4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 50: Plague and war

The island of fungi, 300 meters underground.

It’s like... another world.

Lin’s predator for excavation took several days and nights to arrive. When I first arrived at this place, Lin discovered that the island was so simple.

This is a vast underground space. The hyphaes shimmering with stars are covered with cave walls and ground. Some thick hyphae gather like pipes to form a huge mushroom of up to five meters. It is underground. It's all like this. These mushrooms have one every few meters, but they have nothing to do with the fungus.

There is only one function of this structure - the concentration of nutrients, the mushroom can compress the nutrients transmitted by the hyphae, and finally make a dehydrated hardened structure, which can be called 'bacteria'.

But Lin seems to have come too late. The predators are looking for them in the ground and found that most of the mushrooms are empty and only one is still working.

These fungi are indeed consciously fighting Lin, they secretly put all the nutrients on the surface, all the fungus monsters are dissolved, and then transported to the depths of the earth to compress into 'bacteria', and finally, these bacteria are transported away.

Lynn has discovered how they are transported away. In this underground cavern, there are some twisted passages that lead directly to the sea, and among these passages, there are traces of some creatures.

This trace...like some traces of large arthropods, some like a marine, something like a trilobite creature...

So, the plague fungus transports part of the nutrients back to such a deep underground, and then transports them off with a marine arthropod? Because this place is very deep. So did Lin not notice? These marine arthropods must also be infected.

Obviously. The plague fungus wants to escape. To this end, it sacrifices a large amount of nutrients to make the illusion of self-dissolving, so that the remaining nutrients have the opportunity to be shipped out of the island.

Obvious manifestation of wisdom, isn't it?

Lin began to see that these fungi reactions are very slow. In fact, this is not the case. They have been trying to deal with Lin. They control a certain intellectually high creature and it is absolutely not wrong...

However, if you escape from here, there are other fungal islands nearby, because infected aquatic organisms cannot eat in the water. Otherwise it will kill the fungus in the body, plus the fungus will make the creature itself very fragile, they can't swim far.

Lin immediately launched a comprehensive search, releasing a large number of flying people in Bechymos in the center of the fungus island to investigate the nearby waters...

It should be found without flying too far.

Speaking of it, Monte II has been kept in the body of Behim Moss. Lynn tried to communicate with it. Lin found that it is often not willing to communicate, its 'character' and brainworms and Inca. There is a big gap, and it often has emotions like anger or fear. It seems that it is difficult to reach a friendly relationship with it.

If you kill it, the Aztec bug is completely extinct. So still keep it first.

In addition, Lin found that Chibbuga is a very interesting creature. Lin uses other common kinds of fungi to feed them and finds that they can digest some fungi other than plague fungi. Therefore, Lin grabbed a group of Chibbugs and tried them. Feeding them other fungi changes their habits.

The pilots who went out to explore the surrounding waters soon responded. One of the planes found an island seven kilometers west of the fungus island. The island is round and about one kilometer in diameter. The entire island is covered by fungi... ...

No, not only the fungus, the flying man approached the island for a while and found that the islands were covered with sacs such as fungus gems everywhere. This is called 'bacteria sac', plague fungus directly Put them on the ground! And there are a lot of fungus monsters that have woke up, they are gathering at the edge of the island, seemingly ready to look like.

After the first flightr discovered the island, there was another second, and the third flight found the island. The basic islands were all in the west of the fungal island, and all were round islands of similar size.

The structure above is exactly the same, a lot of ‘species sacs,’ and some fungus geeks that have woke up.

There are five of these islands, so Lynn calls them the ‘plague five islands’.

Except for the 'plague five islands', there are no islands in the nearby seas. Lin sees the trilobite-like marine arthropods on the beaches of several of them. Obviously they are the nutrients found before Lin. biological.

It turns out that they have transported all the nutrients to these five islands in order to create more fungus monsters. Are you going to fight back?

Indeed, the plague fungus has this idea. The pilots found many large marine limbs on the beaches of the plague Wudao. They can be used as 'transport boats', and the island's fungus monsters are also going to these 'transporters'. 'Beside the gathering.

Plague fungus... is preparing for a war.

This fungus blame seems to be as fragile as it was before Lin. Their appearance is not a cystous fungus, but a hardened shell, and there are many large creatures. Even Lin has seen a lot. Flying dragon.

Lin can basically be convinced that the extinction of the dragon is the plague fungus.

The pilots can't get too close to the island, but Lynn believes that on one of the five islands, there is an infected high intelligence creature that is commanding the war...

Now, there is only one target for the accumulation of these fungus monsters - counterattack on the fungal island occupied by Lynn.

They have quite a lot of troops, although the five islands add up to no fungal islands, but because of the large-scale self-dissolution before, Lin did not get a lot of nutrients. It can be said that there are fewer troops on the island than plague fungi.

But... this is really interesting.

Observing Tuck's development and life is of course interesting, but the war is also very exciting for Lin.

Let them come! Lin will be ready to show the latest masterpiece to the creature named Plague! Then, as if it were ruined, destroy all the cells that are not left in one cell!

For Lin, creation and destruction have the same pleasure.

The army of fungi is gathering, and Lynn has begun to combine her own troops.

Lin's phage occupies many places on the island. Now, Lin has transformed this large group of 'Slim' into a large number of bases, using the nutrient production units obtained here, and some of the nutrients are made into large green. The carpet tree, Lin wants these trees to grow rapidly throughout the island, constantly absorbing the sun's light as a supplement to the follow-up nutrients.

As for the core combat troops... What is it good to make? In what way is it attacked? flame? Claw? A miniature and crazy multi-cell army?

Anyway, it will be very interesting...

Between several days and nights, Lin is rapidly using existing nutrients to build bases and troops. The pilots are simultaneously monitoring the movements of the plague five islands. The army of plague fungi is constantly 'waking up'. It appeared and then climbed to an aquatic creature on the coast waiting to be dispatched.

They are indeed intensified, no longer as hyphae and cyst-expanding structures as they used to be. They now look like a layer of ankle-like shell that should be hardened by fungi. There are many large marine creatures in the reptiles and arthropods. They are used for transportation. When they come out, they rush into the water and then let a lot of land troops ride on their backs.

These transporting creatures with fungus geeks will swim to one of the islands. These aquatic creatures seem to have completely sealed the body and do not enter the water, relying on some hole-like structures on the back to breathe or eat.

The preparation speeds of both sides are similar. When more and more fungus geeks gather at sea, Lin’s troops also appear on the west side of the island. On the beach, Lin gathers the troops and has a steady stream of troops. Continue to be produced.

The preparations lasted for three days and nights, and there were no quails on the five islands of the plague. They almost all awakened and became part of the plague army.

It is estimated that their number may be more than 100,000, because the aircraft only fly around, so the actual number of them should be much more than this.

Lin believes that these creatures should be basically creatures on or near the islands. As long as these creatures have ashore habits, they may be infected.

And the five islands, the fungus island that Lin and Lin now occupy, should be the 'base camp' of the plague fungus. Otherwise, there will not be so many troops, they will not want to recapture the island... or they do not want to recapture Just thinking that Lin is a huge threat?

After the assembly, all the sea creatures carrying fungi began to line up. They lined up line by line and looked very neat. Some large species were formerly forwards, and there were many small species around them, flying in the air. Many fungus monsters.

Lin can sneak up on the sea, but it seems that the land war is more interesting. Observing the army structure of the fungus, Lin found that they almost participated in the war and there were no left-behind troops. Therefore, three troops were prepared here. The island beach is used for defense, and the other two are going to sneak into the 'plague five islands' to see if they can find the infected intelligent creature.

Lin believes that this intelligent creature may be the 'brain' after the infection of a certain type of division. If it is not found, the two units will be attacked behind. Anyway, the army's words are solved, and it is useless to have a brain.

Anyway, it seems that this should be an interesting war... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ 瞌觉兴国~'s reward~

Thank you ~11101531724~watglthhml~ monthly ticket~

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