4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1695: Red place

"It seems to be here..."

It is a moment close to the night...

The spy and Bilu are driving an old vehicle and moving quickly on the broken road.

According to the memory of the previous creatures, the spy and Bilu found a car that could still be driven and went to another city.

The residents of those foreign houses should be in this position if they do not run around...

The vehicle stopped and stopped in front of a building called ‘Fresh Red Trade Plaza’.

This place is quite like the former foreign pavilion. This square building with a height of more than 30 meters is mainly red. Although the walls of the building also have a lot of damage, it is much better than the surrounding area. The whole building is quite complete. However, many places have traces of repair.

"It looks like a haunted house here." Bilu and the spy walked out of the car. Bilu first took out the single-molecule blade and slowly walked in toward the entrance of the Trade Plaza.

After entering, Lin found the decoration inside...not like a trade plaza, the floor was covered with red carpet, and there were bright red sofas, tables and other furniture everywhere, but these furniture were randomly placed.

On the ceiling, there is a huge...candle chandelier, and the burning fire of the candle illuminates the bright red environment.

It is quite interesting that they can create such a strange scene in this...waste soil.

"Wow, the decoration here is more than the previous museum!" Bilu was excited to look at it: "I want to live in this place... Yeah!"

"...welcome." Suddenly, a voice screamed and scared to hide behind the spy.

Lin found that this kind of emotion is really interesting. Although it is not afraid of death, it is often scared by...what.

"The sound is coming from here." The spy pointed to a sofa not far away, and there was a small doll on the bright red sofa.

“Why are you here?” The doll is still making a voice: “Do you want to get shelter? Want to get food or water? Or something else? No matter what, you have to pay the price, in the name of my majesty. Under...you, you can’t get anything, hahahahahaha...”

This seems to be a tape recorder.

The spy took the doll up and examined it carefully. The doll contained a recording device.

It will continue to play a passage, and this passage seems to be directed at those of the wasteland aborigines.

"Right, don't touch, hurt any items here, furniture, and don't take it away, otherwise you will die very badly!"

"Hey? Really?" Bielu listened to the words in the doll, and picked up the knife and poked the sofa that put the doll on it: "What will hurt the furniture... What is this?"

The skin of the sofa was cut a little by the tip of the knife. Both the dew and the spy saw some very small creatures that were crawling up the blade.

"It seems to be...bugs?" Bilver looked at the creatures crawling across the front of her eyes. This is a six-limbed creature, only half a centimeter in size, and... they have wings.

‘嗡’ suddenly, the worms on the knives all fluttered, and at the same time, the gap that was poked on the sofa flew out countless worms.

"Leave all your blood!" The doll shouted: "If you hurt the furniture here, don't want to go out alive!"

"Ah! It's a mosquito!" said Lubi: "There are things that these worms are afraid of!"

When he talked about the dew, he rushed to the blade and swung it in the mosquitoes... It did not succeed in killing any mosquito, but instead was smashed by these mosquitoes.

"Wow? It's biting me! This mosquito actually bites me! Itchy!" Bilu began to slap and scratch the bits that were bitten, but it smashed a group and there were more rushes. Come up.

"No, let's flee!" Biro finally gave up the resistance. It pulled the spy and kept rushing toward the exit, and the large group of literature was chasing after it.

'boom! ’

The entrance gate of the Trade Plaza suddenly came together, and the knives were lifted directly above the dew, and the knife left only a trace on the heavy metal door.

"What to do! We can't get out!" Billow shook the spy and said: "Vironica classmates! Hurry up and find a way! I don't want to tickle them all over the body! Why do these mosquitoes bite me? ”

"..." Speaking, Bilu does not seem to know.

Mosquitoes are common in Ershi, and there are also some on the pompons. Some of them are blood-sucking species. Females must absorb blood to obtain nutrients when they breed. Ershi people have long been... hate this creature.

However, this is also a thing of the past. In many areas of Ershi, there is a breeding of ... nuclear information-improved mosquitoes, which are purely plant-loving species, which cultivate this species in large quantities and let them and wild mosquitoes Multiplication.

The hybrid offspring produced by the two mosquitoes that are cultivated and wild are also purely plant-eating, so at the end... the mosquitoes become completely harmless creatures, and they will **** blood, and only stay in the past.

Now the Ershi people almost forget that mosquitoes will **** blood. Of course, in many underdeveloped areas, there are still kinds of bloodsucking, but... Tiangong College is obviously not an underdeveloped area.

So Bilu does not know the mosquitoes that will **** blood.

"This is an ancient species." As he said, the spy slammed the closed entrance door with his foot.

Although the ‘Boom’ was almost turned away by the entire door of the spy, it still did not open.

This is indeed very tight, since this is the case...

"Help! Veronica classmates! Itchy!" Bilu is now constantly rolling in the mosquitoes, and there are also a lot of mosquitoes on the spies... they are all motionless, because their 'suckers' come in. I can't pull it out later.

These mosquito species are quite special. They **** much faster than the common ones, and they can also cause rapid changes...

Very itchy feeling.

However, these mosquitoes are not the main ones. Lin feels that there are other people here... I am watching the spies and Bilu being attacked by mosquitoes and waiting for opportunities.

Lin is now confirming its location, and if it is confirmed, it can be...

"It's there." The spy poked a bullet on the ground with a hair, pointing to a place in the distance: "The mastermind of the doll's voice."

"What? I want to marry it!" Biro suddenly felt that the whole body was not so itchy, so he picked up the weapon and shouted and ran in that direction...

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