4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 52: Fungus... head?

'boom--! ’

The sound of bursting sounded on the ocean, and at the moment of the launch of hundreds of Styx guns, the sea level was smashed like a tsunami, and the endless waves scattered in the air with the explosion, waiting for this wave to re-emerge. When they fell back to the surface, dozens of filter giants and fungus monsters on their backs had sunk into the deep sea in the impact of the burst.

The army of the plague has clearly been beaten by Lynn. Under such a heavy casualty, Lin does not even feel the anger of the plague fungus without feeling organs... They do have emotions.

There are not many other foreign giants in the filter. The density of this large-scale living life is definitely scattered. Lin does not know how to get so many filter giants in the plague fungus, but it must have taken a long and long time. time……

And now, they will be destroyed under Lin's bomb!

‘Hey! ’

Once again, the Styx cannons volleyed, and hundreds of bombs slid across the surface of the sea. The roaring sound of the roaring splattered again and again, and there was nothing left on the sea...

……and many more.

Under the sprinkling of the waves, there are numerous small units that are densely packed. This is a fish that is about two meters long. Because of the thick fins that like to climb to the ground, they are also infected by fungi. In the previous bombardment, the filter giant beast has been lost, but this is only the first force of the plague fungus. Is it the fish that is behind it?

This kind of fish can only carry one small and medium fungus monster, but the number of them is quite large... it is like rain.

‘Hey! ’

Hundreds of bombs exploded above the dense fish, and countless flesh and pieces were suddenly blown up, but more survived with the advantage of quantity and speed. The speed of this fish can reach More than 20 meters, now they are close to the coast one kilometer away from the beach. The fungus geeks on the fish have issued a strange squeak of resounding waters, just like the anger of the plague.

Looking at the nearby fish, 30 of the Styx cannons raised the gun and fired 30 special bombs into the air.

These bombs landed in front of the school with a flying line. When they burst open, a large amount of liquid spreads out from the inside, and the entire surface of the sea is dyed with a strange color.

On top of this layer of color, suddenly a little light illuminates... Around this, a raging flame ignited, and they instantly burned along with the color of the water, forming a fire wall blocking the fish. before.

Face the flames. The fish did not stop. At the moment they passed the fire wall, the fungus on the back was infected with the flame of the whole body. The fish under the water also began to deteriorate due to the high temperature, and the structure was damaged. Fungi also have an effect on fish. Eventually the two sides died together and sank into the sea...

Although countless fish swarmed into the wall of fire, but after the fire wall, no fish can rush out.

Lynn thinks that the fungus can't control the troops perfectly, but it's also very convenient to destroy them... What is it?

When Lin noticed the sea of ​​fire on the surface of the water, the sky suddenly appeared in the cloudless sky, and the seemingly purple clouds swayed above the blue sky. And getting closer and closer to the ground.

The plague of the cloud, it is so called, it is actually a large number of dust and small flying joints of the aggregate.

Along the Styx cannon, a large number of small turrets rose from the sand, and they simultaneously aimed at the purple clouds in the sky.


Numerous spikes slanted out of the turret. They were like storms rising from the ground. Sharp spurs rushed into the plague cloud, and the sound of the carapace being penetrated and torn was also heard. After a while, a large number of arthropod wrecks accompanied the dust from the air on the beach.

These dusts quickly absorb the debris of the arthropods and begin to grow rapidly. They have infested numerous myceliums to climb to the nearest fort and the Styx cannons. Some even try to grow mushroom shapes. These mushrooms are constantly appearing when they appear. The ground expands and then explodes to sprinkle more dust.

The shells of the Styx cannons and the fort of the fort have been treated as 'buffing'. There were almost no protrusions or gaps on it, and the dust and the limbs could not stick to it, but they spread a lot from the surrounding beaches, and some hyphae had climbed onto the turret.

But at this time. A blue colloidal mucus oozes out of the sand, which rapidly spreads, enveloping the mycelium and arthropods on the ground, and the tiny micro-arms contained in the mucus begin to decompose the bacteria. Silk, they are like phagosomes that tear the hyphae into pieces.

Lin has already made all kinds of preparations. The air attack of the plague fungus only gives Lin a nutrient. The shredded hyphae and the limbs are transported to the ground. These nutrients can make more bombs. Counterattack.

The flames on the surface of the sea have slowly become smaller at this time. The fish of the plague fungus are still rushing into the fire. The number of them is quite large, and the Styx cannons lift the barrel again and go to the fire. Thousands of incendiary bombs were fired, and the flames of the flames became much more intense than before.

As long as she wants to think, she can let this piece of sea burn for several days and nights, and always isolate the plague fungus.

However, the plague fungus does not want to be isolated. In the sky above the sea of ​​fire, some huge figures appeared. They spread their wings in the air, and opened their mouths to spray a huge amount of purple dust on the burning flame. Under the dust, The flame slowly disappeared.

Those are flying dragons, about ten meters long, not too big, but the number is quite large, there are dozens of hovering above the flames to do the fire fighting work.

In the next second, the Styx guns have fired hundreds of bombs on this group of dragons. The dragons slammed their wings and tried to escape when they saw the guns, but most of them were hit by bombs, but they were roaring. After the sound, Lin actually found that there was no damage in the place where the dragons were blown.

Some of the dragons fell into the sea because the wings of the wings were blown up, but most of them were almost safe.

This is really strange. Can their armor be as hard as the dragon found in the cave underground cave? If there is, it can indeed resist the impact bomb.

Lin believes that such a strong shell can only be found in certain places, such as the crater, but the carapace of this group of dragons is purple, and it seems to be made of fungi. It should not have such defense.

Forget it, no matter how much, and then slowly study it later, Lin asked several Thousand River cannons to load armor-piercing ammunition, and once again aimed at these purple dragons.

‘Hey! ’

The loud sound of the shelling rang through the sky, and the sharp rotating warhead shot quickly. The body of several dragons was pierced through. The rotating force smashed their internal organs, but the body of the armor-piercing bullet was also damaged after shooting through the dragon. The cracks are broken and cannot be used anymore.

The hardness of this armor is really special, but the armor-piercing projectile is still open, but in order to make it easier to drill, Lin may have to prepare some special 'dissolve armor-piercing bullets'. The tip of the bullet has small holes and can be rotated. At the same time, a large amount of dissolved solution is released.

‘Hey! 'It was a loud noise, but this time, it was not issued by Lin. There was already a flame in the burning sea off the dragon. The sound of the sound caused a lot of water splashing here. I saw a diameter of about three meters. The large sphere flew out of the water and flew in the direction of the beach.

A Styx cannon immediately fired a bomb at the ball. At the moment they collided, a purple mist mixed with the dissolved liquid sprinkled on the surrounding sea.

‘Hey, hey, hey! Then, three sounds rang at the same time, and three such **** were again flying underwater, but they were shot down by the cannons on the way.

Does the fungus hide any kind of artillery that is under water? They should not be able to open any mouth under water. If it causes water, the seawater will kill the fungus in the organism.


Suddenly, on the surface of the water that shot the sphere, suddenly a lot of bubbles began to pop up as if boiling, as if something was floating.

The next moment, along with the constant shaking of the sea, the water surface suddenly burst into a huge one when the earthquake was most intense... What is this?

Lin looked at the thing very much like a... the head of a creature. It had three holes in its 'face'. It looked like it had two eyes and one mouth, but it was just empty, and there was nothing in it.

This 'head' is more than seven meters high, quite huge, like a creature standing on the bottom of the sea, and then sticking his head out of the water, the surface of the whole head is covered with a layer of hardened fungus, I don't know. What is the structure inside?

It seems to have been hidden in the sea for a long time, probably hidden in the deep bottom of the sea, because Lynn also searched on the seabed, but found nothing, infected sea creatures are concentrated on the water on the edge of the island.

This is wonderful, the fungus actually hides this thing in the sea...

"Oh..." The head on the sea suddenly made a strange sound. The three holes on his face suddenly widened a lot, and then suddenly burst into the air and burst out three big water columns!

The water column swept across the sea and rushed to the beach, directly hitting a Styx cannon on the beach.

Linton felt that the shell of this giant cannon was corroded by strong dissolved liquid. A huge amount of needle-like objects penetrated into the body of the cannon and penetrated the cells inside. Because the cannon was completely flooded by this solution, it was It is difficult for immunized people to compete against such a large number of opponents.

Not only that, even the sea and the beach that the water sprayed from the head of the sea touched now have a lot of hyphae, which grow several times faster than the common plague fungus! (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ the migratory bird ~ the monthly ticket ~

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