Myths, ghosts, legends, since the birth of Ershi people, all kinds of fantasy stories are circulating among them...

And this place is the place where these legends are gathered.

A long time ago, some creatures... were created.

These creatures are... closest to the characters in the mythology, including vampires, and other characters or creatures in various legends.

After they were created, they were gathered into a space...

This space was originally located on a continent of Ershi, but under normal circumstances, it will not be seen by the Ershi people because it is another space that overlaps in normal space.

It is said that this is the result of Ershi's research on high-level space, and as a result, it created such an overlapping space.

The main inhabitants of this overlapping space are these mythological creatures, which not only live here, but also manage this place.

Although it is management, it is actually doing nothing to enjoy the longevity time here. Just like in myths and legends, their lives are generally long-lasting, and the cells do not have the setting of 'aging'.

However, these mythological creatures are also unable to reproduce, or it is difficult to breed, so the number has not changed much after a long time.

In addition to the mythical inhabitants, there are also general Ershi people living in this place, their knowledge stays in the medieval stage.

No one knows the exact purpose of this space, although there are many speculations...

. . . But the creation of the space itself, has never said what this space is used for.

The possible space is just the result of a trial overlap technique, no special purpose... who knows.

Although mythological creatures generally do nothing, live a life here, but as a nominal management, mythological creatures can know what is going on outside and understand the impact of the outside world on space.

Sometimes, new creatures or ... items from the outside world enter the space, making life in the space rich.

Some creatures have also begun to study outside technology in space, while others are boring or...ambitious, want to launch things like war, rule the whole space, of course, this is not successful,

In any case, the creatures in the last space will get along with each other peacefully.

Until... sometime.

They suddenly received a message saying that they wanted to put space on the moon and let the space be connected with the other ten doomsday spaces.

It sounds like a big change. Actually, there is no change. This space is the same as before, just a little more... you can go to the ‘props’ of the doomsday space.

Therefore, the mythical creatures have nothing to say, because the environment in the space change, no matter whether it is on the moon or on the head.

At first, mythological creatures didn't know how to go to other doomsday spaces. Some of them were researching, and some were... For example, the vampire curator, who didn't care at all, seemed to be very satisfied with the comfortable days in the foreign pavilion.

Although there is a study of other doomsday space, there is little interest in the past.

Later, a small thing happened, that is, a new town mayor came to the medieval town in the space.

The mayor is from the outside world. Its mission is mainly to be in contact with the people of the world. Because the mythical creatures don't care about the town, of course, they don't care about it.

The last is now...

Prophecy about the end.

There have been many end days on Ershi, or there may be some doomsdays, but these days are isolated and made into the doomsday space on the moon.

Although it is an independent space, it seems to occupy a certain position, so there is no more end.

Before, there was a saying that Ershi might find another tumbling person to create more doomsday space...

Because, after Ershi left, there was more than a moon, and a tumbling person in the original galaxy was gone.

But this statement has not been confirmed, and Ershi has been considered to ignore these spaces, because the contact that has been maintained has been interrupted.

As a result, the mythical creatures believe that the new doomsday will affect the space in which they now live, so they begin to study the corresponding plan comprehensively.

This plan is to move to other doomsday space.

Because the end of the day is the most dangerous time, and the space after the end of the day is rather stable. If you go to another space to live, then there is no problem.

They have developed some ways to go to other spaces and have left one after another. As for the medieval town of Ershi, the residents there are unaware of them, including the mayor.

Although the mayor knows a lot, he does not know that there will be a new doomsday, so they have not taken any measures.

Most of the mythical creatures, including the vampire curator, used different methods to go where they thought they were suitable to live, and it was very early, not to wait until the end of the day to get close.

Just going there will be some... errors, such as the vampire's memory problems. In short, most of these mythological creatures are related to each other before, and after going to the doomsday space, they have never been contacted.


"Who might have, I want to find us all together, and I really miss them."

In the basement of the foreign pavilion, the spies and Bilu also... The vampire is sitting on the tall bookshelf.

“Is this book the best?” The spy is holding a book in his hand. This book is a book about ‘the last prophecy’.

Its title is 'the future in the gap', and the pages of the book have been severely corroded and cannot be opened.

"I think it shouldn't be, maybe it's..." The vampire said in a recollection: "It's good at prophesying, but I don't know who the book is, but it must be true."

“How are you so sure?” asked Bilu: “What if I lie to you?”

"Because this is fate." The vampire smiled.

"Oh, don't talk nonsense!" said Lui, lifting his knife and said: "Your destiny should be opened by yourself!"

"Then wait for thirty days and see what happens." The vampire said, "Do you want to wait here? Or do you want to do something else?"

"What are you going to do?" the spy asked.

"Of course, I am going to find my companion." The vampire said: "They may also have lost their memory... but obviously the method in the past was a bit problematic, I have to improve it."

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