4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1717: Do not worry

"They...have emerged from there! The source of the enemy has been discovered!"

The fireworks of war continue to continue in the void...

The weapons of the Ershi fleet have not stopped shooting, and the army of solidified creatures has been constantly emerging.

On the fleet side, it seems that they want to stop this stalemate, so they secretly dispatched the troops responsible for the investigation.

These units consisted of small reconnaissance planes that bypassed the massive solidified army...and flew to the rear of the enemy.

Here, they saw a satellite that is familiar to the people of Ershi.


However, it may be that the moon is now, they may not recognize it, because the moon now has the entire sphere... surrounded by a layer of black... misty material.

In this layer of dark fog, almost infinite enemy forces are constantly pouring from the inside. Among them are solidified creatures and metals, just like the constantly flowing springs. The waves of these troops are continuing to the Ershi. Drowning.

"We... must stop it."

The scenery seen by the reconnaissance plane was introduced into the fleet, and each captain had this idea when he saw the picture.

The question is, what should I do?

"We have to move forward directly!"

When the captains were wondering, a voice sounded, this is... the voice of the new commander.

"Sorry everyone, I am late." When the enemy began to attack, the commander also carried out propaganda on the surface of Ershi, but it has finally come to a new command flagship.

"It seems that the sphere is the enemy's 'export', and that may be their planet..." The general commander said: "Therefore, there is only one way, we must attack the whole army!"

"But..." said a captain: "If the fleet is moving forward, Ershi will be attacked!"

"Don't worry about Ershi." The commander said: "Ish has a strong defense force!"

"Now, all the fleets are gathered! Make up the formation!"

Under the voice of the chief commander, the fleets scattered around Ershi began to gather together quickly and arranged together to form a huge formation.

"All firepower, pay attention to any close enemy, move toward the target!"

The entire Ershi fleet is now like a huge triangle in the sky, a Star Alliance ship is located at the 'tip' position, and behind it is countless ships of various sizes.

The two wings of the triangle pour out countless firepower, and while defeating all the nearby solidified creatures, they march toward the enemy center.

Under their powerful firepower, no creature can approach them, and this neat fleet is getting deeper into the enemy's interior.

However, as they deepened, the fleet was also farther and farther away from the Ershi. Some solidified creatures bypassed the fleet and flew directly toward Ershi.

'boom! ’

And they are also dying out when they are close to Ershi.

"All firepower is ready! We will also participate in the battle!"

Each military base on Ershi opened a missile silo to the sky, raised the laser array for interception, and numerous fighters and some warships took off. The sea was also filled with navy staring at the sky.

These troops are firmly guarding Ershi itself, and they tell the fleet in the void with action... rest assured.

The fleet in the void is moving at an accelerated pace, and they are now in a 'dark day' environment.

There is no starry sky around the fleet. Only a myriad of dense solidified creatures can be seen, and... the light of the explosion that illuminates among these creatures.

"190,000 kilometers away from the target!"

Listening to the sound of the cue, the fleet of triangles is advancing rapidly, and the peripheral warships are constantly shooting outwards. When these warships are over-consumed, they will return to the internal replenishment, allowing the rear warships to continue to attack.

Following the movement of the fleet, there are also a number of huge space stations, including the annihilation of the dock, as well as maintenance docks and other places that can provide supplies.

Smaller warships and escorts do not have strong firepower, they are generally aimed at those that are missing the net, and always detect the repaired nano-shield.

After deep into the enemy, the fleet noticed that the opponent was not just a mere close-up attack, and occasionally some flying objects flew over.

These objects...are not really clear whether they are solidified creatures or energy cannons, but they are slowed down by the effects of nano shields.

So far, it has been very smooth, there is no damage, and the position of the target is getting closer and closer.

The commander is waiting until he feels close enough that he must use the annihilation ship.

Exploding a huge gap in the enemy's army, exposing their world, and then bombing the target.

Destroy the world in one fell swoop.

No Ershi people found out that it was the moon, but even if they found out, they would not stop the operation.

"100,000 kilometers away from the target!"

When the reminder sounded again, the commander clenched his fist, meaning that his mood was the most exciting.

"The Sahara was hit!"

This voice rang when the commander had to give orders, and there was a small gap in one of the huge triangles formed by the battleship.

The gap was stationed by a Sahara, a Star Alliance ship known as 'where it went, turned into a desert', but the warship is no longer there.

And that gap is expanding rapidly... reports of battleships being hit or destroyed are constantly ringing.

"They attacked! There is a group...the enemy!"

This is a group of weird... creatures.

They appear in the general command, and in the screens of each captain. These creatures are different from those of the previous ones... the previous creatures were more than ten meters or tens of meters, and these ... have a length close to kilometers.

The longest one, maybe one kilometer, looks like a head... a lantern fish, a seemingly fat body, but not a real fish like an eye, mouth, etc. It is pure black. Did not grow any organs.

It’s just... there’s a flashing ‘lantern’ on its head.

It seems that this creature destroyed the Star Alliance ship. It swayed the head of the 'Lantern' wandering within the fleet, and the ships it was approaching stopped all activities, and even some self-exploded.

It doesn't matter how the creature came in. What's important is that the warships are trying to avoid it and retreat to the distant attack, which makes the gap of the fleet bigger and bigger.

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