4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1694: Waste soil

“Really? Are they here? Why?”

On the streets full of building debris and vehicle wreckage, the spy and Bilu are slowly advancing.

Not long ago, the spy found Bilu, and Bilu complained about why the spy came so late, and then began to wander around in this place.

Although Bilu had a very wanted look before, it was boring after coming here for a while.

Because there are ruins of buildings everywhere, the air is filled with faint radiation dust, and no creatures have been seen so far... After a while, Bilu began to become impatient.

"What about the monsters with good radiation variation? Why haven't you seen anything? You said that the residents of those foreign houses have moved here. Is this true? Veronica classmates?"

"Yes." The spy saw some notes in the library before. These notes, together with the previous books, can tell that... The residents in the foreign museum knew the manufacturing space plan of Ershi from the beginning. They looked at it. Ershi shaped the space on the moon and then lived in the ocean museum in the core area for a while.

Finally, they decided to go to this place through the painting in the foreign pavilion.

Of course, this does not write why, but Lin feels that if it is true, the residents of this group of foreign libraries should know more about the space than the mayor, that is, know more about Ershi.

Lin can almost confirm that now this is not a star bus.

Because of the excavation in the depths of the Antarctic, Jean Lin confirmed that there is no organ inside, just an ordinary tumbling person.

Or, in what way, Ershi hid the organ, no matter which way, you must learn more about Ershi itself.

Where is it... What are you going to do? Lin is very concerned about these things, because Ershi may have a deep connection with Lin's ... knowledge.

"Uh huh... I smell the blood!" Suddenly, Bilu pulled out the hanging knife and said: "Come out! Face me!"

"Oh..." A strange cry rang, and a few creatures came out of the house that collapsed in front.

These creatures...it seems to be a creature called ‘dog walking’, and Lynn finds that they are very big and seem to have been very good here.

Perhaps the end of the world is only for the people of Ershi?

These 'hyena' did not attack, but dangled away from the dew and spy tens of meters away. They did not move any more than they did, and they immediately ran away and then ran out to watch this. side.

"Cut, a group of cowards!" Bilu picked up a stone and threw it at the group of hyenas. The other side suddenly spread out and ran to a farther place.

"Ah... no matter what!"

Because Bilu couldn't catch up, it seems that there is no way, so he has to continue with the spy. This group of hyenas are also following the way until the spy and Bilu are almost out of the city...

Bilu glanced at the group of hyenas that followed, and looked at the sky again. It was noon when it came, but it is now close to the night.

Bilu said to the spy: "Vironica classmates, where are we going? It will be dark if we wait this way."

"I don't know." The spy said: "Just just walk away."

"What?" said one more than Dew: "That..."

"Hey!" Suddenly, the group of hyenas made a scream, and they yelled and ran to the distance... soon they disappeared.

"How did you run out?" At the moment when Lulu had just questioned, another strange sound came out.

This sound seems to be ringing in the entire city, as well as in the straw-covered wilderness outside the city, and seems to be everywhere.

This sounds like a large group of people crying, but it is a bit different...

"What is this? Veronica classmates!"

The scared Bilu instantly hid behind the spy, while the spy was watching the surrounding ruins...

One, two, three... After the sky was completely dark, many figures were among the ruins under the eccentric scream... appeared.

These figures look like limbs, they look a lot like primates called 'gorillas', but these creatures have no hair, so it looks...very horrible, in the aesthetics of Ershimin .

"What monster is this!" Biro screamed more frightened when he saw them.

"Don't you always want to find a mutant monster?" The spy said: "These are probably."

"But I like it like a zombie. I don't like this... What the **** is this!" cried Bilu.

These creatures did not give more time to scream than they did, and they all rushed to the side.

"Ah! Don't come over! Otherwise I will kill you!" Although Bilu had fear, it still took out the blade and greeted this large group of hairless creatures.

The light of the blade flashed, and the first creature that rushed up poured a lot of blood on the ground, but the second and third creatures grabbed a few blood marks on the body, and shouted louder than the dew. A sweep swept down the arm of another creature nearby...

As the battle continued, the fear of Bilu seemed to have completely disappeared. It continually slashed one creature after another until... It was wounded by a group of creatures and fell to the ground.


The next morning.

The spy, while detecting the body of the land, was slowly saving the dew.

These creatures... are very weak.

Although it looks like an orangutan, it seems to be a lot worse than a real orangutan. These are actually a variant of the Ershi people.

They can only come out at night, and the white is afraid of the sun, but it is quite like a vampire.

Moreover, according to their memory, these creatures seem to be not the creatures of this wasteland world.

They are themselves in another space, and that space is also a doomsday space... there are many mutant creatures like this, which seems to be a mutated doomsday world.

They suddenly came to this wasteland world, because they did not seem to be afraid of the radioactive materials here, so they multiplied here.

Although it seems that there is nothing strange, but Lin also found that they attacked some special ... objects.

Among these objects, there is a character that looks like a vampire protagonist that he has seen before.

It seems to be not far from here, you can go there and see...

"Oh, I am alive again. As long as I have Veronica, I am not dead!"

"Let's go."

With the dew that had just gotten up, the spy walked in the direction of the target... But only after a few steps, the spy saw... There was a huge figure in the sky flying over here.

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