4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 53: Body in the sea

'The head of the plague', Lin called the 'head' exposed on the sea, it seems to be a liquid containing a large amount of dissolved liquid, and this solution is very special, for most shells Extremely high damage, but it is a nutrient solution for plague fungi, which constantly absorbs these liquids and continues to soar, the growing hyphae have completely occupied the hit the Styx cannon, and They also spread to the bottom of the ground along the barrel passage under the cannon.

But in the underground muscle structure and bomb chambers, a large number of immunizers have been prepared to resist the invasion of fungi from top to bottom, and their number is enough to counter these hyphae and even kill them back.

The plague had a large number of hyphae on the route that had just been sprayed, but those that grew on the sea soon died, and the beach was still madly proliferating until it was used by Lin’s mucus. Drowning.

Lynn is curious about the head of the plague on the sea. It doesn't look like any controlled creature, but rather a pure fungal structure, but in that case it is unlikely to move on its own.

"Oh..." The head of the plague sent a low-pitched sound, which was like a precursor to the jet, and it seemed ready to launch the next attack.

'boom! But before that, dozens of bombs hit the head one after another, and the impact of the burst sparked a burst of purple smoke, covering the head of the plague.

Lin looked puzzled at the purple smoke. Suddenly, a loud noise came from the smoke, and a water column sprayed again, hitting the second Styx cannon on the beach. A large amount of hyphae and lysate instantly disintegrate it.

After the smoke has dispersed. I saw that the ‘face’ at the head of the plague had been blown up by more than half of the previous bombs. But its mouth-like mouth was not damaged. The bombs were just hit on the top, but the lower half should also be affected. It seems that the lower part is harder.

'咕...' The plague’s head once again whispered, and with its howling, the dragons around the sea of ​​fire suddenly rushed toward the beach, and the group of dragons seemed to be like fog. The flying fungus blame, probably the number of them is hundreds of thousands.


The sound of the shelling sounded again. The turrets around it will pour into the dense fog of the fungus like a stormy spur.

Under the storm. There are countless fungus grotesques on the sea every second, and these bone spurs will make a squeaking sound on the dragon, and there is no armor that can penetrate them.

The dragons rushed toward the beach with angry screams, but under a sudden bang, a large hole appeared in the chest of the first few flying dragons, and the abdomen was almost smashed, and it suddenly fell. It fell on the surface of the sea and sank into the sea.

Sure enough, the dragon must still use the cannon, but the cannon is mainly used to deal with the plague.

The dragons did not fly all over. Many of them were in front of the head of the plague, as if they wanted to intercept the shelling. But there is no way to spray water at the head of such a plague, or if it has been sprayed before, it is now intended to be replenished.

It must be blasted before that, and Lin prepared another bomb, called the ‘Wandering Bomb’.

‘Hey! After the shooting of the Styx cannon, the speed of these bombs was not as fast as they were. They flew straight through the air, and the flying dragons immediately stopped in front of the bomb, resisting the hardest part of the body. This shelling.

But the bombs fell into the water before they hit them. The cracked bombs released hundreds of small arms, which are only about ten centimeters long and are a kind of melting water that can swim in the water. They can not only move in the water in the form of a land shark, but also on the land. These large numbers of troops are released in the direction of the head of the plague.

Wait... what the **** is this...

The melters under the sea saw the body of the plague under the surface of the water. It really was like Lin’s thought, and there was a huge body under the water. The head of the plague was indeed out of the water. One of the heads, and its underwater body, if it is included in the head of the water, it has a height of more than 50 meters, this huge body is enough to stand on the seabed, the biological upper body There are no long limbs, only the lower body has two huge legs for standing, which is estimated to be used for movement.

The creature is covered with a layer of purple ‘skin’, which has a lot of lines along it, like hyphae, which should be composed of hardened fungi.

What kind of creature is this 'the head of the plague'? Seeing that its form is quite abnormal, it is not suitable for hunting or doing anything else. This creature is not like an ordinary infected species.

It feels like...deliberately created, like a specialized combat unit of a division of labor.

But is there a plague fungus? They can only form at most some mushrooms that can explode, because the structure of plague fungi is quite simple, which is one of the reasons why they can grow so fast.

Do they form a complex structure? Or maybe... Is this 'the first plague' synthesized with the skeleton of ordinary creatures and the carapace? Or is it a combination of many large creatures? Then put a layer of 'fungi skin' on the outer layer?

This seems a bit possible, but it is quite difficult. If something goes wrong, it will cause the whole body to collapse.

But if there are no mistakes... that is really a masterpiece.

"Oh..." The head of the plague suddenly made a low voice, and its legs began to move slowly. Lynn felt that such a large body was very easy to fall with only two feet. If it was not estimated in the water, it would not stand. stand up.

If it is really synthetic, it should be synthesized on land and then pushed into the water.

The head of the plague seems to understand that it is easy to fall. It moves very slowly and slowly retreats. The position of the seabed behind it is lower, and its half-filled head slowly enters. In the water.

It seems that at the time when it was blocked by the dragon, it repaired the wound on the head, and it seems that it is afraid of seawater infiltration.

In this case, let it be thoroughly oozing!

The melters rushed in the direction of the head of the plague. They swam over the head of the plague that was blown up to half of the head and began to release a large amount of dissolved liquid to break down its outer shell.

The infiltration of seawater caused the fungus inside to start to die, and the melters also swam along the wound. Lin wanted to see what the structure inside was.

‘咔...’ After the melters almost got into it, suddenly Lynn heard a strange voice. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ empty bag ~ monthly ticket ~

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