a long knife with both hands.

The user of this long knife is an Ershimin wearing a college uniform, and Lin remembers it.

"Schoolmaster!" cried Loulu: "Why is the seniors here, and also attacking me?"

"..." The Ershi people, who were called the seniors, did not say anything. Instead, they pumped the knife back and slammed it toward the neck of Bilu.

Bilu quickly bowed his head and ducked between the legs of the seniors. The scream of the squad suddenly screamed and rolled to the ground.

"School, are you crazy? Or betrayed the college? If so, I want you to feel that you are not as good as death!" said Bilu, he went forward and kicked the feet of the schoolmaster’s legs. Blocked, but its screams are even more intense.

Lin had thought about it before, because wearing a watch similar to poachers, there may indeed be other students being sent in, but I didn’t expect it to be a senior... they should be without a holiday.

And it will be even more strange to attack here than Lulu.

"Don't die, give me a faint, or how can I search your body and grab your weapon? I always want it all!" Bilu is planning to go forward, but the senior Suddenly said: "Wait a minute, don't kick!"

"Well? Are you willing to give me an explanation for the attack?" Billow stopped and said, "Take this knife as a sin!"

"The knife can give you!" said the senior: "But I didn't mean to attack you, and I am not crazy..."

"Oh? Is it?" Bilu took a long knife from the senior, and said happily: "If this is the case, then explain it to me quickly!"

"I..." The schoolmaster wanted to stop and say, and suddenly he noticed that the spy had also come over. It suddenly said: "That is..."

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