On the west coast of the island of fungi, small waves slap white sandy beaches, and small arthropods crawl in the sand. Under the clear skies of the sun, everything looks so calm and peaceful...

However, this silence will soon be shrouded in plague.

Above the sea level far from the beach, a purple dot suddenly appeared.

This small point is constantly increasing, one, two, three... thirty...three thousand. After a while, they are as dense as ant colonies, and thousands of plagues have appeared in this area. Above, head straight to the island.

At the forefront of the army of plague fungi is a creature that rides on many large fungus monsters. Lin calls it the 'filtering giant beast', a large arthropod with a body length of more than fifteen meters, such as trilobites. In this era of plankton surging, there are many filter-type limbs like the giant beasts on the sea, but because of their habit of laying eggs on the shore, they are now captives of plague fungi, filtering the behemoths. Now use the heavy carapace on the back to carry troops for the plague army.

However, Lin also has new arms. On the white sand beach, a sand dune slowly rises. When the sand dunes reach a hill like a hill, they begin to collapse and spread. Among them, Lin’s first defensive unit appeared.

This is the largest turret ever built by Lin. The barrel of the ground is 13 meters long. The diameter of the barrel is about one meter. It is underground and has a huge muscle structure such as plant roots. It is useful at the roots. Combined with a powerful hydraulic muscle system to launch a bomb, the structure of the launch combines into a tough, cruel-like structure with extremely strong toughness. Even if it is fired many times, it will not damage the muscles. There is also a gun in the barrel. The layer mimics the high temperature resistant shell of the purgatory worm.

The underground bombing chamber has been built with a large number of explosives, connected to the gun by a pipe. This large turret can shoot many large explosives at a speed of several hundred meters per second for dozens of kilometers, actually here. Lin can hit the five islands.

But wait for them to come and play more interesting.

This gun should have a good name, but now the army of the plague is approaching, so Lin wants one, just like it, it is called ‘the river cannon’!

The Styx cannon has been aimed at one of the quarantine army's filter giants, and the bombs are quickly introduced into the barrel from the underground pipeline, because the Styx cannon has no eyes. Lin will lock the direction through the airborne, then...

‘Hey! ! ! ’

At the moment when the cannon was launched, the surrounding beaches shook abruptly. The bombs containing the dissolved liquid passed through the air at super high speed, and instantly hit the heel of the filter giant beast covered with fungus.

'boom--! ‘And another loud noise, the solution and shock waves burst on the carapace of the filter giant beast. The fungus on the back of the fungus has not been blown up into pieces, and some of the distance is also shocked into the water, the power of the bomb even blasts on the thick shell of the beast. A large hole, the crack spread along the hole, the giant beast sent a low embarrassment and sank into the ocean.

Fungi are fearless... This view is actually wrong, but the way plague fungi express fear is not the same. Under the blow of the giant cannon, Lin has already felt... even the plague will be afraid! Their swimming speed is significantly slower after that.

The shelling effect is good, but this is only the first hit. Lin has prepared quite a variety of ammunition to deal with any type of opponent. Next... try to wear armor.

The underground ammunition chamber delivers another type of bomb to the barrel. This is a bit-type bomb that is specially made by Lin. It does not explode itself, but the outer shell has a special jet structure that allows the whole body to rotate, with a sharp head running through the target.

The Styx cannon aimed at the other filter giant beast. Under the roaring cannon, the armor-piercing projectile flew out at a higher speed. The high-speed warhead hits the head of the filter giant beast. The rotating warhead drills the compound eye of the giant animal exposed to the water, rotates in the brain covered by the fungus, and continues to move forward without stopping. It smashed the body of the behemoth all the way, twisting the internal organs, blood, and everything inside into a mass of meat paste, and finally smashed a hole in the tail and rushed out.

Unable to continue to control the body of the filter giant beast stopped swimming, stopped on the surface of the sea, the damage caused by the sea water from the warhead constantly infiltrated, killing a lot of fungi in the body, the beast also slowly sinking into the sea.

This armor-piercing projectile also has a special ability to shoot through the enemy and lose its power before it can rotate and move for the second time!

The armor-piercing projectile in flight quickly turned a corner and rushed in the direction of the other nearby ocean filter beast. It became faster and faster by continuously rotating the jet, and accelerated the jet at the moment of approaching the target. Instantly pierced two fungus monsters on the back of the beast...

This feeling is like drilling dead wood, and countless flesh and fungus crumbs are spinning around the warhead.

At this time, the armor-piercing projectile was again slammed into the sky, and gravity was used as an acceleration means to rush down. The armor-piercing projectile itself had eyes and looked closer and closer to the target. It detonated the tail of the **, and the explosive force suddenly exploded. Speed, once again penetrated a larger fungus monster.

At this time, the armor-piercing projectile also hit the carapace of the filter giant beast, and the carapace broke out some cracks, but this time the final impact made the armor of the armor-piercing project unbearable and crashed into pieces, and its use ended. ...?

No, the fragmented armor-piercing projectile is loaded with a miniature multi-cell weapon that climbs into the cracks on the shell of the filter giant beast and begins to attack the fungus that filters the giant beasts and grows.

But in the end, this speed is very slow, and it is not very effective in actual combat.

The two-headed ocean beasts have sunk into the deep sea, but this is only a slight loss for the plague army. More of the funeral monsters on the sea speed up, it seems that the fungus turns fear into anger.

The plague army seems to have no end, but Lynn’s ‘the river cannon’ can have more than one.

‘Boom...’ With the rumbling sounds, the entire beach began to shake slowly, and hundreds of sand dunes rose at the same time. In the gravel, huge gun barrels were displayed in front of the plague army.

Now, let's feel the real art!

With the violent bombardment, it seems that the gravel of the entire beach has been shaken up to the sky... ((qidian.) Your support is my greatest motivation. m.qidian. Read.)


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