4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1698: restore

"It turned out to be a vampire with a story, too miserable, too poor..."

After learning the contents of the diary, Bilu produced a sad mood, and it cried with a squint.

Although Lin feels that the general Ershi people should not be sad when they see this content...

However, Lin is more concerned about the new end of the new era.

This vampire is very convinced of the contents of the book, so the book mentions the last days, and it immediately decided to move away from there.

But it has been moving for a long time, no matter what is the end of the day in the Ershi or the foreign museum...

The exact time of the last day is not written in the diary. It may not have arrived yet. In short, if you want to continue to understand... you may have to find a vampire companion.

In addition to many servants, the vampires have several companions who seem to be scattered during the transfer. They may be troublesome in somewhere in this wasteland or in other doomsday spaces.

The vampire originally went to find these companions and sisters, but could not find them when they found them, so they decided to settle here...

Or go back to the foreign pavilion and go find the book...

I don't know if they brought the book, or if the book is still intact...

"What are we doing now? Veronica classmates? I am a little hungry now, do you want to go to dinner?" Bilu said: "Did we not see some animals on the way before coming? Let's catch those to eat."

"You actually peeked at my things here!"

A familiar voice sounded, and the spy and Bilu turned away, only at the entrance to the elevator... the vampire was standing there.

And it's around, it's followed by three huge...bats.

These bats are more than a meter tall, like pterosaurs, which support their wings on the ground, and one that makes a sharp scream after seeing the spy and the dew.

"Oh, you can't live this time!" the vampire said loudly: "Give me a bite!"

"Wait a minute." And the voice of the spy interrupted the vampire.

“What?” said the vampire: “It’s too late to ask for mercy!”

"Do you want to go back?" The spy picked up the diary and shook it in front of it: "Go back to the foreign house."

"What? Do you have a way to go back?" The vampire was shocked, but it quickly said: "Don't want to lie to me, let me know... I don't know if the records in this are true, I simply ... no memory!"

"Go back." The spy continued.

"I..." The vampire stunned. After a few seconds, it said hesitantly: "Is there a way to go back?"

"Hey!" said Lulu at this time: "Is the Veronica classmate wanting to go back to the foreign pavilion? But I don't want to go back, this place has not yet explored enough."

"You can continue to explore here," the spy said.

"But, I don't want to be separated from Veronica, we have experienced so much, and we will always be together!" Bilu had just cried, so it looked at the spy in tears.

"Then go back together," the spy said.

Biluo "but I want to explore here..."

"Ah! You have enough!" The vampire shouted: "Hurry up and say the way back!"

"...go." The spy picked up the watch on it... poked a few times, and suddenly appeared dazzling on the watch.

After this ray of light, the spies and Bilu in this hall, and the vampires and the large bats beside it, and the fluffy toys in the middle of the hall, all disappeared.

"...really coming back?"

The scenery around them changed instantly, and the spy and Bilu saw the library again before...

It’s just that there are a lot of fluffy toys in the bookshelves.

"Here... actually there is..." The vampire also appeared in front of the spy and Bilu. It looked at the surrounding scenery in amazement, and after a few seconds, it suddenly slammed its head: "Ah... The head hurts! What is this?"

it is as expected.

After returning here, the vampire's memory is restored, which is actually a special way to separate memories.

The main thing is to transfer the information stored inside the memory cells... separately. In fact, the transpirations have used a similar method in the culture of the group.

In this way, you can transfer the memory, or enter the memory, you need to transfer the equivalent ... precise control.

When the vampire left, the memory was removed, and when it came back, it was re-entered into memory.

The spy and Bilu are fine, presumably this transfer is only for this vampire, and possibly its companions.

"I remembered... I did live here." The vampire said: "I have a lot here..."

“Why would I forget it? Right, it must be what it does, it’s all it does!”

The vampire looked at the spy and said, "You! You must know what is right, do you know that I will recover when I come back?"

"Just guessing." The spy said: "Can you continue to talk about it? Your life story."

"What the **** are you..." said the vampire: "Why ask me this? Why do you know all this..."

"Veronica is a Veronica student!" Bilu said: "Don't ask such a strange question!"

"..." The vampire silenced and said, "Okay, I can tell you to listen..."

"But first of all you have to know one thing, that is, a new last day, only one month away from now... that is... thirty days."

"What is the new doomsday?" asked Bilu: "Is the one written in the diary?"

"Yes, because there is no place to put the end of the day." The vampire jumped to a shelf and sat down, waved, and the bats that followed him flew in different directions.

"I asked them to go to the book, but I don't know if I am still..." The vampire said, "So, what's the next question?"

"This place." The spy said: "Where is it?"

"Here... is a special space." The vampire said: "It was established very early, this space, what the purpose seems to be... in order to preserve the special area of ​​the forgotten things, but also the high-level space. The research, I don't remember very clearly."

“In short, I am one of the residents of this place.” The vampire said: “And I have been living here.”

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