4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 47: Starting necessities


This is a relatively big problem. Looking at the dragons who are dragging a prey called a moth goose, while celebrating to go to the nest, Lin is considering this problem.

The basics of Xiaolong are like this. Living in one place, they find that they have moved to another place after they have less prey. The way of living is not fixed. They don’t just run, but there are several fixed places, but no matter what. Their lives are not very safe. Although the brain is relatively large, the life of Xiaolong is always spent in avoiding predators and searching for food. It is not as free as the 'brain' of the divisional species. Time to think.

To make Xiaolong settle down, you need a stable source of food...

If you look forward to being in one place, it will obviously lead to the thirst of surrounding resources. If you want to live for a long time, there are many ways. In short, you must keep resources growing.

It is a common method to plant or raise other creatures. Some people like Inca and brain worms are similar in this way. In fact, they are not only used. Some small-scale species are cultivated, but the branches of divisional species When you are inactive, you can go to sleep and consume very little energy. A feeding pit of more than 30 meters in diameter like the Inca group can be enough to replenish the insects in the three home trees.

They only consume more energy when fighting, and the endless vast jungle around them is to temporarily provide energy for them.

It seems that Xiaolong is unlikely to do this, and there are many problems with simple breeding or planting, mainly because of the need for open space. This will crowd out the habitat of other creatures. At the end. It will leave only a large area of ​​the creatures that you have planted, just like the azimuth forest of Aztec.

Lyne doesn't want to educate such species, so they need a better lifestyle.

Usually planting is the cultivation of plants. Harvesting plants at a certain time is fixed. Although it can also be used as a long-term food source, it is more troublesome and there is no cooperation between plants and growers. More like a relationship called ‘slavery’...

There is a better way to be more effective than normal planting, and you can always get food, for example... symbiotic relationship.

Symbiosis is a very wonderful relationship... Generally speaking, it should be the beginning of the two species living together, and then both parties just find out that the other party can achieve their own benefits, and some plants that are symbiotic with the organism will grow a specific structure. 'Return' this creature, and the creatures will also clean up the enemy for the plant, which is probably the most common symbiosis.

Lin wants to achieve symbiosis with a certain plant, which is more efficient than planting. Plants can only be harvested regularly, and symbiotic plants can always provide food.

And both sides need to take care of the plants. Obviously, the symbiosis is better, and it can even evolve with plants...

Of course, it is not easy to reach a symbiotic relationship with a plant. It may take a long time, maybe even tens of hundreds of years, which is too long for Xiaolong, so you need a faster method.

In fact, that is quite simple...

You don't need to stay with plants for a long time, but just do one thing, look for plants that have been symbiotic with some kind of animal, and then let the dragon replace the animal.

It’s not that they are going to kill the animals, they just let them take some of them to use them. Lin thinks that if the dragons can do everything that the symbiotic animals can do, the plants will provide them with them. Food.

Lin can also play the role of this plant herself, but Lin doesn't want to do this.

Now is the time to eat, several dragons to the edge of the grass to collect salt, the remaining dragons gathered at the lake, cutting this goose dragon weighing more than a ton.

This is the most abundant meal after they came here. Tucker often used the makers of the last blow to identify the dragons, but Lin did not join them, but flew to the sky to see if there were similar plants. ......

In this place, there are many symbiotic plants. At least Lin has seen it in the jungle. The Lin wants to find a perfect plant. For example, the size of the plant is not only able to provide food for the dragon, but also provide a place to live. The winter here doesn't know what will happen, will it snow? Or what other interesting things will happen? However, the month should have no effect on this place. If the symbiotic plant can continue to grow in winter, it will be fine...

It seems that the request is too high... This 'perfect' plant may not be easy to find. It should be better to provide food alone.

The food provided by plants should not fully satisfy the dragon, but they don't have to always run for hunting, and they won't leave soon. There will be more time to think.

In addition to getting food, Xiaolong also learns to store food. Xiaolong usually makes salt meat, but only when they travel, they usually eat the prey and then wait for the next hunting. I think they should get some food to store, even if only one piece of meat is stored at a time, it will slowly increase little by little.

Creatures usually only like to start storing food before the emergency. When the food is richer, it starts to store very little, but there are still some creatures that have this habit, so that it can deal with various situations.

But now... let's find the symbiotic plant first.

Lin's pompoms turn around on the high grass. The following Tucker and several Snapdragons are looking at this with some worried emotions, but they do not limit the activity of the pompons.

There are some tall trees on the grass, and the pompom flies toward the nearest tree.

This tree is very thick, about three meters in diameter, but it is very short, only six meters high. The pompom **** a tentacles into the bark and observes the structure inside.

The structure of this tree is like a common common plant. It seems that there is no commensal species, and it is highly toxic and completely unsuitable.

Lin continued to look for it on the high grass. There are not only tall grasses, but also many plants mixed with them, but most of them are too small, even if they have a common species.

Speaking of the variety of plants here, it is estimated that there is a certain relationship with plant animals. After visiting here for a few hundred seconds, Lin saw more than one hundred plants and dozens of small food plants. The species here are quite Rich enough...

Finally, because there is no suitable target in the grassland... Lin's pompom looks in the direction of the jungle.

When I saw the jungle, Lynn noticed a plant...

This is it! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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