"There are gaps in the wings! They are close!"

Intensive solidified creatures, surrounded by fleets, and huge monsters raging inside the fleet...

Looking at all this, the general commander issued such an order.

"Destroy the ship... start."

In the twinkling of an eye, the dazzling light... lit up in front of the fleet.

The biological group that was originally blocking the front, there was a huge gap at this moment. From this gap, you can see... the moon wrapped in black fog.

"The moon... has it become like this?"

No one knows that it is a moon... Generally, the general command is different.

Looking at the satellite surrounded by the black fog, its mouth showed a smile.

There are few solidified creatures around the moon, and they all seem to be surrounded by the fleet, which makes the whole moon in an unprepared state.

"Start...Hide mode."

It whispered such an order, and after this little voice, all the resounding attack alarms were all stopped.

That's because... the solidified creatures around the fleet have all disappeared.

Suddenly, the captains made amazing sounds. They were still in a state of intensely shooting around the solidified creatures, but now the shooting targets disappeared, and the beautiful starry scenery outside returned to their horizons. in.

This makes them... some are not responding.

"Hurry up!" The commander immediately shouted: "All the troops, aim at the target!"

"...Yes!" Although there were doubts, no one in the command of the command questioned them. They aimed at the moon surrounded by black fog and launched a full-scale shooting there.

There are not many ammunition left in the fleet, but they can still use these barrage to cover the surface of the moon with fireworks. Numerous flying objects penetrate the smoke and set off brilliant brilliance on the ground...

The commander is nervously watching the situation around him.

This command...Lin knows how it is done, it is mainly to shut down those solidified creatures.

In fact, it is also one of the people who know the space on the moon... In fact, there are a few people in Ershi who knew about the moon.

And they have never been publicized, it is estimated that Ershi reached an agreement, just like the mayor in the mythological space, they promised to help Ershi take care of this space.

Just, look at it in another way...accurately, it is not the care of the space itself, it is the device that looks after the management space.

In the manufacture of these spaces, Ershi used some devices, or organs, which left them and made some people... These people should have been in the past in Antarctica and Ershi. Those who keep it.

At the same time, these people should also have the right to use these organs to make some adjustments to the space.

This general commander is one of the people who have the right to be.

Lin believes that the commander may order the organs...

Close the space...

The large-scale emergence of coagulation organisms is mainly because they open up space, or that their doomsday space is connected with normal voids.

They can therefore continually emerge from there.

If the doomsday space is re-closed, then these solidified creatures will disappear, or return to the doomsday space.

This is a wonderful connection... Although they seem to have moved far from the moon, these solidified creatures are still in contact with the Doomsday space.

The doomsday space must be in an 'open' state before they can appear here.

As for the details of this, Lin still needs research to know.

The general commander should also investigate the emergence of these creatures and the doomsday space, so I thought of this method.

However, it did not explain, so most members of the fleet are in a state of doubt.

In short, now that the space has been closed, they can bomb the moon without hindrance.

As long as most of the moon's surface is destroyed, those spaces should not be able to continue, and solidified organisms cannot invade this place.

"Almost... the annihilation ship started!"

The black fog on the moon has dissipated, watching the surface of the fireworks splash, the commander intends to issue the final order.

This time, it is not necessary to blow up the entire moon, but they seem to be all blown up. The ship that annihilated the dock began to move, but...

"what is that?"

Some captains noticed the change on the moon.

If they are on the surface of the moon, they will see more clearly...

The surface of the bombarded and disintegrated suddenly began to move. The cracks that were blown up were suddenly filled with countless substances. These substances further grew, and instantly formed a huge ‘spider’, which stood high on the surface.

These spires are up to tens of kilometers, which is a view that can be seen in the void.

But this is only the beginning. On the surface under the minaret, suddenly there are countless ... objects.

These objects initially look like hemispheres, and they quickly deform or assemble to form a variety of... buildings.

There are high-rise buildings, caves and clouds, mountains surrounded by electric light, and huge pits that fall into the ground...

They are different in shape, but they are creatures of creation, and they can all be called 'architectures'.

Most of them will shine, and the surface of the gray moon will light up at this moment, in the void... just like a sudden civilization on the surface.

Although in the eyes of Ershimin, some of these are not like buildings, just like natural landscapes.

But in reality these are things made by certain creatures somewhere in the void...

Sure enough, is that...

Lin also thought so before, the vagrants... used this moon to use the moon as the placement point for their projects.

Not long ago, the irrigators' engineering sites were all mixed, and now it is going to mix with the moon.

Moreover, it does not need to be directly synthesized with the moon through the doomsday space... The project site appears here, which may make the moon a new appearance, a huge weapon...

Is it a weapon, it is hard to say, but its next move should be to go to Ershi.

"What the **** is going on?"

"Don't stop shooting!"

The command of the general commander was also full of surprises, but its orders did not stop.

The previous annihilation ships were still started, and the moon was the target... Instantly reached the surface of the building that had been overgrown.

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