This kind of plant is called... it is called 'Dragon's Wood'. Lin has done some research on this kind of plants on the edge of the jungle. They are symbiotic with a small dinosaur called Malong.

When Lin first saw these plants and the small dinosaurs they climbed up and climbed, they almost guessed their relationship.

These dinosaurs are only half as large as the dragons, but they can climb and climb on the plants with sharp claws. They clean the body for plants and use the sharp mouth to prey on the parasites in the tree holes. 'Longqimu' will A small purple ball grows on the bark for them to eat.

Very good symbiotic relationship, and the most important thing is that 'Longqimu' is more than 70 meters high, and the trunk has a diameter of more than ten meters. It is a huge tree, and the branches and leaves of the canopy are dense and spectacular. Under the protection of the common species, they are quite long, and the leaves are not seen in the gaps. Now the limbs are getting smaller and they are very fond of eating plants...

This plant can be used.

By the time the next day comes, because Tuck’s ethnic group was full before, this day and night usually they liked a rest or a nap, and by this opportunity, Lin took Tucker to the edge of the jungle and began to teach They are symbiotic with plants.

It was usually difficult to get started. Tuck looked at the huge trees, and it was very confused with the ethnic groups.

Lin first ensured that the stomach of the dragon could digest the purple ball that the dragon wood grew out. The pompom stretched out the tentacles and handed Tak a purple sphere for it to eat.

Tucker wondered for a few seconds, then ate it in one bite, although he had already eaten it before the night. But Xiaolong will never refuse other foods.

Tucker ate in. It seems that I don’t like it. But the small arms that Lynn mixed in the ball found that the dragon could indeed digest these plants.

If you can digest it, you can manage it successfully. Lin believes that this tree will change according to their ‘taste’.

The next step is... fighting.

Lin asked the dragon's ethnic group to surround a dragon's perch, and the dragon that symbiotics with the dragon's wood ran around. Some curiously looked at it. Lin thought they might have nothing to deal with the carnivorous creatures. They only Need to deal with herbivores that bite the bark. Parasites, as well as other plants.

Tucker saw so many small dinosaurs being trapped in the tree, and immediately yelled, and all the ethnic groups immediately followed it to the tree.

Although the dragon's claws are not suitable for attack, they are quite suitable for climbing trees. When they rushed to the tree, the cypresses suddenly panicked. They screamed at the Tucker demonstrations that climbed up. Tucker directly threw them out. A stone smashed on the head of the first dragon.

This only shot of Malone's foot slipped down the tree. Tucker also has a group of ethnic groups and cubs on the ground, and they immediately dug a hole. I buried this fallen Malone.

After Tak killed a Malone, the war on the trunk was on the verge! All the Malones rushed toward Tucker and its ethnic groups in an angry way. Tucker did not show weakness. They pulled stones and sticks from their waists and slammed them toward the nearby Malone.

The Malones who have been laid down will be buried by the following ethnic groups. They can effectively prevent the attraction of large carnivores, and they will be dug up when they go down.

Although the number of Malong is quite large, their strength and Tucker are not a grade. The appearance of Ma Long is somewhat like a pterosaur without a long-winged membrane. There is no attacking ability on the body. Tucker can easily use stone. Blocks and sticks knocked them down the tree.

After Tucker solved dozens of Malongs, the rest retreated to the canopy. They jumped over the branches to other nearby dragons, and they seemed to be giving up the tree.

"Hey!" Tucker screamed and screamed at the blood-stained stones. He slowly climbed down from the tree, and the ethnic groups dug up the bodies of the Malone that had just been knocked down, ready to return. Go to the nest by the lake.

At this moment, Lynn stopped in front of them and told Tucker with the tentacles that displayed the images, they were going to live here.

“Hey?” Tucker seemed to feel a bit strange for a while. It understood what Lin meant, but it didn’t feel too much.

Lin believes that there may be some ethnic groups living in the trees, but Tucker should never have them. Lin asked them to live here to make them feel confused, but because Lynn is a 'special' existence, she is thinking. After a while, Tucker agreed.

It’s not easy to change the habits of a creature. Lynn finds that she is really special for them...

Tucker first built shacks under the trees with grass and stones. Now they don't have to live directly on the trees, but Lynn feels that they have to teach them how to treat the tree.

In fact, it is very simple to do. The dragons have to do everything that Malong has done. They have to clean up the parasites for the trees and solve some plants that grow nearby. There is a kind of vine-shaped plant called 'strangle. 'As its name suggests, it will strangle other plants, and Malone will solve them when they are wrapped in dragons, and Xiaolong must learn to do it.

Tuck didn't know why he was doing this at first. They just did what Lin said, but they should be noticed soon...

When Lin found that Tucker saw the purple ball growing on the trunk, he usually picked it up. If the group of dragons drove the dragon away from the usual, they would also eat the ball, but they did not take care of it. If the tree is in the tree, the dragon will soon not grow the ball, and it will soon wither.

But only need continuous care... Long Qimu will not only grow small balls, but even change the structure according to Tucker's habits!

This is something to be said later, and now Lin will teach the rest of the things to them.

When Xiaolong excavated the Monglong cut from the ground, Lin asked them to make some dried meat and told them to save the food. The small **** could not be completely finished. As long as they were not hungry, they always had to stay. Some foods are 'save', and they let them use a bactericidal plant to make a small shack to preserve some food.

The dragons are very snapshots, and they seem to start to understand the meaning of Lin. They can save food at any time and can deal with the difficulties that arise at any time.

However, Tucker still doesn't quite understand why he should take care of the tree. Lin will not directly explain it. It depends on their own intelligence. Fortunately, the ability of the dragon to climb trees is very strong, even in the bark. Parasites, as long as they tell them where they are, they can dig them out with sharp stones.

They are not annoying to catching insects, and they seem to like it.

In the next few nights and nights, Lin never taught them anything, but let this group be here and live with the tree...

They didn't get used to it at first, mainly because it was troublesome to take care of the trees, but after eating the bugs and **** on the trees, Tucker's brains began to work, and they slowly linked the two things together.

To help the tree and get the return of the tree, Tucker is the first to understand this. It finds that as long as it is cleaned up, more small **** will grow on the tree. With the ball as food, they don’t need to Frequent hunting out, once the dragons of the dragons, but after catching a prey, there may be several days and nights or even a dozen or so nights and nights can not find prey, almost 70% of their lives are hungry.

But now, they are very comfortable, they have more time to think, rather than thinking about how to live. Originally, Xiaolong didn’t move much to avoid consumption when he couldn’t catch the prey, but now many dragons are When I was free, I began to draw, depicting all kinds of things and creating my own 'art'...

They are not totally dependent on tree life. Tucker still leads the ethnic group to hunt. They have more time to think about them. They can get prey more efficiently. When they are hunting, they are not as anxious as before. Instead, they slowly arrange tactics. Tucker There is also a very creative 'talent'. It has been found in the drawing that the sharp stones are tied to the branches with vines, which can enhance the power. In this way, they have new ... weapons.

Seems to be the first to mention the word 'weapons'? It seems that not only the dragon found something new.

The huge dragon perch is also provided for the safe protection of the Tuckers.

“Hey!” Tucker and the ethnic group are now running at high speed in the grass, behind them, chasing a huge carnivorous dragon, called the dragon, which emits sound waves on the nose. Ability, even if the dragon is hiding in the haystack, it is difficult to escape its tracking.

But when Tucker had escaped to the edge of the grass, with the scream of Tucker, it and some of the members of the back immediately dispersed, attracting its attention with the stone cymbal, and some members were young. Climb up the tree.

When they saw that the members had climbed high enough, Tucker also turned around and climbed back to the tree, leaving only the sound dragon yelling under the tree...

After this, Tucker began to build shacks on the trees, so that they are more convenient to take care of the trees.

Nine Dragons finally reached a complete symbiotic relationship with Longqimu. Next, the trees should respond according to their habits. There are many branches on the dragon's perch, which are especially for Malong. The 'long' out of the nest.

I don't know what to do with this dragon for the dragon. Now the dragons celebrate and dance in the trees, not only for them to escape from the sound of the dragon, but also because they have captured many prey with new weapons and computing power, but for... Lin.

Xiaolong’s intelligence, let them know that they can have a present life, and Lin has an inseparable connection, dancing for the pompoms in the sky, and putting the best meat under the pompoms, this is their The way to 'reward'. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ He Sky ~ Yahan ~ fat muddy ~ empty bag ~ monthly ticket ~

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